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We revisit our old foe, Andrew Tate, to talk through the eternal return of The Red Pill and the geography of the manosphere, while Brace debuts his patent-pending guide to romance: The G.U.N. Method.



Corey Reynolds

Looking for older podcasts is arduous on here.


This is a great episode guys. I think a follow-up is warranted. Enjoyed every second of this convo.


I like how even brace and Liz are cagey about talking about how kids are mainlining hours and hours of porn daily to the brain. What a repressed society lol.


I can’t be the first to say this is Brace’s answer to the D.E.N.N.I.S. Method

J.P. McD.

That 2012-3 rise of feminism included nerd culture stuff like the Penny Arcade dickwolves controversy and Anita Sarkeesian’s Kickstarter which really got the MRAs frothing.


Rectangles. Daily.

Kiel Cone

Most of you freaks voted for Warren. There’s a circle venn diagram overlap between ppl who were going to bat for that grifter and ppl screaming about ‘Bernie Bros’. Same ppl, same tactics, same dubious claims.

J.P. McD.

I was just commenting on the cultural moment dawg. Sarkeesian is fine though, anti-capitalist and definitely not a “Bernie bro” screamer. And no of course I was not and am not a Warren supporter.

J.P. McD.

You’re def correct about that element being present in those circles, but the MRA thing is undeniable as well and their overreaction helped to create the monster that online corporate feminism became.


The GUN method sounds like the premise of Bennys video


more like andrew tit


Which ep is the “season 1” clip from?

Katherine Moss

I keep coming back and listening to this one, again and again.


A celebratory re-listen because we need to win every once in a while.


"Do what Liz says, for legal purposes" would be a good slogan for the pod