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Welcome to TrueAnon Presents: The Lamest Show on Earth, a three-part mini series on the phenomenon that is Tesla Motors and the carnival barker at the center of its show: Elon Musk. We’ve often said that Jeffrey Epstein offers us a lens through which to view larger networks of power and influence and ways to ascertain how they operate and impact the world. The story of Tesla Motors offers us the same opportunity: how a nerdy dot-com gold chaser hacked the self-satisfied neoliberal green political regime and orchestrated a cacophonous symphony of thirsty social media marketeers, auto industry executives, captured and bought off media, and the bull market ride of the century. At the center of all of this is the pied piper of the redditmen, our very own epic bacon PT Barnum — Elon Musk — who rightly understands that branding really is everything and that so long as you can keep the music going the party doesn’t have to end. Now that Tesla has a gun to the head of the American economy, there’s only one question left: how long can the show go on? 

In Pt 1 we begin with the bizarre history of Elon’s family, the origin story of Tesla Motors and the weird wild birthplace of both modern conservatism and progressive neoliberalism, California. Featuring: chiropractors, Ronald Reagan, the Protocols of the Elders of Zion, divorced guys, Italian nuclear physicists, tightrope performers, bearded ladies and The Coca-Cola Company. 




Where is pt 2 and 3 😟


ChiroPraxis 🫡

Parker Slingscock

Baby boy brace letting a sneaking fart out




I love God and I love your podcast

Sam GL .

God yes inject it into my veins

Connor Keeley

damn this looks good 😳


Gday mate, may I interest you in some emeralds?


is virgil on this one




I never got a puppy for Christmas but now I know what it feels like. Getting diet cola and popcorn for this one.


It's happening






Inshallah Brother Belden


yes! been waiting for this like a little piggy oink oink


Different intro song gave me a panic attack


Yeah baby!!


Been looking forward to this one


i hope we get suplemental video feed like joe rogaine

Michael S. Judge

I'm so pumped I might spontaneously catch fire, utterly destroying my driver and several pedestrians


Dang this audio is cleeeean

Nick Cole

Holy shit TrueAnon rules


Brace owns a berkshire hathaway share


God tier sound


Thanks for finally doing Tesla/Musk. Everytime I'm around a Tesla in traffic I start sweating.


its finally time! ive waited SO long for you to take down this fucking dorklord. also im gay

Brian Long

This is such a good episode. can’t wait for parts 2 & 3. Love you three!


brace owns one share of gme confirmed


i regularly did trivia with some friends in 2016 and i named our team elon’s husk. anyone is welcome to take it or hate it. looking forward to the rest of the series :))

Pat Arthur

Where can I get a copy of "How to Make More Money" by Burt K. Asshole?


First to do the first thing third

Daniel Goffe

Great show everyone. 👍🏻

Sam Zeng

Pure power

Eric Currie

New song, weirdly high audio quality. Shocking for whatever reason

Burt Chintas

I worked for SolarCity as an engineer! Right around the time I was diagnosed with progressive MS. I couldn’t keep up with the quotas and was fired - all while losing the ability to walk (well starting the process of doing so). But I’m still friends with a few people that worked there - great people & good engineers. Can’t wait for part 3! Thanks Liz & Brace for this. ❤️❤️❤️

Gavin Collier

Behind every crazy story, is a crazier chiropractor


Chiromancy is what you're looking for Brace.

sam handwich

Last time I drove down to LA I got cut off by a Tesla with a vanity plate that said "RYAN" and vowed to never return to that busted city. Very nutty place.


Can’t fucking wait for this. I’m on part 6 of the jfk series and am loving this podcast !!


If I were musk I’d be psyched to use the episode art as a pfp

Harry A

Love the ep but did not love the feathered dinosaur slander or assertion that pterodactyl is a dinosaur, shameful stuff

Jessica S

There’s a chiropractor clinic up the street from us and hanging from its sign is a small shingle that says “We help allergies!”. Every time I see it I have the urge to tape a note that says “No, you don’t.” Lol.

