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We’re joined by scholar Norman Finkelstein for a frank discussion on growing up, Maoism, Maoism II, the disgraceful legacy left us by our supposed betters, and the origins of his interest in Palestinian freedom. Featuring Noah Kulwin of Blowback Podcast & Jewish Currents.



Kyle Petty

Before I start this interview, I got to say I love some of the old heads out there, Finkelstein is one of them that is very thought-provoking and should be listened to. I agree with Liz's (James Baldwin) sentiment that the generations have a lot to learn from each other. I like to think that I give people the benefit of the doubt in my life and assume we are friends or on the same side at least. Unfortunately, it has just felt like time and time again that same mentality is not reciprocated from the older individuals I've come across, specifically in the workplace. I will say that is formed a certain bias or bitterness but nonetheless I hope to get over that because there is a lot to be gained from the older generations. I'll double down though, that it would be real nice if they would try to do the same; Not be dismissive, Not move the goal posts, hear pur general comcerns with the current day, but I'm not sure how often that happens anymore. Especially as the Boomers get into their late stage life and at that age old people usually don't listen to anything. I feel like that wise peakness his usually 50's or 60's that stage is passing amd then It's just senile dementia from there 🤣🤣🤣


Love norm. Simple as.






let’s GO

Hassan Farooq

Lol Brace I remember giving u money for some medical shit like 3yrs ago and they denied me a holiday visa to Turkey bro


Had the pleasure of hearing norm talk in oregon a few years back and spoke with him briefly afterwards. Genuinely great guy, so glad you guys got him on.


Play the fuckin time zone song


love finkelstein!

natalie foster

that was an ironic yeah buddy


Let's fucking gooo!!!!

Leah Levine


Vincent Utah

The Dersh would certainly not approve. I on the other hand do approve.


The Chapo Anon double upload. Love it


which tier gets us the [explicit] version


love this man


Great to hear someone my age like Norman!


Loved reading the NY Guardian in the mid 70s.


Brace, did you think in looking back, that having the Sparticists denounce your commendable union drive, had no impact or perhaps even made your drive look more practical??? Sometimes letting sectarians hoist themselves on their own petard can be the best way of managing them.


Lol you have to ask old people pointed questions or you start hearing about the bleep bus


BTW, i was anything but a Maoist then or now, but you have to like Comrade Xi!



dillards dept.

This great . I really appreciate yall interviewing commie elders and olders . We can learn alot.

Kai Chalmers

Norman Finklestein "doing a Maoism"


I could listen to stuff like this for hours upon hours upon hours.


Incredible get

Kati Ketz

Was this who they were talking about in a previous episode where there was technical difficulties?! What an amazing get, hyped to listen to this


God this just brilliant. Acerbic, funny, endearing.


One of your best episodes! ❤️


Is he financially okay?


Never heard and Liz and Brace sound so giddy (but still being great interviewers)

Mick Liebgrin

Long live Norm, this is precocious information, I gotta seek out what he’s up to now, I would listen to way more of him just talking


He's so great to listen to, excited for part 2!


Oh, wow! Can't wait to listen to this.


He's so cool. Here's hoping for Part 3 is a cage match against Dershowitz.


Hearing the bleeped nword from Norman is the one the funniest things I've ever heard on a podcast.


Haha, the McDonald’s story is like an inverse version of when my brothers visited me while I was living in China, saw a Bojangles while we were out shopping or something, ran toward it like a mirage only to find it was closed with like ten giant chain locks on the door

Creeping Jeff

I recently watched a group of young Muslim activists interview Mr. Finkelstein and the thing that stuck with me was his claim that the leaders of the Israeli govt aren’t all Zionists, in that they don’t really believe in Zionism or much of anything, they’re just racists that want to stay in power.

Justin Hastings

Easily one of your guys’ best episodes


That story about his mother hiding her eyes when war was on TV news.... A lot of people today have no idea what the Holocaust was. That he got blacklisted as a denier is a crime

ligia a



great catch guys! getting that feeling when your friends from different circles meet and get along


Incredible episode. Will be re-listening to this.


The Fink!!


This man is a blessing. Thank you fink, lotta old cranky Palestinians in my fam love you


Loved this episode


Finklestien pretty brutally chastised me at a public meeting when I was a Trotskyist kid, at the time I was bumed out. To me it proved he was petty bourgoise and a lib. But nowt as an adult, whose not a Trotskyist, now I can see he was right. 😅


great podcast but as a black listener the constant use of n*gger makes me a lil uncomfortable, especially since theres no black people on the pod...


Like its A LOT...


Normie loves the gamer word... bridging generations




The old man should stop saying the n-word. He's got quite the comfort with it. Other than that, good job Norm.

Jack Lawrence

Yeah I get that, but it does drive home just how insanely racist everyone was 45 50 years ago. It's in a way good that what was normalized then is abhorrent now.

natalie foster

why did he gotta drop those n bombs like that..........to no pushback.......a bit offputting


Boop...Boop..........Boop...Boop...Boop.Boop. Boop!


it really was. like it wasn’t necessary at all. that was the last thing a lot of black people heard before they’re brutally murdered and for him to just say it so easily with no hesitation is...weird


Love you, Norm. Thanks for your work, and your honesty and courage over the years. You've really cut through ALL the bullshit of our parent's generation and it's amazing.


woohoo. (bleeps accounted for...im glad you guys did this interview and posted it. understand that was probably an awkward decision to make. im trying to just be patient with the man, cause there’s a lot to admire there)


They should make an Irishman style movie/tv show about Shanker and the 60s NYC public unions, sanitation strike, John Lindsay, the city bankruptcy, etc


i get that they’re probably kinda star struck and all seem a little nervous at the beginning but... think it would’ve been good to call him on it.

