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We welcome back to the show the inimitable Enty from Crazy Days And Nights to talk through the #FreeBritney movement, what the NYT doc gets right and wrong and why Sam Lufti should be in jail. Also, what the hell happened with Armie Hammer?



Taray Sureel

People are mentally ill and not in conservator-ships all the time. You are allowed to date someone that everyone tells you is a grifter. Especially when the system is also made up of grifters! Britney is in a precarious position, and she has been impaired by her experiences, but why is it that she has her autonomy taken as opposed to going after the people that are trying to scam her? Why is having less custody of her children evidence that she must loose rights over her estate or her own body when we don't know why? Especially when she didn't have "full custody" before when the conservator-ship held her ability to spend time with her children over her head? We all have experiences that impair us, but standing on your ten toes and saying Britney should be in a conservator-ship in the face of so many unknowns is to err on the side very questionable institutions and people and give them the benefit of the doubt. That is something that should be reflected on a little more.

Taray Sureel

First thing that came up when I googled enty https://www.vulture.com/article/crazy-days-and-nights-blogger-enty-revealed.html#


Britneys Back Bitch

Maura Willey

starting a rumor that enty is second gentleman douglas emhoff


I've very excited to listen to your takes on free Britney!!

Avalon W-K

I dreamt of her last night 🤔


Yo check out the Deep Dive series on the Britney conservatorship on YouTube! Tons more info 5-part and counting series


this is maybe the least interesting thing I can imagine


just watched this doc with my girlfriend, had to hold my tongue when the trueanon thoughts hit me

Michael S. Judge

Jack Osbourne as Flávio Bolsonaro is killing me


So the whole Britney thing isn't a conspiracy, it's just depressing


Love what you’re doing with the music right now YC! It’s always been good but i enjoy you playing with old genres and stuff, it’s really cool and fun.

Matt Pierce

Sweeny Todd was a good JD performance! Even aside from the hair!

Lee Korotash-Gullett

I knew nothing about the Hammers, but his casting in Sorry To Bother You seems perfect. He didn’t need to pretend did he?


gonna go listen to “overprotected” and cry

Vincent Utah

A break from politics is sometimes well needed. Plus celeb bullshit is probably the closest thing the mainstream US has to a culture.

will michel

ian fleming ran a gossip column during his time at mi6, iirc


Wonder if Marilyn Manson is tied to Franklin Scandal

Dan Greene

Radio Free Britney


Great ep, i love the celebrity and tabloid eps


didn't brace do the ozzy bit in a previous episode ??? or am i having an mandela effect ?!?

Brendan Garcia

NT sounds like Owen Wilson.


Brendan...I can’t unhear Owen now

Benjamin Coke

Jewel watch continues. Im not gonna watch it til he does

Brad Bell

ross lynch!!!


Whatever this shits boring

Michael Coutts

So Danzig is getting that kitty litter money?


Yeah. This is not the first time I've heard someone allude to that.

Salt M. Bank

That was pretty wild. Also he was on 4 seasons of Sabrina, not riverdale

Mark Owen

Fish from your window at the Edgewater Inn!

Deirdre Perez

One of my favorite guests!


talk more about dan schneider and the nick connection PLEASE!

Jack Nancy

there is a 'Californication' ep with him in it where they literally joke about him fucking David Duchovny's teenage daughter. Super creepy.

Jack Nancy

Also as a former resident of Rio Nido, Guy was definitely probably going to the Guerneville Taco Truck. That spot rocks.


That whole Sia thing is weeird. Did you all see that she adopted 2 teenage boys that were aging out of foster care? Kinda sus...

Rene Saller

I have missed Enty! Have him on more often, and indulge Liz in her Markle content!

Jackson Lahey

This was one of my favorite episodes! I grew up as a young Britney super fan and remember being sad when Zoey101 ended and hearing the rumors about Jamie Lynn’s pregnancy. I never put the two together after hearing the Dan Schneider stories but I’d love for y’all to talk about Schneider/ Sumner Redstone/ Murdoch and all the child abuse happening on those shows. Thanks for great episode


I want that man strung up and quartered on hollywood blvd


bumping this, get Dan "The Footman" Schneider in your sights Liz and Brace.


need more hollywood episodes this is so good


This truly is the #1 anti-pedophile podcast


Love these! You guys were my first Patreon, back before Epstein was suicided, and I found out about Enty's podcast from you, who was my second Patreon sub. Great minds unite!


Can we get a Brittany Murphy episode?


I do feel like Enty gives too much trust in Britney's family and the courts to be acting in good faith. It seems more than obvious that Britney's conservatorship is an extraordinary situation and that she is nowhere near mentally incapacitated.

philip podolsky

lmao what's an earnest lib like you doing in a place like this?

Juliette DeMaso

This episode is trash, this guest feels like a suss grifter.