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For part two we’re once again joined by independent research brothers Howie and Ben to discuss the life of Tamerlan Tsarnaev, Uncle Ruslan, a murder in Waltham, and another in Florida.




The dirty Watertown cop Roberto Velasquez Johnson


Says lots about a man if he doesn't know Dagestan these days. Just three letters, o sleuth: UFC.

Albert Koyra

Big Sky is a Tengri / Pan-Turkic thing. the Big Sky is important to the native religion of Central Asian peoples


Icy used to come into the gas station i worked at in portland. nice guy

Adam Brosnan

Hearing ‘unmolested’ used in a none pedophile context is so funny


“Remember The Uncle” - Words for life

Billie Grey Heck

This guest needs to get a megaphone I can’t hear goddamn 70% of what he’s saying and he always lowers his voice when he saying something important it drives me insane CHOMSKY SMASH THIS DUDE WITH A COMPRESSOR


"I will get this kid off"- Brace Belden, 2022

Albert Gordon

Can confirm portland Maine is not fun for crack. Especially when LaPage was gov


Feeling weird funding this podcast as a trot...


Finally got around to listening. One of my coworkers in 2013 had a cousin who went to prom with Dhozkhar, and she showed us side by side pictures from prom and from the media to prove it. That's gotta be one of the more notorious guys to suck off and buy drugs from in modern American history


There can be no groaning about the name Stephen and Steven when Howie's name is literally Howard Howard.