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We're back, discussing the fallout from the Facebook whistleblower, the social malaise of the social network, the viral spread of Tik Tok tics, and podcasting in the age of digital reproduction.

The Author as Producer by Walter Benjamin 

Inside Tik Tok's Booming Dissociative Identity Disorder Community 

Facebook research deck 

Ft. music by Robin Hatch 




This one got me to finally subscribe and contribute. Funny, bizarre, focused, and even got a couple tears out of me with both of your closing remarks.


I apreciate your resistance to commenting on topical issues and completely understand why you might want to wait to assess the news cycle.

Andrew M

get offline. it's easy. it's good. you'll feel better.


This ep was so good and also I recommend hitting up your former guest and PSL member Jodi Dean for insight on how to be a producer and a revolutionary.


I’m not crying you’re crying


Wow. I think you guys would find meaning in Bo Burnham’s work. Check out “welcome to the internet”— a no clip on youtube from his called Inside (on Netflix) is about his relationship with the internet as a creative. It’s very intense. His film Eighth Grade (A24) special “Make Happy” (Netflix) are phenomenal.


I love the show and this was a very insightful episode, but the vast majority of people absolutely do not need to be on social media. Unless your immediate livelihood would be compromised without it (which is not the case for most people, including those who believe it to be the case), you literally do not need it, and it will only make your life worse.


liz you should for sure read psychopolitics: Neoliberalism and New Technologies of Power by Byung-Chul Han if u havent


The "Beans" British accent thing comes from one TikTok account that genuinely does have tourettes and some other disorders that I don't know anything about. She made a bunch of posts about this "tiktok tics" phenomenon. It was sad to watch her reaction to all that.


The tourettes section, geez. I’ve had tics/tourette-adjacent symptoms for 17 years now and in my case it’s anxiety that’s so raw and distilled that it’s felt neuromuscularly as an ache. And the only way to discharge that pain is to move that muscle, sometimes in a certain sequence or pattern. And the pattern of movement repeats until performed in a ‘satisfactory’ way. Like you guys said, most people don’t do that yelling shit. Maybe a throat clearing or something. Anyway, living with it feels fucked up and embarrassing and I blame Tourette’s Guy and idiots like those in these Tik-Tok communities for the public misunderstanding of the disorder.

Floyd Hill

Are nervous tics tourrette-adjacent now? As a kid, even before the traumatizing years between 10-17 when there was rarely a day where my parents weren't at a war of words (more like screams) and threats of violence or divorce and throwing objects (that coincided with when my father lost his big job when the local garbage disposal private company contracted by the city was bought by Waste Management and he was fired for no reason other than "redundancy" and that downsizing crap, so I understand my father's behavior in those 6 months he was on social security getting 55% of his original paycheck (it's really just that little in Canada....it does last for very long though if you were working at the same place since years....but that's when I stopped seeing a dentist yearly for half a decade. It took so long for my mom to get some guts and divorce if she hated him so much even if he had found work pretty quickly after that, we weren't upper middle class anymore and she had to work....the classic Xennial story (for those who don't know, it's us born between 77 and 85, who witnessed the destruction of the family and wages not following inflation anymore). For me it was cracking my finger joints (and toes, and wrists) by the time I was in grade 2, before all of this, the day after a pretty huge earthquake in eastern canada...not an area known for earthquakes at all... a 6.1 or such....the worst was that for some reason electricity went out right before it happened, my mom thought we were getting nuked, heh. I already was an ADD case, so they always attributed my nervous ticks to that. It got much worse later when I would crack my jaw bone to a huge snap, giving myself TMJ disorder lol while in high school, grossing out girls (and me finding it pretty funny). Also snapping my thighs with those crappy wooden and metal chairs using some technique. The stress relief worked but was also very short. Same with eating the skin around my fingers when there was no more nails to eat away, and having to scratch everything that is a crease in one's body (the lowest part between fingers, the part between arms and forearms. Basically felt like I was jolted with electricity. The only way to stop all of this was Dexedrine and Clonazepam. Nowadays I'm only on benzos (sue me if you disagree, better than taking SSRI's when not depressed....I always managed not to spiral into depression, their efficacy for anxiety is BS and they also got a "Discontinuation Syndrome" that's just as awful and longer than stopping benzos, at least when you can manage taking benzos responsibly, I can, I know not many can. Only times I failed that was recently or in 2010 when North Korea almost nuked South Korea...everytime stupid fucking war happens and sabre rattling gets too hot by the fascists on our side of things or in eastern europe/asia, well crass authoritarianism/militarism when it comes to Asia more than fascism....let's just say that right now, I'm on the upswing from the rona, the first day in 2 weeks where I don't wake up a sweaty mess, but it's not all gone, this wall of text is proof of this, anxiety is through the roof although well managed by the bromazepam, I don't feel like I'm dying anymore but I feel like humanity might any second...


2022 is the year of Autism Havana Syndrome