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Brace makes an NFT: https://opensea.io/assets/0x495f947276749ce646f68ac8c248420045cb7b5e/104503460708576514723677294791054914639824523807549586153085114764453373542401




N-Word F-Word T-Word

Kevin Diez

Oh yeah meatballin’


1st actu

Daniel Woods

Investing in Bracecoin


Brace you keep me sober thank u



Syd Beretta

This should be very measured considering how very Luddite we all are

Sarah Jay

Very excited about the simplified internet life of OnlyFans2.

Frank Cold

Clearly Brace is in front of a green screen. Fake!


Yayyyy haha new true anon so happy yayyy haha... no wait no... no NOOO


rokos basilisk will punish us for our sins against computers

Daniel Dresden

whats the music that plays in the cold open? it sounds so familiar its driving me crazy

Dan Greene

All hail King Ludd




What does the word funge mean


that's a yung chomsky, but I was thinking about Daft Punk's TRON soundtrack https://soundcloud.com/yung-chomsky/new-fckin-trueanon-2?in=yung-chomsky/sets/music-for-podcasts-volume-1


nvm this is this first podcast about nft that doesn’t induce suicidal ideation, A+


What an intro. 🚀 😎🚀

will michel

fuck this nft shit talk about the pedos again


Brace is Johnny Silverhand


huuuuuuge theory cuck here.


When the fuck is young Chomsky gonna drop some music

the only thing i ever heard about real-world, not-sicko blockchain applicability was as a method for non-repudiable voting in a digital democracy, but ain't no way we're ever going to see something like that come to pass.


Just wait until you hear about WAIFU Token

Jon Grace

I just stole the nft . Got my Truenon Nft fo free!! fungible mungible

Harry P. Ness

The only part of the Animatrix that matters is the two-parter that's basically about how the machines were right to enslave Humanity. It's got the most disturbing shit in it I've ever seen in a cartoon. Its like 20 minutes long and I want you guys to have seen it really bad.

Kate Wright

France uses paper ballots. Wtf don't we? Call it "job creation" to hire folks to count em, like a seasonal gig you're semi-stoked about and not tied to forever, idk. If you printed out paper ballots with 2 sections, one piece to hand out to the voter & one piece to count for total votes, we'd have a way to count "totals" along side the actual votes to count. IDK, but sounds simple enough to a Luddite like me, and the paper ballots work for other "developed" countries


Crypto currency is pretty relevant to pedos.


Imagine what would happen if a country's internet got isolated from the rest of the bitcoin network for an extended period of time... The forks diverge for billions, maybe trillions of dollars, and the isolated country's crypto economy is decimated if it ever rejoins the internet :D Good thing nobody with economic interests could do anything like cut off the internet.... :D hahaha

Jack Montoro

Brace talking about becoming a cyberghost to fight capitalists is basically the plot of Cyberpunk 2077


The whole animatrix was better than the actual matrix movies, especially the green ass sequels.


Correct me if I’m wrong but there’s no way to verify the “true fork” either, so if forks of this magnitude were to happen (or are already happening), it will be a matter of societal agreement on which of the forks have legitimacy going forward, and which collapse completely. Isnt Bitcoin cash already a fork that just became its own thing?

philip podolsky

Shout out to a queen who appreciates that classic study of Nietzsche from 1962 and can admit that even if Nick Land's overall thing is whack, his writing is occasionally great.


One thing I would add is that Biden tapped Gary Gensler as the new SEC Chair (he was approved by the senate last week), and he is a really, *in Liz voice* “interesting guy.” Former Goldman Sachs goon, and during the Obama admin worked at the fed, also jfc he was the CFO of Hillary ‘16, but over the last 4 years he was teaching courses on crypto at MIT. There’s a 20 hour series of lectures he gave on blockchain and finance that’s on YouTube, etc. The main takeaway is that he is pro-blockchain but in a really specific, neoliberal-fintechnocratic way, where he says that current financial institutions, central banks and hedge funds and what have you, will not be unseated by Bitcoin, but easily absorb the blockchain technologies into their own private banking ledger-systems. He talked about this exact thing in the lectures (which I didn’t watch but absorbed passively in the background of a haze like 20-hours straight one weekend). Anyways people think he’s pro crypto, but people also think that means replacing fiat currencies with Bitcoin or whatever, but no way, the financial sector is not surprised by nor opposed to these developments.

Jack Nancy

one of my old chefs once was goofing me and deadpan said, as "lay lady lay" was playing in the kitchen, "this is my mom and my song." still one of my favorite jokes.

Horse Badorties

What about the one where he fucks Raquel Welch or is it the '10' broad?


Who owns the NFT for goatse?

Hume An

Crazy that there are two bids on Brace’s NFT at over $1800!


The comparison to web 1.0 seems right to me, but it seems like Liz has forgotten about the dot com bubble.


