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Trial day 18. The verdict.



Sander Emerick

:) - beginning of the episode :( - end of the episode

Zachary Sloan

I was on an attempted murder trial jury and the victim in that trial did not want to prosecute the defendant (because as a poor black guy in Memphis you're not exactly eager to get involved, and he had nothing personally against the defendant). The whole thing was just kind of sad, because the defendant was obviously drunk or something. My main takeaway is that no one (except for the justice system itself) seemed to be served by the whole affair.


The biggest question is why didn't Maxwell squeal like a pig for immunity. Was she ever offered the chance to dig out the dirt?


I know I'm supposed to see this as fundamentally unsatisfying but not gonna lie it feels like a W and I'm letting it hit


i love you too brace


RIP YA DUMB BITCH but yeah how this will play out for all of the other people involved... as they said, nothing will probably happen. she'll just be the sin eater (dark Gourmand?!?)). the justice system is frustrating and incredibly depressing but as the homie above said it's the closest to a W we can get right now. but she's just 1 of so many sick fucks involved in all of this... idk, nothing can undo what was done. the victims lives are ruined regardless. i'll take the small victory and hope that more follow suit, i guess. this shit sucks.


Thank you both for covering the trial!


My guess is no one wants to pursue those names and now that she's charged she can be the scapegoat for "rational" people to now point to whenever a "crazy" person brings up all the other names. They love a dichotomy where one side you are rational for falling in line and your are Q, coo-coo, bananas if you don't

Christopher Price

no. that was never going to happen. first, she was in place of epstein, who came in from the cold; second, they've raided his new york and palm beach estates--they have a mountain of shit that will never see the light of day; third, notice the language of the case and the selected witnesses--they only selected and asked about instances where epstein was the only man who was serviced. the prosecution built up an image of epstein as a notorious pedophile who had ghislaine as his asst, and some of the more notorious aspects, such as little st james went untouched. a larger scope would have to involve maria farmer and virginia giuffre. an even larger scope would have to reverse the usual question and ask if ghislaine was epstein's handler and who she represented. at best this was a limited hangout


Thats what i was saying. This was a limited hangout. They bracketed the case off from powerful people, focused solely on Ghislaine, and now its over. Whatever Epstein and Maxwell actually were, we'll never know.


The only chance g max has to avoid a life sentence at this point is to name names. We’ll see…


thx for the coverage my g 's


I believe our pedo hunters will find the truth!


I was thinking that, but I kinda thought from the start that it may be a light sentence or she gets Epstein'd in jail.

linda jean

im just here to ask… whos dick do i have to suck for an episode on kubrick and eyes wide shut cus im willing to take one for the team


mine but it's incredibly small so it's more like solving a puzzle than anything sexual the chapo ep on eyes wide shut is great if u havent heard that yet but they have some local DSA leader as the guest for real though i would also love an episode on eyes wide shut. and like kubrick's relationship with hollywood in general cuz it seems like my man knew what was up


best i ever heard was from Death is just around the corner


i subscribed to MSJ's podcast (been meaning to but just forgot) and the episode you mentioned is great, i just listened to it. do you know if he has any other kubrick episodes? or any general recommendations? i love him on trueanon, im coincidentally re-listening to the spider network shit right now

Karl Childers

that's his only kubrick episode but he did also do a pair of episodes about scientology and the movie The Master (about scientology) with matt christman that are well worth a listen shout outs to Death//Corner MSJ is a legend


Did you exercise your right to jury nullification?

Zachary Sloan

I was actually chosen as an alternate immediately before deliberations (at least in Memphis, they apparently choose one more juror than they need just in case someone can't make it, and if everyone is still there on the day deliberations start a random juror is chosen as the alternate).

Luccia Moira

minus his weird revisionist takes on the USSR but he comes from a more anti-auth mindset so I'll excuse his dumb moments