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We sit down with journalist Matt Farwell to talk through his time in Afghanistan, life after the war, hunting down Tom Clancy, and the author's influence on the New American Century.

The Hunt for Tom Clancy 






Hiiiiiiii omg hiiiiiiiiiii


oh I didn't expect to actually see something here when I hit refresh.. awesome lol


cum haha


Hold up…The air force has a veterinarian corps?


Does Matt use a penname?



Hannah Wacha

Does anyone have a resource for the statement that they had a cartoonist for Reagan? It's hilarious but I can't find anything on it from google


I like to imagine brace as always with me, my own personal spirit guide walking me through the dark forest of the new world order (in my minds eye he's a cute little black haired goat)


Same, I’d love to know more but wasn’t getting anywhere with the search


Oh shit I’ve heard this guy on radio war nerd. He’s great

Andrew May

Nintendo is way older than post-war Japan, it was founded in 1889


This guy is incredible, thanks for having him on. Amazing work


Love this guest. Super interesting and charismatic

Nick Thomson

Give Farwell the recurring third mic spot. You simply must


Please have Matt back, this was a great episode

Nick Thomson

Extremely happy my own mental illness never crossed over to psychotic territory, but if I had been in the military, I'm sure it would have

Bryson Martinez

Tom Smancy I always say...... herfrumph.


I loved that Amazon series

Peter Sullivan

This guy is both tapped and as clear-eyed as possible. Love a good redemption arc, too. Great ep and great guest you dinguses <3! PS I’m tapped too but just in my comfy little wee-wu my daddy left me when I was 1 kind of way and now I have insecurity complexes and mask them with heavy marijuana use. Just adding because I don’t want to seem like I’m singling him out for being a certain version of nutty. He cool.


Shoutout to orange county va lol. Love this guy plez have him back


This guy rules hes like a white brace belden

Mark Owen

This was more like a teaser for a multi-part series than a single interview - make it happen!


Omg did I go to church with him haha

Aaron Harrison

Love the Larry Hama shout out. All his G.I. Joe stuff ruled out loud. Great guy too!

Michael Coutts

That would have been hilarious if the AOC interview was behind the paywall. Hahaha

Henry Martyn

Really great ep. They could do like 50 episodes with this guy.


A friend was a Navy officer during the Reagan administration and met Clancy, several times, and came to the determination that he was an asshole. But, for the sake of his career, was "advised" make-nice with Clancy, "...because he had the ear of 'The Boss.'"


The West Wing culture/policy analysis podcast exists! The West Wing Thing


This dude hella annoying


too far deep into rainbow six siege to stop playing it :^(


thank you for this online interaction. i needed it. we are both better people now.


This was fantastic

Some Guy

I'm guessing he's talking about the third president Hiroshi Yamauchi, who joined the company in 1949 and was the big boss when Nintendo started selling video games.

Brian Long

Cosplaying West Wing

Brian Long

Would pay money for a True Anon x Serial crossover episode

Mike Penix

extreme brain damage survivor right here

Carson Brown

This guy fucking rocks

Benjamin Coke

Wife guy approved episode, this guy rules!

Joshua Garcia

Clancy’s Rainbow Six novel so cool as a child. Made me want to push up.

Purple H Bennett

How are you going to talk about games this extensively then get such a well known fact wrong? jfc


you guys should do a part 2/have matt on again, this was excellent and so much was touched on that i'd want to hear elaborated!!


10/10 me encanto y planeo en investigar mas sobre estos temas. Que interesante. Me encanto este invitado y hasta pienso que debería de salir en el show mas seguido


The idea that Video games are training the next generation of soldiers is such a stupid idea

Donovan Williams

That gi joe shit is crazyyyy good episode👍


One of my fav episodes yet. Y’all are incredible keep it up


The shit about using America’s Army custom brainwashing of Iraqi insurgents is some of the wildest shit I’ve heard in a long time.

Daniel Petrovic

Fuck Storm. If he's not going to argue he's not serious about it. Slav wisdom


Matt rules, love his Radio War Nerd appearances


oof, fact check, Nintendo was founded in the 1880s as a playing card company.

Jon Juan Travis Hallowell

You'll should look into the video game Arma 3. I know I know, video games should be illegal, but it takes place on a 1:1 scale map of the Greek island Lemnos(except its called altis in the game), and two developers were arrested for taking photos of military installations and they were like "what are you doing?" and they straight up are like "doing research for video games." I think they spent like 200 days in jail. It's also like not a shooter like call of duty, it's a war simulation game. It's made by Bohemia Interactive and they make simulation software for military use under their company Bohemia Interactive Simulation.


"People are tapping and thinking about things" Fuck, this IS an accurate description of EMDR therapy.


