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We put on 25 necklaces and the worst vest in history and watch some of the worst videos of all time to figure out why everyone think’s it’s cool Johnny Depp beat up his wife.




I come from the future. Your prediction on Feinstein has cone true! Who could have guessed?


I wonder if ya'll have any thoughts on the Tortoise (UK) investigation digging into the Saudi bot farm that they allege Depp used through his relationship with MBS. I wanted to call this in on the tip line but well it's not really a tip.


Liz's epistemological breakdown of MeToo *chefs kiss*


I think Americans have put way too much weight into what happened in the UK court case. The Sun. A Murdoch paper. Nothing screams establishment more. So for a foreigner to try and get one over on them in a British court, sans jury, is almost impossible.


its not about what happened, its all the evidence in the judges' report that was disallowed for no good reason. If you read the judges report it really becomes impossible to believe Depp's side of the story, mainly because the contemporaneous text messages by him consistently corroborate Heard's story (just as hers do) THis is such lazy nonsense. " Nothing screams establishment more" So what? The 'establishment' is out to get Johnny Depp? What? Right because if there's one thing 'the establishment' hates, its A+list Hollywood elites. And the Sun loses defamation suits all the time, most British papers do lose as its really easy to sue for defamation in Britain.




Had to quit listening to this one bc of the Amber Heard suckfest. She's a psycho BPD child who literally told Depp that she would lie to ruin his career. End of story.

Olivia Kali

imagine caring about pedo celebs outside of morbid fascination lol

Olivia Kali

i could not care less about this but i like pretending not to be alone so i listen

Olivia Kali

faith in courts is always selective. If you prefer Heard then one court is right and the other is wrong, if you prefer Depp then it's vice versa. Courts aren't meaningful besides people's own ideology.


All the long comments on here are really proving the point of why they have a successful podcast and none of y'all do lmao


This trial also clearly pointed out the necessity/influence of money in the justice system. JD just completely outspent Amber. Her legal team was shockingly awful and her experts were awful.


The whole ‘he’s a wife beater’ on repeat didn’t work for me. Liz had no equivalent for Amber, despite her having a record of spousal abuse. He’s a hair actor didn’t ring true either given his entire backlog of movies. But they’ve chosen their line of commentary and they’re sticking with it. Almost as cringe as when Liz suggested they call drivers in F1 ‘pilots’. 🤦🏽‍♂️

Alexander Cabot

Im surprised this whole podcast was about the teams pushing stories out to content creators, but nothing about how Heard got caught in multiple lies on the stand!


love yall so much thanks for the wonderful episode, truly a breath of fresh air and I love how you're cleaning house with all these sicko depp supporters unsubscribing hahaha bye bye!!

Hannah Pudner

Every charity fundraiser eye rolled when Amber said she equates pledged and donated…


act like you ever dated a psycho before lol haha


Those messages should be out there then...if its so crystal clear. Also it just seems like peooles didnt actually follow the trial. A lot of messages etc that made him look bad were in evidence, but that didnt change the story overall.