Jessica S

Oh, and you need a nickel jar for “and we’re going to get into that in a bit”, “but we’ll get into that a little later” and any version of “we really need to do a whole separate podcast on ____” or “but that would need its own f*cking podcast to explain.” No shade, though, I love it. Especially the first two. It gives me that giddy feeling of a little kid whose parent just agreed to read another book/the next chapter at bedtime - there’s still plenty to come, lol!

Albert Koyra

A friend of mine went to university with Elon and Kimball. Elon is apparently a dumass

Vincent Utah

Will this get my brother to stop stan’ing this fuckstick?


Get to the good stuff. Commonwealth weirdos are a givin

Dane McDowell

Wow this was detailed. Great work! Although personally I would've preferred an hour of calling him a scam and insinuating he's a pedo. But well researched educational material is nice too

Sean Carton

yeah the west/california is... not great. "charles manson was just california letting its skirt up a little too high" Brilliant, brace! https://youtu.be/-KdYEAIrpmM


When Liz and Brace started talking about California it really made me feel that I should rewatch Paul Thomas Anderson movies. He really captures that vibe. Great episode guys, as always.


Talking points! Talking points! TALKING POINTS!

Sander Emerick

Don't need episode 3 to tell me how it feels to be in a burning Tesla as the doors lock on me: I'm listening right now in one as the flames are melting my skin


I just came




Super not down with Brace’s use of the “r” word


Meh could be worse. I don't use the word personally but so long as someone isn't directing it at a genuinely disabled person, it doesn't really matter imo.


Mine was like that for a while too. Not sure what changed his mind.

Char Kelly

I was so pissed we’d been put on a true-diet but I’m less than 2 minutes in and this THEME SONG IS BANGING. Worth the wait



Jessica S

In the era of binge watching, I don’t know how to handle waiting for part 2 and 3.


All I can say is Queens University absolutely has the hottest girls. Very big call her daddy pod energy


tesla's wig flew

Lesley Anne Noelle

let’s stop abusing the word ‘populist’, kay?

Frank Cold

How did you know that I don’t have a pension but my dad does? Are you inside my head?

Jimothy Realname

this episode is an all-time high for the pod. Is there a term for the opposite of jumping the shark?

Lesley Anne Noelle

~had only they been trying to create, not a solar car, but a goddamn nuclear bomb, it would’ve happened. fast 💨

jack dulworth

Whats that background song at an hour 38 called?


Anyone else not seeing the podcast load in their RSS feed?


In my experience people actually DONT know where electricity comes from. Just one example I have a friend w the politics of an average working class guy (very confused) and he was really excited abt NFTs and complaining to me about ppl who say they’re bad for the environment. Literally did not know that electricity comes from coal. I think at least like 50% of adults think this way. Especially because of how fervently electric solutions are treated as “clean energy” solutions.

Terrance McDonald

Just started the episode but I can tell it’s gonna be a good one. Thank Chomsk Brave and Liz


Emerald mine, not diamond mine. Elon tried to sell one of his his dad's emeralds to Tiffany & Co. Typical teenage move, slinging emeralds.


Love the show; don't go off on me Brace


this sound quality is crisp

Gabo Goff

Generally electric grid runs on gas and coal and hydro so it’s less polluting than cars which run on gas. As grid has become cleaner this is more so the case. California doesn’t have any operating coal plants either.

a clash of purple

That's what I never got about the whole "bluh, electric cars still pollute!" thing. Like, it is (theoretically) possible to lower carbon emissions from power plants. If we built a lot more solar/hydro/geothermal/nuclear power, if we seriously upgraded and connected the nation's disparate energy grids (cuz a big problem in the U.S. is we have several regional energy grids that can't share power between them instead of a unified national grid), etc., etc.. As far as I know you can't do much to lower carbon emissions from burning fossil fuels (correct me if I'm wrong).

