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Joined once again by Ben (@housetrotter) & Aaron Good (@aaron_good_) we take a look at the life of Lee Harvey Oswald—the agent & the patsy.

Peter Dale Scott

Jim DiEugenio's 25-part series on Destiny Betrayed, with Dave Emory



Anon Ibid

Finally yall mention Thornley but dont mention Discordianism...

Anon Ibid

Edwin Walker had crazy feud with the Kennedy brothers and also ran against John Connally. There are theories he was heavily involved in the assassination.



Dan Greene

Jesus Fucking Khrist


You guys are saying milieu a lot lately


cold open was poifect


Does anyone have a link to the Marina Oswald-Jessie Ventura interview that was referenced?

Jessica S

Ah, what a way to end the evening. Thanks guys, so good as always!

Frank Cold

But why would the CIA name their plane after an Irish punk band huh?!

Michael S. Judge

The Ferrie/Oswald unit of the Civil Air Patrol also included Charles F. Rogers, a CIA pilot (and possibly one of the Three Tramps in Dallas) who would return to his parents' house after the JFK assassination, lock himself in his childhood room for 2 years, then emerge, murder his parents, and disappear in Central America (Guatemala, I think) on CIA assignment


You guys gonna do a show/series on the other 60s assassinations? I would be very interested in one on MLK.

Michael S. Judge

Ooh, the only George who could ever handle me Was the son of a Tsarist oilman He was, yes, he was


Caleb has such a beautiful singing voice 😍🎵 weeeeeeeee uuuuu I am gonna kill Joe Biden🎶


Really getting into the shmeat of it here. Love it, thanks y’all.


It’s okay to be the the the t


Let's go!

Brian Long

Reeeeeallly solid ep.


If Brace and Liz ever get assassinated I will consider avenging their deaths depending on how good this series pans out.


Love you guys so much, thank you for all your hard work!!!

Doug Cartel

LOL I remember a teacher of mine talking about how a CIA recruiter approached them and when they said they were interested in joining the recruiter was like "ok well first off we have to get you divorced and remarried to create the paperwork for our cover story for you" and they immediately got cold feet and backed out


The CIA has a memorial for "fallen" CIA officers that just represents them as nameless stars. Lee Harvey Oswald has two of them.

Doug Cartel

all right that was fucking exhausting to listen to im going to bed to process all this

Donnacha O'Brien

All good except the bit on the carcano. The rifle is fine accuracy wise. The issue was US gun users loading similar sized but incorrect ammunition.


damn, 2 hours of JFK stuff. we eatin good, fam


What’s the blog Brace mentions at 39:25? Sounds like visup or something

Will Watson

just signed up for a john newman counterterrorism class next semester thanks trueanon


I’m surprised Family of Secrets by Russ Baker wasn’t recommended.

Neil Harris

I'll be glad when this JFK jerk-off-athon is over. Alex Cockburn, Chomsky, Howard Zinn to name just a few venerable leftist thinkers tried to steer people away from this senseless morass. The left has wasted so much time and energy on chasing its own tail with this nonsense. The cia has said they stoke these conspiracy theories for that very reason.

will michel

i just wrapped the 25-part interview with jim dieugenio before the trueanon jfk series and i highly recommend it to others, helped me with a lot of the names and places and timelines and whatnot. one person not yet mentioned is richard case nagell, possibly my favorite bit player in this whole brouhaha. claims to have fired a couple of shots into the ceiling of an el paso bank just before the assassination to give himself an alibi (and protection) because he knew what was about to go down, iirc. even if not true, still hilarious

will michel

pretty convenient time to start taking the cia at their word tho

Doug Welch

Dave Emory put me on the path to being a fan of ol’Grampa Pisspig!!!


Based on Wikipedia under Michael Paine, his daughter's name is Lynn Paine (b. 1959)


Please do a pod on bitclout

Kate Baldwin

Hope y'all are throwing some of that sweet sweet patreon cash at Ben and and Aaron Good! They have been awesome.


Also Nagell might be the guy who first led Garrison down the bathhouse fascism path

Joshua Baker

Spectacular EP!!! Y'all are doing incredible work!


The DiEugenio 25-part interview is bingeable. I am bingeing it


NO laughs for the ‘Belden Goodbye’? Tough crowd.

Char Kelly

the unhinged energy at the VERY end *chefs kiss*


Harv on the Radio. Band Name. Called it.

Lauren Cabral

The part of the congressional commission and Allen Dulles being a threat reminded me of that scene from the Godfather Part II where Michael Corleone shows up to the Senate hearings on the mob and the guy shuts up immediately after seeing him.


big dave emory fan here for the last 4-5 ears listening on the WFMU hosted podcast version of the show. Would like to hear more about him from you Bay Area tinfoil heads


a lot of missed joke possibilities based around conflating U2 the band and U-2 the plane

J Vito

y’all should totally dig into that Bob Dylan song “Murder Most Foul” that came out last year... it’s fascinating




There isn’t enough money in the world to get me to listen to Bob Dyldo

Will Erokan

Check out Mae Brussell.. She covered the topic extensively until she died of 'fast acting cancer' in 1988.


When are you going to do a yarn-and-thumbtack evidence board listing and connecting all these names you're throwing out? It's really hard to keep track. I'm sure with a bit of meth and Liz's adult supervision, Brace could crank it out in an afternoon!

Jimothy Realname

From what I've heard of meth, you can indeed take an entire afternoon to crank one out


....volunteer service project for 'em?


I’m the same. Find it difficult to keep track.

Jack Caldwell

damn dude i took a class with john newman and everyone hated it but i thought he ruled. glad to know that he’s got this broader recognition

Juliette DeMaso

Appreciating the Dr Strangelove references; that film should be required viewing.

Michael S. Judge

Of all the things to discuss, I just can't stop thinking: God damn, Lee Harvey Oswald was a ROUGH 24

Michael S. Judge

All the baristas *I* know ended up at NASA. But they were also members of the Nazi Party from 1933 to 1945 and spent the war doing rocket research at Peenemünde, so