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Greetings, loves.

I had hoped to come to you with better news. I prefer to not go into much detail about it. Let's just say that sometimes life gives you a warning sign. It tells you that the road ahead it's dangerous.

Maybe it is for your own safety, maybe it is telling you that you are not ready to face certain curves. You might need to be better equipped for that and you are being too hasty.

Or maybe you are perfectly capable of embracing that road and it is just bad luck. Misfortune placed upon you by factors outside of your control. New obstacles one didn't prepared for.

Whichever the reason might be, the fact remains that being held back by it has brought me an overwhelming amount of sadness.
It is one of those difficult situations that unfortunately won't go away any time soon.

So, being aware of that, there is not much to do about it than try to push the feeling as far away as one can and start planning ahead, even if you have the uncomfortable reminder as that annoying travel companion for the ride.

It might take longer and the wait might feel eternal...but the other overwhelming fact is that no matter what, as long as the goal is set, one WILL reach their destination. After all, this is just one road, and I have chosen my goal. And you can be sure that I will make it there.
"Two stubborn people are better (or worse xD) than one."

But I digress, my apologies, I just needed to let that out of my chest. ^^"

Of course, if there is any one to blame about this, all of you are far from even being considered suspects. :p

So, I wanted to tell you that staring today, I am back and will continue to work on what I left of along side a couple of new ideas I got planned!

Naturally, I will finished my BB pieces, but I also want to let you know that I will be opening commissions!
I will make a separate post with all the information about it, but I wanted to let you all know from now to see if anyone is interested. ^^

Do let me know what you think!
And as always, thank you so much for your understanding, patience and constant support!
The comment section and my DMs are open for any doubts, questions, suggestions and more if you have any!

Thank you again!


Colonel Arbuckle

I don't know exactly what's going on in your life, Rasps, but it sounds like you're going through a rough patch and I'm sorry to hear that. I'll be praying for you. 💙 I might be interested in a commission if you open them up.


I really hope that whatever it was that has been bringing you down will eventually pass you and that you can move on with your life without any stresses or worries. Please stay safe for us and for yourself. <3


Thank you so much, love! I guess sometimes these things happen. But I am already working my way up out of it all! One step at the time!