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We talk through the recent mass shooting events in the United States, the rise of schizoposting, hyper psychosis, and drowning in the digital swamp of memetic magick mania.




Enough of the ketamine hate


yo this show just keeps gettin better.


Honestly most of the issues seem to be tied to loneliness in my mind. I grew up in the same place as people like Tarrant and CatBoyKami. Queensland culture especially post 2000s was extremely toxic and aimless. Everyone around you addicted to amphetamines, huge wealth inequality and corruption. These people who Brace says MKUltra'd themselves were just looking for a justification for their sickness.

Daniel Goffe

Only just catching up to this now. I’m sure you got to this but Marx’s theory of alienation is fairly key here, the idea that humans need to live in an organic society where our actions have outcomes we can see and feel, and what we make with our hands is more fulfilling because it’s real to us in an immediate sense. The internet combines with alienation of commodity production and is a form of alienation itself fairly obviously because guys can’t get a slap or a punch from someone’s brother and his friends if they are abusive etc. We weren’t built for the internet. Sorry if that’s obvious or whatever but it’s what I strongly feel.

Daniel Goffe

It’s the social space as commodified alienation, or alienated commodity. That’s socialising via the internet.

Daniel Goffe

There’s a guy who writes on data colonialism ie the metaphor that if they force everyone to use the internet to socialise its equivalent to the White British forcing the Indians to use liquor and guns and sign treaties, before they really knew what they would do. His name is Nick Couldry. He’s at the LSE. He is a bit centrist politically but he has a sound theoretical basis for a lot of what he is talking about.

Miss Lourdes

Why am I getting "47" synchronicities

Yusuf Imran Abbasi

As if wantin 2 b reality tv youtube famous werent bad enough.. wantin 2 b bitchute famous is all together a much darker turn.. u probably wont agree or believe but there is a big occult element to the internet that effects all of us..


Did the gang ever do an episode on Martin Caballo?


47 is a reference to the game hitman as well, the hitman is agent 47


As someone who got put into drug induced psychosis… I cannot disagree with Brace’s statement.


when i was a teen, was definitely doing that kind of bragging about "being crazy" in part to justify my self hatred and hatred of the world around me. plus "being crazy" as a fetishized aesthetic was definitely a thing between me, my sister, and the online (also literary - see The Idiot, Wuthering Heights, etc) world we inhabited. Because we were kids/weren't educated on the impacts of it, we didn't quite grasp what it means to have mental health issues + implications of being perceived as having mental health issues