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Greetings, loves!

So, as you may have noticed, I changed the direction in which Judy is looking.
I had the oddest struggle with them. I just didn't feel comfortable with the first version. I still don't know exactly why... ^^"

So I decided to change it and now I do feel like she might be looking directly at Nick!

Also, festive colors for the box and the ribbons!
And for the present card, I decided to use those names because I thought about how would Judy call herself and Nick given the situation.

I mean to say that "Carrots" is technically the nickname he gave her. Not that it bothers her anymore, but she never really refers to herself as such. And thinking about the playful nature of the event, their names seemed just to formal or serious. So I went back to their last interaction from the movie itself and thought it was fitting! ^^

Do let me know what you think! 
