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Alrighty, I've prepared the Form of the upcoming Project, if you want to copy and paste it onto a Notepad/Wordpad or any text program for the time being, the Project is not ready yet, so please refrain from messaging me for now d; Form is at the bottom.

Some additional Information: 

1. Employee Name: This will be the name of YOUR Employee, just a simple name or nickname can be used such as: "Ratcatcher", "R Perry", "Red Hot" or any goofy nicknames, these Employees you create will have a chance to be in the "Hall of Famous Employees" type of thing if they successfully Uncover a mystery the Subject wanted solved.
Don't get too attached to your Employees, because the Subject may find offense from something they said without knowing, and they will probably be slain, basically your Employees are expendable.

2.Employee: This can be Human Male, Human Female, Elf Male, Human Futanari, Cat Anthro, Fox Anthro, Gray Alien Etc. mainly for lewd purposes, this is entirely up to you, the Employer hiring these Employees :)

3.Chosen Subject: The Subject your Employee has chosen to see/Interview.

4.Questions: 4 Questions your Employee wants to ask the Subject, they can either be forward or try to uncover their mystery, they want to go straight to "business"? they can, though entering their Containment Cells and doing the "deed" may result in unforseen consequences after, they should enter at their own risks.

5.Test: A "Test" is something that the Employee wishes to test on the Subject ( with their consent of course ) and they can be as follows: Golden Shower, Backdoor play, Submissive roleplay, Dominant roleplay, Oral, Playing death metal into the room, Tickling, Cannibalism, etc. basically what lewd/non-lewd thing your Employee will test on a Subject.

And some additional Info on the Subject's Mystery: The Subjects are here to try to find help solving something they must've done and something that has happened to them, and with the right question, they'll slowly reveal a few clues here and there as to what or who they want, they are also here as lustful visitors to find any raunchy visitors, so ask whatever you desire.

And if you asked the right question, and the Subject revealed a little clue, the next Employee who wants to Interview that same Subject will know of the Clue YOU uncovered, so it's going to get tense waiting for YOUR turn, but don't fret; other Employees might want somebody else.

  >What's the Reward for Solving the Subjects' Mysteries? Well, the Subject will pledge her love to that Employee and leave with them, and the Employee will get to leave alive and have their name written on the Hall of Famous Employees. ( They will also become owners of that Subject AKA Adoptable/OC Ownership )

( Employee Form below this )

Employee Form

Employee Name:

( Your name will be added to a list of Accomplished Sleuths that successfully uncover the Subject's secret "unfinished business" should you survive that is )


Chosen Subject:

Question 1:

Question 2:

Question 3:

Question 4:


( Action to be tested on Subject, with their Consent of course, if any unforseen tragedy occurs, NEST is not responsible for any deaths as a result from these "Tests" proceed with interaction with caution )


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