Just to join the chorus: Matt is so cool. He's really a pleasure to listen to.

Peter Sullivan

I think there’s some truth but the more important part is just the glorification of war to make it seem less real/horrifying. There should be a war game where if you get shot once your gaming system just melts down and that’s it.


do troops have a distinctive "troop" accent or is that a utah accent

Salt M. Bank

I believe that’s what he meant, I’d love to hear an elaboration on that point

Rory Greer

Get this MF'er back ASAP. Great episode!

Karl Childers

make Matt Farwell the third host of True Anon

Karl Childers

also the fake in-game prizes to entrap informants ... that is some Philip K Dick fever dream level shit

mckinley faas

this guest rules please have him back

Michael S. Judge

thinking of Virgin Islands, imagining "ALEXANDER HAMILTON!" choir voice saying "JEFFREY EPSTEIN!"

calvin kilby

I caught this guy giving an interview on radio war nerd, he seems like a very chill and pleasant dude who's seen some serious shit.

Michael S. Judge

How did a 9th grade, math class, Teacher with a textbook and a Jewfro, Shirt unbuttoned how low?, too low?, YOU know, work a lot smarter Wearing monogrammed schmatter In the East 70s where the WASPs go?


What a dude


sorry if im showing my brain damage but why does he sound exactly like shayne from netflix reality dating show love is blind season 2?


Awesome episode !

Isaiah C

never watched it but i remember that the Jack Ryan Amazon Prime show is about "nuclear Venezuela". Hilarious shit

Isaiah C

Honestly think the idea that shooter videogames are training people for the military is a bit of a stretch. I get that these guys don't play many games, but you aren't learning anything actually relevant to military tactics from shitty games like Ghost Recon, Division, etc etc. What you are consuming when playing those games is propaganda, which is what they are actually for. If you try a real military op based off of modern games, all you're going to do is get yourself killed.

Graham Hoese

Resident Mormon here saying it was very cool hearing an ex member not just go on a slanderous rant ♥️


This is one of my favorite episodes.


This the good shit right here


True that most all of these fps games from cod to battlefield are pro US Military propaganda and they don’t have any good information to use in a war or whatever. But the Americas Army game was used to teach real tactics to kids and was used as a recruiting tool.

Daniel Comiskey

I believe it's short for Stromulus

Will McCann

I need a pod of just Matt and Brace sharing stories.

Barton Dudlick

Great interview. More Matt Farwell.


I too have had an exciting life, and the rule of thumb is - if someone doesn't seem like a manchurian candidate, they definitely are one.


Qanon anonymous does a pretty great dive into war video games and specifically Americas Army. Scary shit


If not training, it at least serves to indoctrinate and introduce the youth to military thinking. Doesn’t feel like much of a leap at all

Jake Scalia

Please have him on again


Great episode, great guest. Glad he has arrived in such a positive-sounding, creative place after experiencing so much horror.


This is way better than AOC tbf.

Dusky Lad

This was amazing

Rebecca Johnson

I grew up in a upper middle class Mormon family, people are pretty upfront about being Intelligence


It's a recruiting tool, not a training simulation. It's marketing to a wide audience of people in their teens and early twenties to make the military seem like an exciting and enjoyable experience, but they still have to go to basic or boot camp and then AIT when they sign up. It's not that everyone who plays Call of Duty is going to want to be a soldier, but everyone I knew in the infantry loved CoD.


This ep rocks. I grew up mormon and there was always talk about how much intelligence loved hiring mormons.

Tyler Hopwood

Matt was super dope to listen to! Nice to hear a fellow Northwest Arkansan on here. Y’all should for sure do an episode on the Waltons 👀

Laura Sullivan

I agree you have many lady friends

Arielle Curtin

another fantastic episode. Thank you


Yungchomsky is a deer, operating the producer board with lil hooves

Jan Brady


Shane Wilkinson

Shoulda just done a long episode


Love listening to Matt. Such an enthralling episode. Please have him back.

pablo escobar’s hippos

which patreon tier gets me brace’s dad’s train timetable spreadsheets?


if matt is a sleeper cell i'll gladly 3rd amendment him. we can play rainbow six together and accidentally smoke some crack :)


There can never be an "anti-war" game, just like there can never be a truly "anti-war" movie. Yes, I've seen at least three of the ones people are going to reply to this with and they're not really anti-war. Don't tell me that scene under the wooden bridge completely dissuaded you from any violence against sociopathic fascists and reactionaries. You know which one I mean.

Daniel Cusimano

I grew up by the nuclear plant in Calvert County. CIA neighborhood of Scientists Cliff. Heard stories about Tom Clancy being a dick. https://www.baltimoresun.com/business/bs-bz-tom-clancy-chesapeake-bay-estate-sale-20200811-ptto6s5zxjdovhe3vsweorojbe-story.html Also the Tulsa and Bentonville area is getting crazy with the housing market. Shit sucks

Sarah Low

Great episode! Matt's got a voice (and a life) straight out of the Venture Bros.


