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TrueAnon’s 9/11 Week continues with a re-upload of the third episode in the series. Stay tuned for more episodes through Friday.


We welcome twitter.com/housetrotter back to review the timeline of events on September 11th 2001, Liz gets accused of being a ‘no-planer’ and we try to answer one of the most pressing questions: just where was Dick Cheney

THE NEW PEARL HARBOR: www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rq9nUPs2R…&feature=youtu.be

9/11 Timeline: www.historycommons.org/timeline.jsp?…e&day_of_9/11




The timeline link is broken because the website is down indefinitely .


Updated link: https://web.archive.org/web/20201124090722/http://www.historycommons.org/timeline.jsp?timeline=complete_911_timeline&timeperiod=1:00am%20Sept%2011%202001


no-planers be shopping


Get Osama on the pod for part 4

Stephen Wells

Everything about 9/11 no matter from where you look at it is hinckey. What happened is hinkey. The alledged hijackers are hinckey. The military response was hinckey. The 9/11 Commission was hinckey.


Does anyone have a link to a simulation of the pentagon flight? I just watched one on YouTube but it didn’t seem that extraordinary to me

Simia Canis

As soon as a skeptic says "Americans would never..." you know they're not serious people.

Stephen Wells

Read Dr Wood. Explosions would have deaf people and concussions.

Stephen Wells

All 7 buildings were destroyed. But not by explosives.

Stephen Wells

The evidence suggests a directed energy weapon was used.

Brendan Garcia

It’s amazing that people think that our government wouldn’t kill 3,000 people, even though even if that’s true, it was used as a justification to kill at least a few hundred thousand more.


You've got to be really careful with huge conspiracy theories that are insanely damaging to government legitimacy. There are a handful of things added specifically to discredit the truth of these conspiracy theories. I think the directed energy weapon, the neutron bomb theory, and the "no planes" and hologram theories are all poisoning the well to discredit us. I think John Lear is one of the guys pushing the hologram theory and if I remember correctly he was a pilot for Iran contra in the CIA... I dont trust him on this stuff, he never makes serious critiques of power and Intel agencies and just randomly puts out this insane theory, it can even split the truther movement because some people fall for it and attack the rest of the movement for not accepting the really insane stuff which is probably flak

nick froehlich

can someone help me understand what the theory is? is it that it was known about and explicitly allowed by the government, and carried out by bin laden? and that the gov made sure it worked by adding bombs and shit? it’s obvious that the official story is wack and the Bush admin used 9/11 to consolidate power. is all we really know, and all we’ll probably ever know, only that the official story is inconsistent as hell?


To answer your questions, watch the "new pearl harbor" documentary they linked in the description. It's quite long, but it's broken up into 90 minute pieces. You can work through it in a week, a day or a weekend. It's very informative.


Dr Judy Wood did not acquit herself very well here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_qYm1AnUKi8

Doug Cartel

the theory that they rigged the WTC never worked for me because first off, how do you hide that from public view and second, why do that instead of slam a 3rd and 4th plane or something? why go to all that trouble for extra shock value? and besides, the obsession over scanning tiny bits of footage for puffs of smoke that could be explained by like 10 other physical laws distracts from things like bush's relationship with bin laden. the logistics are too complicated for what is basically murder theater. all Hitler had to do for an alibi was seize a polish radio station and start shouting on the airwaves.


the link in the description has been removed from youtube 👀👁


plus the base of the building was severely damaged by two fucking massive skyscrapers collapsing next door. also building 7 had a flimsy ass construction plan that put the beams at the exterior and core to allow for a more open floor plan. It wasn’t like most concrete-reinforced steel frame buildings and comparing it to the grenfell tower isnt fair because grenfell had no physical damage to its structure and was made entirely of concrete. Also... steel does not have to be melted to be massively weakened. But none of this addresses the traces of thermate residue, fully molten steel found at the base of the towers “like a foundry”, the unusually fast free-fall collapse speeds, the shorting of the stock market, the convenient misplacement of all of norad, the contradictory claims that they couldn’t have predicted the attacks while running drills of the exact same scenario the day of, the clear points of contact between the bushes and bin ladens, etc. Reading into Gladio/B is a real mindfuck when it comes to 9/11 too. Bush definitely did 9/11, but we can’t rely on the most obvious arguments bc people have “debunked” most of them. I’m of the opinion most of that debunking is gaslighting... but that means we have to flex our investigative skills and dig deeper, rather than actually internalizing the idea that we’re crazy for questioning the official story.


