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We’re joined by parapolitical scholar Aaron Good, who explains his theory of the tripartite state, how the deep state operates, and what the hell it is

Democratic State vs. Deep State by Ola Tunander

American Exception: Hegemony and the Dissimulation of the State by Aaron Good




More like Aaron God


id boof dustoff, stick that straw into my turgid bussy and just let the whole can loose.

Kai Chalmers

Really liked that point about "inverted-totalitarianism". Very useful line of analysis for modern capitalism.

Jack Nancy

noooo you can't do this to me. I have so much homework.

Izak Kennedy

My fav kind of ep is one with a wikispooks article in the description

Izak Kennedy

Plz have Steven back on the nerds he hangs out with on the farm are way to scared of communism hahaha

Chris Dertz

Can't wait to listen to this podcast episode I think I'll do just that now

every man a kong

the door story sounds like explosive cutting tape


Peace and conflict studies is still a thing at UC Berkeley I'm not sure if it's the same thing that he was talking about. It's no longer a major but it's still a program somehow


@yung chomsky really is an excellent producer!


you can really hear his difference!!


Weren't the "yankee clipper" sailing ships from Boston involved in the "China (opium/"spice") Trade"?


Weren't John FORBES Kerry's, (a friend of the podcast according to Brace!! ) family, the Forbes, major "traders" with China, after their ships hunted out the readily available marine mammals?


Check out the logo on the "Old Spice" bottles, Yankee Clippers to China! Almost no one wants to know that the "Cutty Sark's" speed was to be first there, and back with the illicit profits of the opium trade and then to the "West" with another addictive commodity ie tea, made with indentured/unfree labour in the "East" and bought under the fire of gunboats.


More of this please. I love it.


I have the technology to IV industrial liquid dustoff


Not sure if it’s the right “angle”, but these episodes with scholars have ruled!


Occasionally kind of cringe but nice to step back and review first principles every once in a while. Seems like Good's insights are limited by his failure to reckon with the primacy of class struggle, but as much could be said of any non-Marxist scholar and as far as those go, his outlook is pretty sympathetic.


Dustoff is my DOC


Really does seem like the original sin was agriculture.


TrueAnon ought to do an episode on Petrodollar Warfare, so when the US invades Iran or Venezuela during the next few years your listeners can understand why this happened.


isn't san pelligrino mineral water?

Vincent Utah

Please Aaron, for the love of God, stay safe and don’t end up in an “accident.”

Jimothy Realname

my man been listening to ghost stories from the end of the world

Kate Baldwin

Really great episode!

Jack Nancy

some of my buddy's friends apparently had a hand in trying to burn Cutty Sark down back in 2007 or something. They never got caught.


Brace was right, very hard tyo google this guy and I hope they bring him back soon


Loved this! You guys should get David Wengrow on to talk about the deep history of the (deep?) state! His work with the late David Graeber throws a lot of mainstream thinking about states and the "origins of inequality" on its head and re-writes the history of the enlightenment with the influence of pre-colonial American societies on Europeans front and centre where it ought to be (apparently – the book hasn't come out yet!) Big fuck you mate to social darwinism anyway https://www.laphamsquarterly.org/democracy/hiding-plain-sight

rachel perry

Hoo boy, wish I’d had more of this during my undergrad studies in political theory. Great episode, had a boner the whole time


This was so good!

pablo escobar’s hippos

same if i could transmit this episode through space and time to reach my 18-year-old self, hunched over francis fukuyama’s end of history and huffing exactly no dust-off, i fucking would

Jordan J

Xinjiang jihadis my ass

Kevin Price

Not sure about the Xinjiang stuff but otherwise sick


Ugh - I'm only half way thru. Had to keep stopping & writing down the books you guys kept bringing up & breaking down. OH and it is SO GOOOOOOD! So far. xo


What an episode. Very refreshing to hear from beyond the same stupid fucking drums of war that beat their way into the Middle East.


https://www.theguardian.com/science/2017/jun/27/profitable-business-scientific-publishing-bad-for-science Reminder that expensive Academic Paywalls for Journals was a Robert Maxwell Bit 👁️

Doug Cartel

My best guess on an "implosion device" that just burns a hole in your car is some kind of phosphorus. That's about as far as I can guess

Bryan Blanc

This episode was really great!! I would love to read Aaron’s dissertation, it looks like the paper linked in the show notes was a shortened summary of that for a journal. I just finished reading JFK and the Unspeakable (very good and absolutely worth reading) and it was cool to hear that was a motivator for Aaron into his doctoral work.

Kennedy Connor

peter dale scott, mae brussel.......


Please, post the list! I wish I would've done this. Expected to see more linked in the episodes notes.

Peter T.

It upsets me that more people don't talk about Graeber's and Wengrow's work! and I wonder if people like Liz and Brace don't like Graeber's "anarchist" label, which is disappointing if true. Graeber made an enormous contribution to the world and we should be celebrating and discussing it

Benjamin Kelly

Do a line every time dude says “dissertation”


They also make sparkling carbonated juice beverages in lemon, orange, and blood orange flavors. They are full of sugar

Doug Welch

Oglesby is a good analysis but by the Bush years we have a synthesis of the Yankee & Cowboy factions

Doug Welch

“This all goes back to the whole Bay of Pigs thing”

Doug Welch

Clark Clifford: founder of BCCI and Nat Sec “counselor” for Jimmy Carter

Doug Welch

The Exception: a Royal Trux song on Schmitt’s thoughts on sovereignty

Lev I Bortz

The Pinkertons do security for the YAF (Young America Foundation), basically a TPUSA-esque group of goonish campus right organizations.

Ben Schild

Glaucon’s Challenge: the will of the stronger


Lol at the hard turn into xinjiang bs but otherwise quite interesting!


hOw Did tHeSe gUys eNd uP iN sYrIa - they have planes in China bro


He grew up in bloomington nice!

Ehren Burton

I'd love to hear an episode exploring exactly what JFK was trying to do that was such a disruption that he died for it.

Kennedy Connor

thanks brace, good to know tim snyder is carrying water for the deep state!


Check out the 5 part series on it from Michael Judge's podcast death is just around the corner. https://shoutengine.com/DeathIsJustAroundtheCorner/


I was kept awake last night by a thought circling around my brain after listening to this. People look to the successes and failures of individual politicians to explain the world we live in, while often they are just acting as a conduit for an intangible force that would have found another outlet were different choices made by the person in question. Like sitting on a beach and blaming each wave as your clothes get more and more damp, while not noticing the tide coming in.

prof. eucalyptus

This is a great episode. I enjoy the more intellectual eps a lot and think you guys really scored having Aaron Good on. Congrats!


They need to do a whole episode on Xinjiang


Everyone should read Pierre Clastres' Society Against the State (and other accounts of sovereignty in the same genealogy of thinking) so our discussions of sovereignty can include expressions of sovereignty outside the enlightenment-via-greeks account of "civil society." To me, these other accounts explain why people like Indigenous environmental activists (small fries) seem to pose such existential threats to the current powers.

Eli Baumann

how did you guys dig up the world's only Left Straussian for this. banger ep


"dustoff is what straight people do during sex" lol\


is there a way to get access to Aaron's dissertation other than through the very expensive sage journal platform?


LOVE this episode. Books ordered!

Kamran Husain

Hey brace fun fact the ivy league is literally the IV league as it started as four (IV) cute right?