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Greetings, loves!

I want to talk to you about something that I have been dwelling on for some time now.
You see, I have been thinking about making some changes on my Patreon Tiers.
It's been a couple of years and I feel like I haven't touch them in a while and the rewards feel a bit out of place and maybe even unbalanced.

For this reason I want to make some changes specifically focusing on the price, perks and amount of tiers. This, of course, doesn't mean that I will change everything. Just that I'm trying to find options for this criteria and see what can be improved in some or all of them, offering you the best out of them as well, which is always my top priority.

But fear not, this will still take some time, NOTHING will change without you knowing in advance. I'm thinking about applying them starting next year, perhaps. 

That being said, I already have a couple of ideas in mind, but I would like to know what you think about it all first.
Please, share your thoughts, ideas, suggestions and anything you can spare for me to come up with the best possible options. Your constant support has always been the best treat of them all and I cannot thank you enough for it.

It has been a while since I started this personal project of mine and I would like to hear back from you. Every bit of feedback is appreciated and it would really help me out a lot to reach the best course of action to follow. I'd rather take everyone's thoughts into consideration before settling on a final decision on the matter.

Allow me to share some examples: Is there something you'd like to see as a new type of perk? New tiers? More events? If so, should they be short or long? Do you like seeing the whole process or do you prefer to see only the final product? Or maybe have all the steps in one single post? Is there something that other content creators do that you'd like to see from me?
These and many other questions, doubts and suggestions that you wish to address, please, I want to know your thoughts!
I am well aware that I might not be able to just include everything or change too many things, but I do want to give it a try and with you help, I'm sure I can come up with something new and appealing!

Feel free to let me know what you think commenting on this post or contacting me directly through a private message here, on Twitter or Discord.
I will keep on gathering ideas and when I think it is adequate, I shall keep you posted about how things are turning out and what the final decision is when I get there.
Once again, everything in advance before applying any actual change.

Thank you so much for your time, attention and, of course, constant support!
I wait to hear from you whenever you are ready! =3



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