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We are joined by Abby Martin of the Empire Files and Media Roots Radio to talk about Joe Biden’s cast of foreign policy ghouls, PNAC’s unfinished business and the continued American aggression toward Russia.

Forging 21st Century Strategic Deterrence 




It's a bittersweet chimpanzee

Harry P. Ness

yo first music interlude is 🎹🎷🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥


im gay

Ellie Voyyd ⚧️

brace almost said "bittertwink chimpanzee"

Ophelia Mayer

Great episode, definitely would love to see you guys bring Abby back on in the future

Jack Nancy

Damn. Abby rocks. didn't realize she is married to Michael Prysner. He made me anti-war when I was a teenager. What a cool family.


Happy Valentine’s Day Liz


Media Roots is amazing, Abby and Robbie been doing this a long time. Big fans.


Abby Martin is just sensational!


Spook sus imo.


@40:00 the arctic war games are insane. We're war gaming out how to get control over hydrocarbons that are opened up by melting sea ice.... due to global warming.... that we'll make worse by using those hydrocarbons we've gone to war to get access to. This is pretty demonic.


Love it when you get people Marin, Ames, possibly Monsieur War Nerd in the future?🤔🤔🤔


sexy tunes yc


Man, i am fucking terrified about the future of this world

Dan Z

Abby and Robbie have the smoothest voices

Izak Kennedy

yc snapped on this 1


German-Polish Israel could actually be pretty cool

natalie foster

this is a fantastic episode, abby is so intelligent. definitely worth unlocking for the masses, spelling out american objectives plainly isn't something many ppl get to see or hear


some good beats at 37

James Keegan

wow joking about redheads is fucked up. this is what pushes people to the right.


the tunes go dumb hard


how do i buy russian agricultural futures !?!?!?!


Some of those “cool” little Chinese islands were taken from Việt Nam during that country’s American War. Several other countries are also disputing and protesting the construction of military airbases there. You don’t mean to glamorize that occupation, do you?

Mike Bilbe-Taylor

Would anyone be kind enough to link or point towards some reporting on the Azov battalion and their involvement with Euromaidan?




Love the episode as usual. Young Chomsky, what's the name of the track used for the first musical interlude? It's fire


They all get posted here: https://soundcloud.com/yung-chomsky/sets/music-for-podcasts-volume-1


I love you <3


Listening in from actual Moscow, thank you very much for this one PS there is an insane cast of pro-american characters in Georgia, they seem to be connected to Bidens in Ukrainian thing as well, so Georgia really might be next :(


Abby has been my hero for a long time. Glad you had her on! I need trueanon merch to match my Empire Files hat.


I love when my favorite people are in the same podcast


Great episode! It would be awesome to hear an interview with John Helmer on Russia, Navalny and US foreign policy. Or even Yasha Levine.


Abby owns


tbh a lot of really weird takes here


legitimately don't get the whataboutism surrounding Russian and Chinese posturing globally. It seems totally possible to be critical of US imperialism *in addition to* the really problematic behavior of both China and Russia. To call Navalny a CIA plant when you need to ask for help remembering his name isn't really painting a broad picture of the Russian protests, the Kremlin's killing of journalists/political rivals, Chinese regional posturing which is totally aggressive, the destruction of Hong Kong's autonomy through crackdowns...you spend a great of time trashing people who take issue with these events without really providing any of your own perspective (in this episode or really any of them) on Russia and China's role in the current global destabilization. I agree with just about everything that you guys say, your research is excellent and even when I don't agree with your analysis I find it legitimately challenges where I stand on a lot of issues. But I don't really know what to make of China/Russia thing it really confuses me. Taking a moment to highlight that if we went to war with them their military would clearly win...like what? Literally who cares.


I think the idea is that China's and Russia's transgressions are explicitly used to justify an insane and runaway American military apparatus that cannot possibly do anything to remedy those things.


No I agree with you. That part seems obvious to me. I guess there's just something that feels really kinda lazy about pinning these global uprisings on US and CIA intervention. I remember specifically when the Russia propaganda law was passed because I was in a group show at the Hermitage, and we were being actively lobbied to withdraw out work from both aid groups and local organizations. These were real people who were speaking on behalf of their own communities, and certainly there were other interests involved, and ultimately i did not agree that our show fit the bill for what they were trying to achieve, but the people and activists and the issues were real. Russia used LGBQT rights in the same ways many nations have, to try to drive a wedge between themselves and "western" ideologies on identity and culture. To ignore that this is happening is just being willfully ignorant of how dangerous that actually is, let alone deadly. To say that Trump put sanctions on Russia when he was forced to by congress and refused for a long time to even enforce them is just a really bizarre thing to say, sorry! China's "goodwill" attempts to share data on COVID for vaccine programs? I mean I really hate the US, I'd be happy to see this country fall into the fire, but you must absolutely be fucking joking. And frankly other nations did step in to condemn the US response to George Floyd and BLM, so I don't really know what that point is about either. Yes, human rights violations elicit reactions. There's a real narcissism about framing all of these global events as somehow the will of the US deep state and not somehow actually led, executed, and achieved by more capable actors (such as local activists). It's totally possible to still believe that the US inserts itself in these conflicts without writing the people behind them off as the fantasy of western war hawks. It would be really great for this podcast to have anything to say at all about Russia and what they've done to the region. I think you'd find an audience here capable of that discussion without seeing it as a deep throat to the US war machine.