Nat Gavin

Is that a Das Racist reference at 01:33? This episode sounds boss. Nice to hear yers back in the studio together.

Rodja Raskolnikov

I have to say, Liz really knocked this one out of the park!

Nic Warnock

If this podcast can’t topple Elon or the global sex traffickers at least it might save a few people from the chiropractic pyramid scheme.

Chris Hildreth

Young Chomsky this theme music slaps my dude

James Edward Smith

I don't really understand why you and Liz think this is some kind of gotcha on electric cars. Of course if we are still using fossil fuels for our electricity generation, then electric cars won't solve anything. But there is not environmentalist, or person concerned with climate change in general who is like "just use electric cars and keep burning that coal". You guys are making a weird strawman to argue against, just because some of your friends are stupid and don't know where electricity comes from? We have to switch our power generation to clean sources, like wind, solar, hydro, geothermal, nuclear, etc. What reasonably intelligent person doesn't know this? But in what reality would we do that, but then still drive gasoline cars around? We have to do both. This seems like a very simple, basic idea, that we have to do both, but you guys are acting clever for pointing out that electric cars alone don't solve anything. Do you want a medal for pointing out the most obvious thing or something? Your impression that this means electric cars are pointless seems very stupid to me.


I will always remember making the sunracer in super solvers gizmos and gadgets


I believe the relation is that of an unclebrother

natalie foster

this music on this is so good, i'd welcome a change up every now at then if they all sound this smooth. the transition music was especially good. could've done without the R word drop but besides that a really enjoyable episode. normally I have trouble staying focused for niche history like the electric car stuff but it was actually pretty interesting! excited to hear the rest


Please do not make fun of me: how do you spell Ang Core Lee. And what lost city is that name based on?

zack wait

I would generally rather cut my penis off that listen to Californians talk about California but im driving and don't have a knife in the truck. Good ep otherwise!

zack wait

Angkor Wat, it's in Cambodia. Look up some pics, absolutely beautiful


Everyone’s talking about pollution from electricity and I’m still stuck on how EV credits are the main export of the Tesla business model and that their stock is built on a subsidy regime set by figure heads of state. It’s all waiting to go *pop*!

Doug Welch

Generally, I listen to my new episodes of TrueAnon as they drop- unfortunately my in-laws are in town this weekend so it’s not happening- but if you want to explore sex trafficking, fraud, hi-tech and Epstein, Whitney Webb has dropped a new one on Epstein and Bad Bill Gates worth checkin’ out. Of course my preference is for peeps from my abandoned heimat- SF!!!!


Sick intro remix mr Yung Chomsky

Jonathan lees

I’ve haven’t heard it yet but I know it’s gunna be bloody good so get stuffed

Jonathan lees

And the people aren’t sleeping

sammi sweetheart

big baby belden 👶 💪🟡🤚 🦶🦶

Frederick Von Drasek

...in Minnesota in the thirties (and I'm assuming other places around the Midwest), the biggest fascist outift called themselves the silvershirts. LOTS of Nordics (zillions of Scandos but, actually, at the time Minnesota had more Germans than all Scandos) in MN then--still are...

Jimothy Realname

dont post and drive, zack Anyway, it's a lot better than listening to new yorkers talk about new york. What the fuck is a "bodega"? Oh, you mean a 7/11?

Benjamin Coke

I googled Tzero and it was a bunch of crypto stuff lol


As an irishman i have to say i was impressed to hear brace knew about the blue shirts. Well done brace !


