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In 2019, human rights activist and land defender Brandon Lee was shot four times outside his home in Lagawe, Lfuagao by the Armed Forces of the Philippines after being targeted for assassination by the Duterte administration. We speak to Brandon along with Rhonda Ramiro, chairperson of Bayan USA, about the assassination attempt, the ongoing abuses of the Duterte administration, and the United States' continued support.

Bayan USA

Philippine Human Rights Act

Fundraiser for Brandon

Human Rights Defenders Fund

Investigate PH 




thank you guys for finally covering the phillipines and duterte's shit. i have a hard time explaining the situation with AFP and the filipino political climate, and the extremely heightened contradictions there. i would love to return home some day but as a drug abusing commie i fear it will be a long while til i can. my best wishes to the filipino revolutionaries and guerillas doin the most


Duterte es muerte


Unrelated but does anyone know of any good books/articles that talk about the US putting the Nazis/Japanese imperialists back in power in Germany and Japan after WW2? Or South Korea with Japanese collaborators?

Gavin Farrell

This Duterte guy sounds like he's following the Jakarta Method.


I just found out that Brace is in the CIA, and I must say, I'm proud of you dad!


While you’re at it, when is an assassination ever not a “targeted assassination?”

Benjamin Murray

Heartbreaking episode. But glad to hear more about this and see how people can help. You guys are real ones for putting up 3k for Brandon!

a clash of purple

The Jakarta Method worked because the communists weren't armed and didn't even realize what was happening until it was too late. So Duterte can't do what Suharto did in Indonesia.

Gavin Farrell

Great episode. This is the human cost of American hegemony and military 'aid'.

Gavin Farrell

You guys ever consider covering the Indian Farmer's protest? Another huge story about fighting back.

Pangolin Dealer

Niggas get shot every day b, you'll be aight.


Black people in America are straight out a comic book, nazis


This might be a small issue compared to others raised in this episode, but a lot of disabled people do not appreciate the phrases "confined to a wheelchair" or "wheelchair bound" to describe their situation. The language implies wheelchairs are a prison or burden. But they provide freedom, movement and enable people to do many things they might otherwise not be able to. Someone might "use a wheelchair" or be a "wheelchair user" without being bound or confined to it.


It is a prison, he was put into one, golly he was shot


A Socialist Defector by Victor Grossman discusses this quite a bit.


Hmm I like the funny ones. I didn’t laugh one time on this show