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We sent out a post I think a few weeks ago saying that we're working on something and so the schedules a bit wonky this month; that maybe the regularity would be a bit irregular, which is to say that it wouldn't exist, although we've tried to make it so. Those are the facts. They remain the facts. But we're almost past those facts onto new ones. I can't say what the new facts are but you will find out next week, and then more---ahh---Nevermind!

I am forbidden from expressing to you anything beyond this, because that would spoil it, and while that might give you a quick tingle of excitement it would soon deflate into a feeling of nothingness (I mean it, this would happen in seconds) and then impatience would roil again. I don't want to roil anybody. I'm trying to be good.

Making a Pod Cast is weird sometimes because you want to do as good a job as possible---you are, after all, speaking to a large number of people, some of whom pay you. It can be daunting! My view is always to try to be as transparent as possible with what we're doing with the show. I am trying to do that without giving it away. This post is what's coming out. 

 Part of doing a show like this (really any show that isn't season based I guess) is that regularity is part of the appeal; people like to listen to a show that comes out the same day each week (or same days, whatever). It becomes part of their routine. I say "people" and "their", words like that but I do this too although I only listen to podcasts meant for 22 year old women at risk of alcohol poisoning so that I may better understand young people. But along with the contents of the show and sometimes the personality of the hosts a big part of podcasts appeal is regularity. I'm doing incisive media analysis here. Regularity does guarantee a larger listener and subscriber base---if you're a budding pod caster this is important to note!---but sometimes circumstances are such that you can't do it.

Anyways, what I'm trying to say is---if you're making something that comes out with a certain regularity but you're working on something that takes what I think they call in the video game industry "crunch times" (I guess I would compare it in my own life to Valentines Day week or Mothers Day at the flower shops I toiled at) then you gotta crunch. This week we are crunching. Actually for several weeks we have been crunching but this week especially so. I have not slept much and we have travelled great distances and slunk in our seats to avoid head lights---We have been in Enemy Territory. We are returned now from Enemy Territory and are engaged in squeezing ourselves into the final stretch in the marathon. Then I will have my revenge. And we also have some good regular episodes coming up very soon. 

Thank you, we love you, we hope you like this thing.




I doan even know what month this is and don’t really care. What your pod has taught me is that life is a drug addled illusion knee deep in shit and we are all gonna die soon anyway. ✌️


As adolph reed jr postulates, we all must dedicate to the long term. You fellow humans making the true anon pod owe us zero apologies. Thank you for changing my whole fucking life for the betterment of it. ❤


Also ty so much Liz for inspiring me to watch S3 the return.


Paddock and the Vegas shooting plz


I am not gay.

Cooper DeMarse

Do people actually want or request episode regularity? Sometimes I think, “Hey, haven’t seen a new TrueAnon ep release in a while. All be darned. They must be doing something special. Can’t wait til whatever it is comes out.” And then just move on with my life.

Colin Underwood

Just gotta acknowledge that Thom Yorke’s new project is called The Smile, and a major motion picture Smile is in theatres. It truly is the year :) we heard it here first

Randy Hendrickson

"something special" ie a 15 part series on an obscure record label no one gives a fuck about. ;-)


sup doods, any chance of some coverage of Ezra Miller and they compound and altar and that they thinks freemasons are coming to kill them https://www.vanityfair.com/hollywood/2022/09/inside-ezra-millers-dark-spiral-messiah-delusions

Dan Davis

Did Thomas from the Pendejo Time pod write this?


I’m listening to Barstool Podcast presents: Pardon My Take. Please help, i need more Tuanon…. I mean Trueanon

Charlie Gonzo

You guys are awesome – oui oui!