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We’re joined by Akram Salhab, a Palestinian activist based in Jerusalem, to talk about Gaza, the West Bank, refugees, and more.




Seeing a little too much of r-worded takes in the comment section.


This issue has been fucking me up all week, seeing so many awful awful things being said on my feed and just in casual conversations. I overheard some dickhead at the bar yesterday talking about how “Hamas keeps Palestinians hostage.” Just bullshit lie after bullshit lie, and you know deep down many people don’t believe this shit. It’s just a hall of mirrors to keep people from acknowledging what this really is. Thanks for bringing this very cool guy on, his sanity and pointedness reminded me of what’s most important - the liberation of Palestinians and opposition to colonialism in all its forms.

Alison Buki

This was very good - agree with those asking for it to be made public as there are friends and family i would like to share it with


I can’t help but share this wonderful breakdown of words used to describe the occupation - this is especially important in social media/ news outlets : https://www.instagram.com/reel/Cyk4a9or9nC/?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA%3D%3D