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Greetings, loves!

I hope you are doing as good as possible celebrating with your loved ones and having a delightful holiday time!

I do not wish to bring you down, but I wanted to inform you about a couple of things that I have been dwelling on recently.

I know that I have been with ups and downs when it comes to the way and frequency with which I share my progress.
You know I am not the fastest when it comes to deliver a certain piece, and the last thing I want is for anyone to be waiting for an update without knowing if it'll ever arrive.

I've been trying to keep posting content as frequently as I can, but the truth is that there has been a situation that has shattered my focus and even though I been trying to hide it and avoid for it to get mix up with matters that shouldn't have a connection... A good friend told me recently that sometimes life just happens and it is unavoidable.

Trust me, the last thing I wish is to bother you in any way or to make you feel like I am not paying forward the support and kindness you have showed me all this time. I do not think there is anyone to blame for this situation, but if there was, it'd definitely never be any of you. For which I apologize if any of this causes you any inconvenience.

I prefer not to give a lot of details out of respect to every party. Suffice to say that, as I mentioned recently, I was going to be handling family matters around this Christmas. Not exactly celebrating since we actually bade farewell to a family member. It wasn't unexpected, but it still hurt, specially around this season.

As you can imagine, I lost my focus and will to draw and went silent for a couple of days. I just didn't know what to say or do at the moment. It was all blurry.
But now I know! Which is why I finally decided to write this! I don't think I could say I'm overjoyed, but I can definitely describe myself as optimistic about the near future!
Be sure that I am trying to move forward and focusing on the good times and gleeful memories! But also, I feel ready to embrace what the new year will bring with my head up high!

I want to draw. Not only to share with all of you what I do or to bring to life your ideas and suggestions, or to get your feedback and try even harder and get better results with every new piece...
I wish to draw, because it makes me happy, I know that no matter what happens, I always will get back to it one way or another; because at this point I just can't stay away from it. I like to think it helps me in more ways that one.

Then again, I might be a bit rusty after being away so long from the canvas...
For which I wanted to request from you to share all of your suggestions, ideas, requests and so on. I mean, I can't promise I'll work on all of them, I know it'll be unwise and a complete mess if I take on more than I can handle, but I do want to keep myself busy with new projects! And I am currently out of ideas...^^"

But please, worry not and do not rush yourselves! These are still times to celebrate! I do not wish to steal your attention all to myself. :p
Be joyous and cheerful as possible! Celebrate what is worth a celebration and know that I am here for you if you ever wish to talk or vent out about anything at all!

When you have time and feel like it, you can send me your comments and ideas through any way and/or social media you prefer!

Thank you so much for always being there, loves! And may you new year be a kind, generous, fruitful and most important of all perhaps, the happiest one so far! :3




Colonel Arbuckle

I'm sorry you've been through such a tough season, Rasps, but I'm glad to hear you're optimistic about the future! I always look forward to seeing new art from you! *hugs*


My condolences go out to you Rasps. I hope your new year turns out a lot better for you and that you can keep doing what you love to do.


Thank you so much, love! It means a lot to me for you to say that! And I wish the best for you in this new year as well! :'3