There's no way to understand what's going on with "crypto" right now without understanding the Tether house of cards propping it up. Essentially, almost the entire volume of trading in these assets takes place in funbucks issued by a company that also owns one of the largest exchanges. If anything drives a modest attempt to cash out, the whole "crypto" market is gonna face a massive liquidity crisis. Liz should love this stuff, it's very similar to the subject of the recent finance episode except with all the brakes off. Recent summary: https://davidgerard.co.uk/blockchain/2021/02/23/new-york-settles-with-tether-a-wrist-slap-with-a-strong-leash/


Few thoughts, one, this is why we need a finance channel in the discord. Two, we true anon pod fans should corner the Uranium market so we can get ahead of the inevitable union of BTC and nuclear fans. Third, going to have to read liber novus again. Getting mad jungian vibes from this episode.


this episode is entirely speculation


i like that on lock screen, the patreon logo is on top of doge face so it's like we are being walked

Mark Groves

ledger is a real thing beleeve it or not

Hadrian Quan

Great discussion of NFTs and crypto to a lesser degree! One interesting comparison I think you could make was something that came up during your first(?) interview with Yasha Levine. He discussed the strategic goals behind creating technology such as TOR: if you have spies trying to trying to send messages along a network, it’s advantageous to have non-spies using the network as well and disguise network traffic. Similarly with shady purchases/sales it’s helpful to have people purchasing heroin etc. alongside covert arms sales, one could imagine the benefits for a state to constructing a currency like this. One tricky issue with Brace’s plan to “destroy ethereum” is there are natural defenses against the 51% attack described, which is that many cryptocurrencies have a built-in limit to the amount of coins which can be mined, e.g. there will only ever be 21 million bitcoin that will exist, cause of math bs. In which case, one defense against such an attack is to have a big pile of coins that are sitting in crypto fort knox, so no one person can have that majority. Satoshi Nakamoto is the single largest owner of btc, and his wallet hasn’t done anything for like a decade (especially funny given one translation of his name is “central intelligence”) ;)

Peter T.

"Maybe this is how we get Yang banged into the Green Dream!" hahahaahha Liz is queen genius !!!!!!!

Vincent Utah

Cyberpunk, but less fun. Fan-fucking-tastic...


the name thing is honestly really funny

Leroy Leroy Leroy

In braces quest for knowledge it seems he’s begun turning into some sort of ghost within some kind of shell 🕵🏻‍♂️👁


gavin newsom ep when?

Corey Wagner

"We aren't going to tell you what to think." "This is where people are thinking about this all wrong." :-)



Tron Quip

Ethereum is a massive bunch of bullshit. The end. The art thing is just another scam after the Initial Coin Offerings play stopped working circa 2018. It needs to be killed with fire.

Tron Quip

On another topic entirely, did you guys know that George Merck, who founded the US wing of Merck & Co, was also the director of the US's bioweapons program in WWII? He wrote a historical report on the whole thing in 1944 - I made a transcript if you're interested...

Kate Baldwin

Please never make me think about bit coin or whatever the fuck this is again.

Kate Baldwin

Thanks for melting your brain for us though Brace. I feel like I maybe get understand this more now.


I’m sorry I have to say. Even if u mint a multi edition nft (or whatever it’s called where u have more than one) they’re not fungible because you can’t break them down and as far as I know they are still identifiable from each other. If u mint 10 Pokémon cards or whatever one is the first one one is the second etc. if you have one Bitcoin u can break it down into a million quadrillion parts so the “first” Bitcoin etc instantly loses any meaning which wouldn’t be the case for ur 10 Pokémon cards


Maybe I'm just a poor person who doesn't understand assets but NFTs sound like the dumbest thing ever. At least if you own a trading card or a Bitcoin... It's like sort of a thing

Samir Knox

I kinda thought of it as me wanting something more tangible than streaming so I collect the occasional vinyl record so I can experience a record I like or I am interested in more mindfully and this is like that except, you get nothing tangible and nothing else back except losing your money?


I just want to second what someone said and request an ep about Meghan markle and the Royal fam


I own the nft of Brace as Johnny Silverhand with the nude mod

Kate Wright

So, MarketWatch tells me that Jack Dorsey sold his first tweet as an NFT today - another cuckass acronym I hadn't even heard of before this episode (more proof that TrueAnon's da best). This world might have officially just become too insane for me to try and understand. Still gonna try and push That boulder, meanwhile billionaires will be taking selfies from their circular space-hotel & selling NFT tweets about the rocketship ride around the moon, while I, a mere peasant, make wishes on falling space junk, mistaking it for fabled shooting stars


Wait I just listened to the Nth room episode and liz talked about meghan & RFam and she sounded like she had a lot of good info ¬‿¬

Tron Quip

I made a very small start to mapping out who it references where and for what here: https://cslide.medsci.ox.ac.uk/items/view/11779 Adjust your browser/click on the down arrows for direct quotes from the text that relate to each entry. I've only got 15 pages of around 350 up there so far though (and none of the most interesting parts), so you'll need to keep checking back. Once I've done this I might find a way to publish the whole thing somehow, but I don't know if that's feasible yet. You might also be interested in this: https://history.army.mil/html/books/010/10-2/index.html Happy hunting.


I just posted twice on the wrong episode.

Louis Dondanville

I think you need to dig deeper into ethereum and large institutions backing it, how it is being leveraged etc. don’t worry cryptobros the CIA has your back, you’re in good hands https://www.forbes.com/sites/stevenehrlich/2021/04/13/janet-yellen-bitcoin-and-crypto-fearmongers-get-pushback-from-former-cia-director/

Steve Steve Steve

Is there offers sitting for you to accept on that nft?