Propagandhi - Die Jugend Marschiert aka Americas Army (game) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HChVkIQBDcs

EaZy E

Forget that old beer man, Matt might be the most interesting man in the world.

pablo escobar’s hippos

was also confused/am not a video game historian myself so I looked it up and I think he was referring to Nintendo’s acquisition of the Japanese distribution rights for the magnavox odyssey system in the early 70s. the technology on which the system was based was originally developed by NH defense contractor Sanders Associates

Floyd Hill

Propagandhi....the best fucking band in the world, glad there's fans of the best punk/thrash/hardcore whatever, indescribable in style... Also that tune is from my fav album, the one that took out their "fans" who only stuck around for the first 2 LP's in the 90's. I'm babbling now, but that's a song everyone has to hear and read the lyrics to, to remind them that in the west we are born and our children are born for cannon fodder to increase capital and that militarism=fascism=nationalism=patriotism=nazism.


As a Winnipegger, I love people showing love for Propagandhi! My only semi-sorta-not really claim to fame is my band used to practice next to them for a few years, lol


heads up fam https://www.cbc.ca/documentaries/specials/we-think-there-are-thousands-of-victims-is-peter-nygard-the-worst-of-the-worst-1.6384464?fbclid=IwAR0uDfSLvkOXjQsnWc403T1MMqG9Fv4lW2eu7r42q7Blgf1f-nFlT_lJb-w

Leon Thotsky

Can you recommend some episodes? I keep trying to get into them, but they seem to paywall everything even the slightest bit interesting. Don’t have time for shows that lock ALL the good stuff. Gotta have a balance

Graham Hoese

I saw a Patreon notification and got excited for a new episode but it's just Thotsky 😤 nah man I'm cool having a conversation about doctrine it just gets tiring when I grew up with and continue to hear "yo do you pray to Joseph? Do you go to hell if you touch coffee? What underwear you wearing?"

mic a

I think you found another “third host”, get this guy back!


please bring this guy back!


At the risk of suggesting MKUltra isn't real or something, has anyone insisting that military shooters are training people to be Gladio guys ever played any of these games or interacted with the players? No one is thinking or learning shit. Im sure it isn't great for people mentally, but it's ridiculous to think all but the most niche simulators offer any real sort of skill or knowledge. Duck Hunt builds marksmanship? Give me a fucking break.

Donna Oakes-Munro

I was waving at you, Brace! Did you see me?


while i agree that it definitely isn't "training" anyone, i think it's completely fantasizing and desensitizing people that play them to violence in war. especially since 99% of the games are extremely pro west and you're always the hero in it, it's easy to justify going somewhere in the real world and killing loads of innocent people because it's for a "just cause"

Jessica S

The success of that PTSD treatment is amazing and I can see why it hasn’t gained traction: it threatens to remove the cash machine of PTSD treatment completely from both the pharmaceutical industry and psychology industry. It offends the senses of the latter to think one can skip the “hard work” of facing your demons. I think some view it as some sort of precursor to a “forget me now” drug, which ignores the fact that the PTSD was a re-conditioning, an involuntary response that cannot be fixed by a voluntary process. The basal ganglia is believed to be responsible for response and motor conditioning, it’s also thought to be tied to the reward system which is under the care of our executive function. Addiction hijack the reward system as well, which may explain reduction in addictive behavior with this blocker. TL;DR: shots in the neck don’t sound lucrative enough to create multibillion dollar industries. God forbid we give people their lives back at the expense of an exec buying a third vacation home. I’m so glad you found relief. You deserve all the good it’s brought you.

Harry A

Do you really think there's no connection between the proliferation of military-assisted games like COD (full of real gear, weapons, etc) and the fact that drones are now piloted by some Ohio dipshit with an XBox controller?


The drone thing is a fair point, but not quite what I'm talking about, nor their (very effective) use as propaganda. Again I just mean Duck Hunt =\= Marksmanship, and similarly Call of Duty et al are not teaching any useful lessons on fighting, soldiering, or anything like that. I mean I guess getting to a decent rank on CounterStrike or whatever entails learning how to communicate and work with a team, but that's still kind of a stretch

