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Greetings, loves!

As I mentioned on a previous post, I had the idea to do an event focused on cosplays and OCs. 

I still have a couple of ideas for new pandas, but after that I want to focus on this new project.

And taking as model the previous one I did, I will be recycling the format and some rules while changing a couple others. 

For instance:

 - It will only feature 20 prompts this time around. I want it to be shorter and see how it works.

 - It will only feature OCs preferably.  A maximum of 2 submitted per participant. 

 - The pieces themselves will only feature one character portraying the theme of the prompt they get paired up with.

 - And just like the previous event, turns will be assigned in which you can either pick a prompt or a character to be on the next piece while I choose the theme or character to go along with randomly from the available ones. 

Then again, we still need to know what the cosplay theme is going to be, and for that I want to ask you for some ideas. 

I have a couple that I already mentioned not too long ago, and they can work, but I want to know if you have other ideas in mind before making and official poll.

Do let me know what you think! 

If there are questions about the rules or anything related to the event, please, ask away!

And please, do send me all your suggestions for the theme of the event!



Colonel Arbuckle

I'd like to suggest "Star Trek characters" as the theme. Can't wait to see this event and what you create, Rasps!


Gotta try maybe Marvel or DC like superhero theme