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We're back with news from Ghislaine, Jeffrey and the rest of the creep show, plus: We discuss the dark underbelly of the “real” internet and look toward the 20th anniversary of 9/11.




An important note about hashing: As i understand it, a given file’s hash signature is just a long string of numbers and letters (hex values, so only A-F and 0-9) that uniquely identifies that file; any kind of file, not just images. It’s a pretty common and relatively old way to verify whether two files are the same or not. (look up MD5 or SHA hash generators— might demonstrate better). So it sounds to me like if they’re comparing hash signatures to a database, they’re just comparing strings of text, in so many words. It ain't even a “scrambled image” at that point, it’s just text. I didn’t see this important detail described in the previous comments explicating the topic so i just wanted to put that out there. For the sake of brevity i’m leaving some background out and i am by no means saying Apple’s process here is totally benign. Just saying that the initial “scanning” layer of this process is made less invasive when the hash signatures are understood as i described. There is a distinct possibility i’m missing something so feel free to correct/expound on these thoughts. Uhh also 10000% agree with Brace that the internet warps ppl (myself included) and all that stuff. So anyway ima go do a double shot of tequila


Phil Ochs

Nic Warnock

Would like to push the TrueAnon 911 series on friends/fam and Robbie Martin’s A Heavy Agenda but they’re both pretty uhhh epic in duration. Anyone have tips on palatable intros to this subject? Doesn’t have to be an insta-graphic.

Bong Bong

Re: 9/11: Like Chris Hayes, journalist Matt Taibbi made his bones by shitting all over the 9/11 Truth movement. And 9/11 Commission maestro Philip Zelikow has been involved in doing a similar historical cover-up about Covid.


Shaun King is the Olive Skinned Man


New Epstein just dropped!


I think Fahrenheit 9/11 made it pretty clear that the US federal government helped coordinate 9/11


Money had to be made! The US was just getting gangster with it as always.

Nic Warnock

I think I found another way to CIA/JFK/911-truther pill my peers https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=faOUDoRmK_E&ab_channel=TheWhitestKidsU%27Know

Elsie Hupp

Hashing is a piece of data’s social security number. It isn’t the data itself, but if you have it you can use it to, say, open a Neiman Marcus credit card in the name of that piece of data.

Elsie Hupp

The way I’ve heard hashing described is that it’s any algorithm that reliably creates the same unique identifier for a given piece of data. This is so that (a) if you hash the same or identical pieces of data on two separate occasions, you get the same hash value, and (b) if you hash non-matching pieces of data, you never get the same hash value for them. The main piece of difficulty with hashing CSAM is that it needs to be able to create accurate hash values even when the media has been camouflaged, say with a Photoshop filter. This is why Apple is keeping its hash algorithm secret. The other difficulty is that a hash vale generally needs to be sufficiently abstracted from the data it represents to be able to be put in a fast, efficient search database. This and also not simply distributing CSAM on every iOS device for matching purposes is why hashing uses an abstract number.

Elsie Hupp

This article made the rounds a few years back, where someone used AI to create extreme compression algorithms, which in some cases created media recognizable to YouTube’s copyright bots while being sometimes unrecognizable to the human eye. It’s not strictly hashing, but it’s somewhat analogous. https://medium.com/@terencebroad/autoencoding-blade-runner-88941213abbe

Jessica S

I had to look up the term Jestermaxx for more background b/c, old. I totally forgot that there is actually an Incel site. That’s the kind of website I fear my 10 y/o son accessing, lol, not the other stuff parents are told to be considered over.

a clash of purple

A much higher percentage of the internet is cancer these days than ten or twenty years ago, unfortunately. I have nieces and nephews around that age and I'm stunned when I overhear the stuff they watch, even what is supposedly kid-friendly. Things are probably actually less vulgar now, but the sort of ambient ideology and thoughts floating around are way worse. Kids should just stick to Pokemon or whatever, it's healthier.

Jessica S

No kidding. Recently my 7 y/o asked me what “a Karen” was, lol. I told her “it’s a secret message telling you to stop watching You Tube”.

Crash Test Orphan

I was a content moderator for 4 years in the US and it's as horrific as the piece describes.


It would be weird if Humpty Dumpty's penis was shaped like Jeffrey Epstein. Not 'Jeffrey Epstein's penis' but Jeffrey Epstein

Floyd Hill (edited)

Comment edits

2023-01-22 22:07:35 I use the internet since 97, I was on usenet etc. and I've seen our liberties devolve and internet spying by the government legitimized early on and the reason was always, always about CP. When we know they could care less and we've seen what their true motivations at the TLA's really are, social control to keep the empire running despite how hallucinatory and contradictory it gets. Especially since "Russiagate" which really was UkraineGate/IsraelGate in many ways (Ukraine nazis <3 the Clinton/Biden DLC faction of the Democrat Party) and also from the right with Cambridge Analytica....it's also shown a lot of the Empire type goals of US foreign policy seem to be dictated by the UK in a more open fashion than I would ever think and would have laughed off as ridiculous a decade ago when I turned from a social-democrat to a real socialist.
2022-04-09 15:54:24 I use the internet since 97, I was on usenet etc. and I've seen our liberties devolve and internet spying by the government legitimized early on and the reason was always, always about CP. When we know they could care less and we've seen what their true motivations at the TLA's really are, social control to keep the empire running despite how hallucinatory and contradictory it gets. Especially since "Russiagate" which really was UkraineGate/IsraelGate in many ways (Ukraine nazis <3 the Clinton/Biden DLC faction of the Democrat Party) and also from the right with Cambridge Analytica....it's also shown a lot of the Empire type goals of US foreign policy seem to be dictated by the UK in a more open fashion than I would ever think and would have laughed off as ridiculous a decade ago when I turned from a social-democrat to a real socialist.

I use the internet since 97, I was on usenet etc. and I've seen our liberties devolve and internet spying by the government legitimized early on and the reason was always, always about CP. When we know they could care less and we've seen what their true motivations at the TLA's really are, social control to keep the empire running despite how hallucinatory and contradictory it gets. Especially since "Russiagate" which really was UkraineGate/IsraelGate in many ways (Ukraine nazis <3 the Clinton/Biden DLC faction of the Democrat Party) and also from the right with Cambridge Analytica....it's also shown a lot of the Empire type goals of US foreign policy seem to be dictated by the UK in a more open fashion than I would ever think and would have laughed off as ridiculous a decade ago when I turned from a social-democrat to a real socialist.