Dr. Judy Wood explains where the energy came from and how chunks of the building were turned to dust. I was there that day, 10 blocks away on a rooftop with a clear view when the collapses happened, and I can tell you that it looked like the top 10-20 floors of the building were vaporized, and we said so, incredulous as we were. "It's just gone", I kept repeating. After bldg 7 fell later that day, I became a truther. As crazy as it sounds, Dr. Wood's explanation is the only one that makes any sense to me, based on what I witnessed and what I've learned in the 19 years since. Look her up.


At least the second plane was real, that's for fucking sure. I heard it, saw it, felt it. I have nightmares about that explosion, which felt like it happened in my face. But the planes were a distraction, and clearly, the cover story (jet fuel). Controlled demo was surely a part of the plan. (SQUIBS) But nothing explains all of the DUST - there was SO MUCH DUST -- and more importantly the "fires" - which was basically just HEAT - inside ground zero that turned metal molten and went on for weeks. Nothing explains that, or even addresses it, other than Dr. Wood's theory.

Simia Canis

If it was conclusively proven that the collapses were due to cheap construction, there would have been lawsuits. If it was due to issues discovered only after the fact, it would have led to changes in design guidelines and safety regulations. To my knowledge neither occurred, and in fact the government crushed efforts by 9/11 families to be conpensated.


anyone got a working link to The New Pearl Harbor? YT removed it

James O'Queef

There’s varying theories. The one I find most compelling is that this faction of neocons created the myth of al Qaeda in the 90s to advance their foreign policy interests. Namely balkanize the middle east, seize natural resources, install puppet govts, and control the flow of energy resources (primarily to China). I think the job was outsourced in many ways to foreign factions that were on board (Israel, Saudi Arabia, UAE, Pakistan, and several western european countries). It’s proven that Saudis/UAE/Pakistan handled the finances. I suspect Mossad rigged the explosives and US conspirators handled disabling the air defenses, likely guiding the planes (drones?), and coordinating the investigation/coverup. There’s a lot of evidence against American conspirators like Cheney, Rumsfeld, Bremer, Giuliani, Kerik, Bushes, Michael Canavan, Richard Meyers, Zelikow, Wolfowitz, Richard Clarke, Louis Freeh, George Tenet, etc. Many of these figures are heavily involved in other coverups and false flag events.

James O'Queef

Hosting a 9/11 party tomorrow, anyone know of a good documentary or video content on the Anthrax hoax?

Pierre Delecto

No one's invited to the party, but if everything goes to plan, people will crash it


Anyone have a link for the EO mentioned around 40-minutes in? Ben says that it was an EO given by Bush on Sep 14 2001 that has been re-signed by both Obama and Trump. Is he confusing the AUMF Resolution passed through Congress with EO 13224 which "gives the U.S. Government a powerful tool to impede terrorist funding and is part of our national commitment to lead the international effort to bring a halt to the evil of terrorist activity"?


Also would appreciate a link to the audio of ANG pilots that liz mentions.

Doug Cartel

From what I remember, WTC7s entire structural load was balanced on like 1 load bearing wall or something really stupid like that. There are a lot of really dumb engineering projects all over the world and if you want a good source of engineering disasters that nobody was punished for, the podcast Well Theres Your Problem is a good listen.


What's the song used in this?

Jenny Boettiger

Hey guys, how come the links you provided to The New Pearl Harbor and the 9/11 Timeline don't work?


if the 2 planes that hit the towers weren’t actually the 2 planes that hit the towers, what is the explanation for what happened to all of those passengers/crew?


it gets deleted/taken down occasionally. Just search for it in youtube or google, it's 5-6 hours long IIRC.


Ive thought about that as well. I suppose the implication is that those flights were flown into the ocean or something? Or the passengers were just taken off and shot and the planes were destroyed somehow? I personally feel like it was the same planes, but that they were electronically hacked from the outside


Just googled building 7 and the videos clearly show a middle part falling first. Then the whole thing. Lots of cameras just caught the pet if it falling not the whole thing. The main thing is we’ve literally never seen buildings this size catch on fire with massive damage. The normal science and experience doesn’t apply to the wtc


Go read the Fairbanks report they mentioned https://ine.uaf.edu/wtc7. It doesn't insinuate anything about motives; it's simply an engineering perspective about how the building collapsed. If you don't want to read the report, the project lead has an hour long presentation embedded on the page I linked.


https://youtu.be/Rq9nUPs2RAk Might be the new link to the doc


Jet fuel cannot travel INTO THE FUTURE