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Hello …..we have two additional shows to announce cause da shit came through. 

NEVERMIND WE ARE JUST ANNOUNCING THIS TODAY. There aren’t tickets on sale yet. This is the fault of our manager Markos. anyways there is Also gonna be this show  but 


Heres the link for the BELL HOUSE: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/trueanon-presents-the-year-of-the-smile-tickets-384151406197


Three shows in a row…only in New York….gonna be feelin like shit that night…gimme a bump of that ketamine…just kidding that stuffs for the birds…or should I say for the horses?

On and in case you’re in the pacific North West and wearing flannel and staring mopey at the rain and you’re like fuck ahhhh I wish my favorite podcast would do their hyper terror show at Mississippi Studios not once but TWICE then darling you are in L-U-C-K say that out loud. 

SECOND NIGHT ADDED AT MISSISSIPPI STUDIOS https://www.etix.com/ticket/p/5741521/trueanon-presentsthe-year-of-the-smile-night-2-portland-mississippi-studios

this new ones on 11-22-22. That sounds like an Angel number. just kidding baby doll the only angel numbers the one that goes to your cell phone 

I used to have all those Mississippi records tape comps they’d put out. Everybody wants to go to heaven but nobody wants to die, death might be your Santa Claus, the way up the Hill, Wrong Time to be Right…I always dug those comps cause the titles all sounded like fake book titles you’d read about in a book, I guess. i Hope they still sell them I sold mine for SMACK! but I think one or two are in my storage unit. i love you

Commander Markos

c/o TrueAnon 

Rest of dates for presale — code is BIGSMILE 

Chicago Nov 1 

Philly Nov 3

DC Nov 4 

NY - Bowery Ballroom Nov 6

NY - music hall Williamsburg Nov 7

LA teragram Nov 15

Seattle Neumos Nov 19

Portland Mississippi Studios Nov 21

SF Great American Nov 25




come to arizona. Second best california based YOTS

natfos 💌

ur telling me I gotta stand to watch podcasters talk - feels wrong


I Have extra Williamsburg tix I would like to sell :)

More Human than Human

Come to Alabama lol. Or Denver is fine too I can fly there


No Detroit?

Lettuce Jones

None of my fav podcasts ever come to St. Louis 😔


See y’all in shitty blue sf!!!


Two tickets to Williamsburg available- email me at isabelleroehrig@posteo.net


Bro come to pittsburgh :(

Juliet Rogers

I have a ticket to the Monday, Nov. 7 show in Brooklyn, if anyone would like to swap for a ticket to the Sunday, Nov. 6 show in NYC :) - email jr2577@gmail.com

Kate Whiteway

I have 2 tickets for Bowery Ballroom NY Nov. 6 to sell. katewhiteway@gmail.com