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We talk Power Grid and who keeps turning off the lights and why. Tweakers? Nazi Terrorists? Or perhaps both?




You guys should have the guys from TENE pod on, theyve been following this story for awhile.

Emily M

Y’all should bring Alex Skaggs on again to talk about SVB collapsing


TENE pod is so good. I’m glad I started listening early, because there’s be way too much to catch up on if I started now.

a clash of purple

I would like to hear Brace talk leftism with the TENE boys, since they are anarchists. Honestly I'd like to hear Brace talk more about what the Syrian/Turkish Kurd leftists are like and how they organize things.


^ Alex Skaggs/SVB Also Jemima Pierre for a Haití update. Things are so fucked there


has anyone read "gothic violence" by mike ma? someone on twitter recommended it and all this shit sounds hella familiar cause of it. it fucking sucks just as an entertainment read too if you're wondering.


Do work at the theatre mentioned in the episode from time to time


57:14- 57:46 That isn't an obscure Goddess, it is (likely) Kali from Hinduism. Many of the online nazi-nhilist Right follow French-born Nazi mystic Savitri Devi Mukherji, who was a major figure in the neo-nazi scene up to the 80's and created a syncretic form of Hindu Nazism. One of the concepts in Hindusim is the Yuga system, where the passage of time and chronicling of epochs is divided into four cyclical periods of rebirth and decline; the fourth and final period of the cycle is called the Kali Yuga, where the world is fallen and descended into sin, and there is much strife and warfare ; the Kali Yuga ends cataclysmically, and the cycle begins once again from the first idyllic Yuga of the cycle, the Satya/Krita Yuga, a Golden Age. In modern Hinduism, it is believed that we are in the Kali Yuga, and will be until 428,899 AD. Savitru Devi adapted this concept into Nazi Cosmology, stating that we are in a fallen period of sin brought on by the Jews, and that Hitler was an Avatar of Vishnu that was going to end the Kali Yuga epoch. As silly as this all sounds, apocalyptic Nazi-esotericism is increasingly influential among the Far Right world wide, and these views resonate with groups like the Atomwaffen.


i think liz is right about hawaii. booked a trip with 4 friends


Young Chomsky is on tren??


Sounds like the fbi is letting all this shit happen and most likely stoking it so they can false flag a Russian attack. Remember when the libs were all reporting how Russia could down the grid easily? Who needs them to actually do it when you can just have these psychos do it and then remind the masses that Russia was planning this all along

Tommy York

Nothing truer said than needing a machete to defend yourself from the shadow people (in the walls / ceiling / lurking behind cars outside your house).

Nathaniel Weiner

Is that Eventide Crystals on the mandolin