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Where did we go?
What did we do?
I think we made something
Entirely new!
And it wasn't quite me
And it wasn't quite you
I think it was someone
Entirely new!

Hello, loves! X3

Please, allow me to introduce... STRAWBERRIES!

So, there might be a lot of things to say, but I'll try my best at summarizing them all.

First of all, for the ones that don't recognize it, this is based on the world of Steven Universe. It is a cartoon I am quite fond of. I rewatched it quite recently and I just felt inspired! X3

Secondly, and without going too deep into the lore of the show, fusion exists in this world and the meaning behind it can be attached to a deep emotional connection. Like individuals that trust and deeply understand each other and/or even love each other.

And finally, I decided to use these two characters, because I wanted to embrace the design challenge it implied. And as much as I think Nick and Judy could fuse effortlessly, I thought the challenge AND responsibility was a lot bigger...^^"

That being said, please, do let me know what you think! =3

I have included a couple of images from the original show and a link to the song from the beginning, if you want to see where all came from. ^^