Floyd Hill

We got meningitis shots right after 9/11 in that weird canadian province north of new york where mini-NYC is (MTL). They were right in the back of the neck too. Only Canadian province to do it...I don't know what that means (other than we were strangely more zombieish in college....all people between 2 and 20 were mandated to get the shot unless they had a real good reason....it fits with that northeast west nile virus/lyme disease/anthrax(?) Giuliani/Jerome Hauer/Bernard Kerick nexus of poisoning NYC with Malathion, lyme disease being released from Plum Island on purpose (and its made its way from new england to qc, we just got a warning about boriella, some parasite related to chronic lyme's around here, mostly in southeast qc around sherbrooke but the thought of getting lyme's on top of covid and whatever diseases they release out there for pop. control (prove me wrong!)....it was a weird experience....but to me that's what the new American (Canada being pretty much fully integrated to the US, the only compromise is that we get to keep our few socialist programs that used to be #1 in the world (Health back in the 80's/early 90's)...we're not only NATO we're NORAD...and now they just passed the new budget and the thing that got the most boosting was...defense...from a Liberal/NDP (social-democrats...supposedly, at least they used to clearly be) coalition government of all things. The agenda is enforced hegemony through ANY means, except maybe strategic nukes, but tactical nukes are on the table, one of those fishies that used to be on twitter, not cryptocuttlefish but I think flyingcuttlefish....she was looking at Ukraine A LOT while it was ignored during the admittedly worse (and more dangerous) Syrian conflict...back then....what was it about again mostly? Russia losing their warm water navy port in Syria. Ukraine is about the same thing, since way back in 2014, have Russia lose its extremely important to global stability Black Sea fleet. But the PNAC paper from 2000 "Rebuilding America's Defenses" or such mentions China the most....seems like they are the big prize for the Evil Empire....which is us. It also mentions bacteria or viruses custom made against certain ethnic groups being used....Now my mom understands why me, a Canadian boy living near the end of civilization way up north was so bothered by the fact Gore was fucked with by the Supreme Court and Roger Stone (whom I didn't know, I just knew about the rioting at the court house where recounting was happening), had that deep sinking feeling that if Bush got in, we were fucked, according to what his one term father did, which I remembered clearly and which here, was pretty much mocked by mainstream fake news (we had Jon Stewarts and such in the 80's here) comedy shows, that were actually very funny, one thing I knew from when I started to go to punk shows, I'll always remember the tirade Chris Hannah from Propagandhi had about George H.W. Bush starting a war with no purpose in Somalia on his way out (also having William Barr shoot that Weaver guy in Idaho on purpose to stir up anti-left sentiment from the rather dead "patriot movement" back then....I was only 14 or 15 tops and I pretty much consider now GHWB the King of Terror, aka the best CIA agent of all time, the old CIA building where they treat recruits is called the GHWB Intelligence Center for fucks sake. It's a really nasty feeling to have this fleeting idea that we were fucked from the start, those from my generation, which I think you are, Xennials (77-85), we lived the peak of the West and we witnessed the first cracks into the downfall, that 2000 election being just a fraction of it all, but it all came in cascading right after that. Hence the huge switch of weed/psychedelics only users getting disillusioned and falling into amps/meth/non-medical use of opiates at unreasonable doses to be able to enjoy life. I'm also an ex-addict, well I'm still addicted to my bupe and bromazepam but thats it, I can't even toke weed even if its fully legal anymore, even less eat some nowadays, I could again after taking a very long break of 5 years, but now even a pure indica will be too mind bending for me, racing mind syndrome etc. which is obvious from this post heh.

Gillian Cameron

Best guest ever? This was amazing


great great interview. amazing guest

Clark D'Agostino



I was the guy in the obviously fake mustache sitting behind you going 'he's right yu know'


Sick interview, took a while to get off the ground but didn't want it to stop.


I remember playing America's Army and everyone just hucked grenades at the start right into the enemy spawn point or hid in hospital beds so Mission Accomplished U.S. military!

Phillip Anderson

I’m a UPS guy and my pet theory on why dogs hate us so much is they think we’re other dogs because of the brown uniforms and they think the truck itself is a GIANT dog.


What a decent dude, that interview started wild and just got better


This makes sense, I think people are the one animal that make distinctions like this. To horses- I'm definitely just some weak ugly horse

Middle Hole

Incredible interview. Thanks for another great one!


Thank you Matt for giving this William and Mary alum know that Jen Psaki went there; another reason to be ashamed of my alma mater. Robert Gates went there too and is still their Chancellor!


I just finished listening to Matt's book, it was awesome. Does anyone have any book recommendations on Afghanistan to listen to next? Thanks for doing this interview.

The Children of Jack Acid

Fact: Strom Thurmond was NEVER a member of the Klan! But he gave money to them on onlyfans.


the us army literally runs ads on Twitch that say “play the game in real life”

Sara S

Where men win glory: The Odyssey of Pat Tillman by Jon Krakauer.

Michael S. Judge

"You're scaring the hoes" is one of my favorite unexpected Liz moments

Kamran Husain

need this man to return