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Brooklyn Media Bluecheck Noah Kulwin joins us to walk through the collapse and reanimation of OZY Media, take stock of the lyin fake news media and journo-splain just what it is the hell that all these people do … and why



John Atherton

ozy is fucking six feet under the day before i went back in the archives and listened to this. the matrix is real

Sick dude

That Coindexter guy is cray 😛


As your lone black listener, I don't mind stories from an outlet that focus on how hostile work environments are affecting black workers that experience occurrences that make it obvious that they aren't welcome at their places of employment. We can do that and Flint which still doesn't have clean water after being in the news...


More coindexter, less self licking ice cream cone 📉

Michael S. Judge

I can only compare all this to a newsroom, which is obviously different in a number of crucial ways, but I can tell you that I've watched a major American newspaper go from everything "a major American newspaper" used to mean to a 5-days-a-week service that reprints rich people's PR statements and adds spelling and grammatical errors. Not a serious editor in the building. They had a 100+ year old building that was an institution downtown, and now they've sold it and are renting a couple floors back from the new owners. And this is not the failure of one major paper, this is the more explicit and worse-concealed version of what's happening everywhere. You really, really shouldn't take them seriously.


Stop saying 'self licking ice cream cone' - say 'lactating baby' it's less abrasive

Harry A

learned a lot about whatever topic you were talking about here


Selling a ticket to the Philadelphia show on Oct 19. Text me at 661-414-6358 if you want to buy


Get Eugene Robinson (Oxbow) on the show, he worked for OZY for a long time @eugeneSrobinson on twitter


in the fray, lost some focus, but I do appreciate the episodes on media issues