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We take a trip to China to uncover the origins of the Falun Gong, the contradictions between superstition and science, rural ear reading, levitation, and Qigong fever.



Colin Underwood

Would love to hear a Dalai Lama episode. Child Called It. Lots of opportunity here. Also don’t have to listen to us at all, do what you want. Great work

Alex Leo Swenson

did Liz go to a Church of Fun show in LA back in 2013


The Biebers medical problems are plainly from the insane experimental shot that millions of poor suckers took, not a grotesque mega church.

Jessica S

Judah Smith is the pastor associated with Justin Bieber. He has some sort of past with Hillsong, I believe, and the LA church Bieber attended, Churchome. I can’t verify the chain of custody, so to speak, is 100% accurate of where he was leading, bc there’s no Wikipedia article to summarize his existence*, it has to be pieced together from news article and folks, I don’t have it in me, lol. Now he leads a church here in the Seattle area called The City Church. I grew up in a southern baptist church, which is like ultra fire and brimstone, went to a private Christian school from K-12 - the kind that didn’t teach evolution - and attended evangelical churches as a teen/young adult (Foursquare). Thank god none of it stuck, but I lay all that out to say that even in all those circles City Church was considered cuckoo-bananas. Although I think among the evangelically inclined, that’s become more and more popular now that they’ve smeared hipster cred on it. Judah and his wife are currently being sued for alleging forcing people to donate to the church. *ok, this is a weird unrelated thing but I’ve noticed over the last, say, year or so that Wikipedia doesn’t have entries for people that I would absolutely think would have had one, or even did at one point, considering the extent of their notoriety, like Judah. I wonder if they had some change in the way they assess risk of being sued. I mean, I take Wikipedia with a HUGE pile of salt, but still. It’s weird.

Jessica S

Ok, sorry, the Smith’s changed the name from City Church to Churchome. Also, Seattle is like a second location, LA being their first, I think? Seriously, there’s not a singular place - short of bios at churches - that have their CV so it’s easy to get this wrong. Frankly, it’s bizarre to me that City Church doesn’t have a Wikipedia page, I swear I’ve seen one before, because it’s reinvented itself so many times after various “missteps”. Seriously, you should do an episode (ugh, I’m one of those people now) on Judah Smith and/or adjacent church leaders. They leave a lot of crushed souls in their wake. If there’s one thing you don’t do in those types of churches, it’s bringing up any “concerns”. People will be prayin’ for ya for DAYS, which really means tearing your life apart behind your back. It really is a cult mindset in these types of churches. There’s a Marie Claire article from 2021 that I was able to figure out some of the details, it’s quite interesting. Sorry for the long posts/confusing rabbit trails.


Had a qigong massage once (legitimate). There is really something to it. Falun gong may be a scam but that sweet relaxation is not. I challenge the cast of trueanon to get quigong massage

J.P. McD.

My step-mom was big into TM, lived in Fairfield Iowa where the Maharishi “domes” are. When she finally showed us the “hopping”/levitating it was incredibly disappointing, because it was immediately apparent even to a 6th grader that it was just sitting in lotus position and physically hopping with your legs, not “flying” like they say.


When we're all tubgirls, no one is

Usufruct Squad

Anyone have Wayback links for the Time Magazine and Mercury News articles they mentioned?

Mathieu Debic

I think an ep on how weird wikipedia is would be worth doing. I’m not deep into it, but I know there’s lots of editorial pushing and shoving. (My favorite conflict is over the use of the word “pseudoscience” in articles.) I used to tell my high school students that the wikipedia article on, say, trees was likely to be pretty reliable, but they should be more cautious about controversial topics. Although even there I’d imagine there are beefing factions of tree enthusiasts at each other’s throats.


It’s the distance between “I’ve seen someone fly” and “I’ve seen someone scooch hard sitting criss cross applesauce”

J.P. McD.

This made me want TM/Maharishi and a general long “New Age” series so bad


Sick Antichrist reference

Jesse DeStasio

Probably already brought up, but this is the naturally occurring nuclear reactor. It's a real story https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oklo

Colin Underwood

I live pretty close to Fairfield and have been by the Maharishi domes a few times. I always thought it was just some like, rich Hindi built the domes for the hell of it. Only recently learned it’s a cult who thinks they can levitate. Saw in other comments you had personal contact with them, that’s so interesting. I’m tempted to go visit them this summer, it’s like an hour drive

Colin Underwood

Fairfield and it’s citizens have such a weird vibe. So when I learned about this I was like, omg of COURSE. These kooks are over there fucking up the literal vibe. They are distorting the metaphysical reality, and as a result all of the Fairfield residents feel compelled to go to Best Buy and be cruel to employees.

J.P. McD.

It’s a whole thing where the “townies” would call the TM’ers “ru’s” (derivative of “guru”) and they’d have confrontations and such. Have heard similar about non-TM ashrams in India

natfos 💌

they must've had something else then cause that happened to 0 people i know including myself lmao

The Children of Jack Acid

I was at the Tiananmen Square Protests on the very first day. I was 12 years old and was DEFINITELY on the side of the protestors. Though I was pissed that they blocked off the square so I couldn't see Gorbachev's motorcade.