Liz giving me michael s. judge vibes at times - love the deep dive


even though the settlers probably knew they would eventually find the ocean, maybe part of them hoped the continent would keep going forever, offering land for everyone without limit - unfortunately nothing is forever, and in that sense california and the pacific ocean represent death in the american consciousness, and the desire to defeat it


nice to once again hear yung chomsky laughing in the distance

a clash of purple

If all that is true, where California is where all these wacky ideas get tried out, why don't Americans ever try anything that works? I mean, besides the fact that their culture is stupid, crazy, lazy, and evil. You'd think by sheer random chance, someone would have tried establishing a Maoist insurgency or something in California, instead of all these cults that are just fronts for MKUltra shit.

Kate M Shapiro

people from california need to get over themselves god damn


I am also a South African Canadian and grew up under SoCred rule so I get this

Michael S. Judge

pretty sure Oswald Mosley's fascist militia in ’30s London was also called the silvershirts




If you look up tzero car you'll find it. Looks like an insane car, and bright yellow


When is the next episode coming out?


Brace baby fart at 54:44. Nice.


🎶 these chicks don’t even know the name of my band 🎶

Zack Burke

Sounding a bit like Blowback here...


Muy bueno el podcasts

Peter T.

You're right.. they're trying to sound more professional, sadly

Chris Ryan

So happy you are going in on Scam Jose. I hate it heeeeeere

Chris Ryan

Moved to Bay Area a couple of years ago and I simply cannot wait to get out of here. If I never see another 10 million dollar house again that’s fine by me


I'd say that Bill Gates is somewhat similar to Musk in the sense of most people having strong opinions of him, even the ones not hating or loving rich people.

used to be steve

That would make Elon an uncle to his brother


I hate my kids so much


I could listen to an hour of Jurassic Park bird riffing.


not to be awkward but pterodactyls aren't dinosaurs.... they're ancestors of lizards (im sorry)

Will Erokan




Peter T.

True anon and the rest of my generation just uses the word weird when it cant think of any other way to describe something :(

Jeff Grey

So the WELL AKSHUALLY I'm going to make is about the "Protocols." The original wasn't by Machiavelli, a fictionalized version of Machiavelli was one of the subjects. The original was called, "The Dialog Between Machiavelli and Montesquieu in Hell," and it was supposed to be about Napoleon III. It was some French satirists during N III's reign doing a sketch where the cursed shades of the two titular figures meet and talk about how much they loved fucking people over and getting lots of people killed in exchange for money/power and then justifying it through political pragmatism. And supposedly if you were a French citizen at the time then you were supposed to draw parallels between what they were saying and Napoleon III's policies. The "Protocols" changed the setting from a spooky cavern in a cartoon Hell with damned souls to a meeting between people in a spooky graveyard. And changed the characters from dead historical figures talking about how much they fucking loved being evil to supposed members of the Jewish Conspiracy talking about how much they currently fucking love being evil. Another interesting theory is that it wasn't the Russian Secret Police who originally made the forgery, but some disgraced courtier in the Tsar's court who thought he could buy back the Tsar's good graces by producing "proof" that the Jews were conspiring against him.


Short on facts and a lot of laughing at their own bad jokes. And I'm TSLAQ! I can't stand the guy.


Part 1 is very, very informative. Yes, bad jokes aside. My one frustration: on the podcast app, they don't indicate when parts 2 and 3 will be out in full. The teasers are misleading because you assume the full episodes are already available on Patreon. Please reword your explanations about availability guys!


ok, how do i listen to those full episodes? Except for this episode 1, i don't see them anywhere, either on patreon or the podcast app.


OK my update: I was confused about the membership levels ("gumshoe" isn't anything but an empty one-dollar donation, okay. Now I see all the episodes because I upgraded to the normal subscription. Kind of confusing, probably I would leave that gumshoe thing out.


Hearing Brace talk about Chiropractic made me think of this song by Faxed Head: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CLOWQRH9yzA

Josh VanValkenburg

Release the Elon pilled version of the theme song!!


Brace is so funny when he gaslights Liz


How do I find part two and 3?


Heyyy did you guys take down the rest of these eps and also the rest of the 9/11 eps? Def in support of you putting them back up.