Great episode! Sorry to be the war nerd reply guy, but I think Brace should have weighed in on the RAND-sponsored notion that the US would lose vs Russia, I assume by implication in a conventional war. I think that's... not very likely. For one thing, it's not clear that nuclear powers can win or lose too decisively to one another without triggering a nuclear war. Can anyone be said to really win or lose a nuclear war? War with Russia in any way would be a global catastrophe, I am vehemently opposed to the idea, but I think the best that could be said for Russia's chances is that they could defend a land border. That land border could maybe be larger than their current borders, but in naval and air power the materiel advantage for the US is just insane. The Russian air force would have to trade out 2:1. I've seen a flight sim of a Mig-29 vs an F-22 where the Mig-29 can't even get a radar lock on the F-22, much less kill it. Maybe I've been taken in by American propaganda, but thinking back, most of the people I've heard make dire assessments of American military readiness have been Secretaries of "Defense" or like Raytheon employees.


I don't understand how "simulation" gets into the conversation, but I highly recommend attendance at the next event at Le Bourget. The actual result of the klutzy retrofit on U.S. aircraft vis-a-vis the Sukhoi built-as-designed vectored thrust system must be seen in action. Pugachev's Cobra is not just a maneuver; it is the product of a military philosophy which always assumes that battlefield conditions _ a l w a y s _ degrade suddenly and in unexpected ways. The West relies heavily on its electronic aegis. When that delicate web fails, the words of a U.S. Major (A.F., I believe) become relevant. Re. the F-35 "The pilot who enters a dogfight in this aircraft has made a mistake." Eeeeek!


I hope you broaden your horizons on what journalism you listen to IRT China and Russia. Big props to The Grayzone and Breakthrough news. China's military superiority is MASSIVELY important considering the US's level of military buildup and expenditure in the region, specifically with Taiwan. Dozens of US bases surrounding the PRC, drawing ridiculous levels of funding while not having a slim chance of winning an actual hot war over Taiwan.


this is exactly my thoughts, the penchant of american leftists to instantly jump on any strategic enemy of america as 'good', or at least better than is portrayed in mainstream media, gives me the shits because it's so inconsistent. both actors can be bad and as worthy of criticism as eachother

K Barlas

I think you might miss the point of being an anti-imperialist. If you're serious about it, the empire is your enemy, and you oppose every imperialist act it does with the goal of discrediting and destroying the empire. If you, a citizen of that empire, jump on the (often very deliberately hyped up by the intelligence agencies) criticisms of that empires enemies, you are supporting the propaganda that is used by that empire to advance it's imperial interests. If you're an American who opposes the imperialist actions of the American gangster state, how is using your public platform to criticise Russia or China affecting that imperialism?

K Barlas

Propaganda to make anti imperialists into people who just love whoever the national enemy happens to be at the time has been super successful over the past decades too. Think about how many millions of ppl opposed the Iraq war, vs how few people opposed the Syrian war vocally (and who were instantly tarred with being "Assadists"). Like think about how big a change in the climate of public discourse that is, and who it benefits (the class of people who own the media). Same for people who are opposed to a cold war with China, or opposed to the imperialistic strangling of Venezuela/North Korea/Iran/Cuba. Loudly advocating for taking the imperial boot off of the neck of those countries=/=supporting those countries' governments, and that is a viewpoint that is really important to express when you live in the imperial core and everyone around you is inundated constantly by nothing but imperialist propaganda about those countries from basically every major news source

K Barlas

Awesome episode, you guys should definitely have Abby back on!

Wojciech Graboń

Come on guys. Russia is the same evil empire as US. u are super wrong. ukraine does not give a fuck about the nato. They want to live normal lives. As Americans do. They want to join the west since this is the only way to improve their material condition. American left is ridiculous on this Russia stance.

Wojciech Graboń

and why u always put your self in another fucking empire shoes. imagine china tomorrow annex California. Your living conditions is drastically decreased. U need to escape to Mexico to clean the toilets and have some food. Guys I love u but here u are super wrong. U.S is global evil empires so is Russia. Do not even let me start on how they treat their citizens...