Zachary Kaminski

I loved this episode. Listening to norm reminds me of talking to my jewish grandfather, also from brooklyn.


"im going to say the n-word" -Norman Finkelstein. Solid ep my gs


Thank you for having him on your show. Listening to him literally always brings me to tears. He’s a wonderful human being!


Finkelstein is right about the Russians sharing experience with the Polish and European jews. Hitler's plans for the Soviets was extremely grim.


This was great!!

Chris Ryan

Haha why is everyone so mad about that, he was saying it for a reason wasn’t he? To describe how racist the neighborhood was? I don’t get it


Thank you this broadcast. I look forward to part II.


Amazing episode.


This interview is incredible. Thanks guys.

Joey da Rat

God I love Norm


Fantastic interview gang! Reminder! Here's Norm owning a Zionist at some uni https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0vRBingBhKw&ab_channel=Mnthsm


What a cliffhanger

Chris Ryan

Maybe you guys are right I haven’t finished the episode yet. I’ll reserve comment. To me thus far it sounded like he was talking about often people used that word. Which is just an uncomfortable truth


Love you guys- brilliant interview ❤️

Ryan Kane

This was fantastic. Thanks to all of you!


Meant to say ... your tunes are magical Yung Chomsky 😊


ngl I heard the cold open & was like fuck Brace is bantering pretty hard with Professor Norman Finkelstein


Can't wait for part 2. He tells his life story so intimately & with real soul, heart - vulnerable honest shit. ♥️♥️♥️♥️

Tyler Reinhard

“as a black man” this old timer gets to drop the n word calling out the details of the racism of his own community back in the day. a lot of pearl clutching going on here; but let’s be real — a real one getting bleeped is always better than the cautious well-meaning outsider afraid of conveying the complexity and gross-ness of how things actually played out. not offensive to me, this dude is explaining shit we need to understand.


Really good stuff. 👍


Fantastic episode


He kinda fine


This is great


How are your chinese stocks doing comrade


This was one of the great trueanon eps. I really hope you guys take the show more in this direction. It was also really cool to hear Finkelstein just vibing and laughing instead of having to scream at some fucking asshole on a talk show


I adore moments like that in life. I had a fairly famous prof say I was full of shit in front of like 80 ppl in college (he was 100% right), and I absolutely am so happy to have not only had that happen, but to look back on it so endearingly. Important moments.


This was the best episode of your podcast to date. It made me cry at the end. And i love Liz doing the intro and conclusion with Brace as a side correspondent


Hi dillards dept! Kinda random but do you recall dillards when they were Gayfers? My grandmother who recently passed worked for them for many years. If you just think the name dillards sounds funny please disregard


my favorite part is when he said "situational comedy"


If you liked this I recommend watching Paul Jay (TheRealNews) interviewing Finkelstein on youtube.

Catherine Hutchinson

Thank you for having Norman on. He never fails to impress (and sometimes shock). Although he can be combative this interview is moving.

Mark Owen

Fun comparison - when the Germans invaded the USSR in 1941 Stalin also went incommunicado for 2 weeks.


norm should go on cum town next


Liz and Felix are honorary zoomers


Norm actually never said the n word, Nick was just sniping


What an absolutely delightful episode!


What a wonderful interview. Liz was right. So great to just sit back and listen to someone tell you an amazing life story.


been bingewatching norm now. fantastic episode, fantastic man. can't wait for pt. 2


Woah my guy what are you doin

Corey Wagner

I have nothing of any depth to add, but this is maybe one if my favorite episodes. Cannot wait for part 2.

Seth Aronovich

Dr. Finkelstein is an absolute legend.


Love Finkelstein so much, surprised to see him on here but very glad. Can't wait for more.

Rene Saller

Hurry up and upload part 2! I'm dying over here!

Josiah Love

norman go on cumtown

Stephen Norrie

Fascinating on racism within his Jewish milieu. Much of this racism (hatred of "handouts", etc) was sublimated as neoliberalism - and seems to be resurfacing today.

Nick Henderson

One of the best interviews you’ve done!


Holy shit. This was one of my favorite episodes.

Adam Brosnan

Best Finkelstein interview I’ve heard, and I’ve heard just about all of them


This interview made me finally bite the bullet and subscribe. Excellent stuff.

EaZy E

Wait. I’m sorry, what was that word...I wasn’t following.

Sue Bond

Same as other commenters, this interview made me decide to subscribe, though I had been thinking about it for some time. Great stuff!


Can anyone else not find part 2?


Thank u liz for looking out for the zoomers ❤️


I love Norman ! So sweet and bitter to hear his story told. The Holocaust industry is such a classic


As someone who grew up a Jew in post-soviet Russia I love Norman so much... this series has been the best one on the podcast for me so far. Almost teared up on this one. Thank you so much for this!

Kennedy Connor

if you have difficulty with marx. read paul baran's,,POLITICAL ECONOMY OF GROWTH.

Kennedy Connor



A touching episode. Hearing Norman Finkelstein's story was a great experience




have kept up with Finkelstein a long time, nice to see him on here


I don’t understand how people are saying they decided to subscribe over an episode behind a paywall that requires a subscription. Is there a way to see this episode outside of Patreon? I might point others to it if so.

Scott Lenz

Um: RBG, Dice, Cousin Brucie, Chris Rock - all went to Madison.