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Ho! I am perched like Eagles on the baying branches of Yggdrasil. I peer down upon Mt. Hagen; I see the witches' circle. In the distance Brace hangs crucified from the swastika. Liz is on the shoulder of Wotan, trying to get between his eyes. Mssr. Judge sips the blood of Him from the Grail. This is Part Three of our subseries on Colonia Dignidad  




Brace is CIA

Jon Spiegler

Almost done with the Levenda book. This is key.

phil m.


Samuel Ferguson


Cameron Pasman

I have NEVER washed my dick and don't know the direction "left"


Liz it’s pronounced “folk”


Love the "brace noise" for Wagner.



Wasabi Debacle

Brace needs to read Gravity’s Rainbow so his brain can reach its full potential and he can finally become Nietzsche’s super man like we’ve all been awaiting


The Thule Society invented Thule Time before Tim Allen

HR Giger

Such a great episode!


Mj for co-host. At least have him back on when you get to talking about JFK

young k.a.

this episode was very fast and hard to follow but I love this subseries :)

Michael S. Judge

I'm gonna hang down from his ceiling like MISSION: IMPOSSIBLE and read it to him while his eyes are closed but he's not asleep

Ethan McInerney

hitler is the kali yuga. just started listening and can’t wait to hear what’s in store


Great structure, solid topic, great work Liz and Brace! When I saw Michael S Judge was your guest, I knew it was gonna be superb. Big fan of his podcast. Chomsky's production just elevates/ties everything together nicely. Series replay value: high. I've found great solace from your podcast and this particular series and the less-acknowledged truths you highlighted. The kind of proving grounds described, seen it, in a Latin American region used to experiment with these things, with its own DINA, except they dropped the A, also doesn't exist anymore. Nowadays nothing no crime ever gets solved but we see the corpses upon corpses, endless (great imagery). The digging up theme and Brace quoting Faulkner "the past is never dead. It's not even past" on point "what do you mean it's the death squads?! That ended in the 80s".. Things just took a different form and it's part of a collective memory people would rather not acknowledge but I think makes us more psychotic. Aha moment (out of so many) MSJ highlighting the influence of Cubans stationed throughout Latin America (ep2), saw them managing/owning what were probably front orgs, so incongruous to me at the time. Liz noted the dour ending, and I honestly appreciate it, it's reality, ending it any other way it would've been insincere. Can't wait for your next project!! All of you LF, BB, YC, and MSJ produce great work!!! Thanks

Rob Keery

WW1 = forced removal of the horse & surrounding support industries from European economic infrastructure to make space for combustion engine. CF Nietzsche's last act before permanent hospitalisation.


Hitler as übermensch/superman really gives a whole new dimension to THE Superman who is almost certainly a fascist


Great episode, but Von Bismarck definitely foresaw WW1, he said „I will not live to see the Great War, but when it comes it will start in the East“

Jason Fugate

Interesting to hear about the Catholicism tie in Italian fascism and then examine how the church operated in Germany. Reminded me of how the larger Protestant church in Germany just kind of accepted that Jesus was Aryan, etc. Great episode.


I've been hoping for you guys to do a Le Cercle episode for so long, literally since I subscribed to the pod last year. You guys announced it at the beginning of part one, every episode that came out since I went ”hell yes, that's the one !”. This is worse than waterboarding and electrocution COMBINED! I hope that now you understand why I had to denounce you to the department of fatherland security, as freedom-hating terrorist podcasters. You left me no choice. Bon voyage, menteurs !


Getting the impression from this that neopaganism/esotericism is inherently fascist. After hearing Alan Moore talk about his religious beliefs I was interested in exploring it more, but it just seems like a bit of a minefield.


Hi all, any way we could get a reading list if we want to dig a bit deeper into the ratline, colonia dignidad, Paul Schäfer, and Nazi occultism?


What's the source of the "You killed Naomi!" quote in the opening?

prof. eucalyptus

For a philosophical/literary theory of Wagnerism as proto-mass-media, relying as such upon the exact same "sublime" that Liz brings up: Philippe Lacoue-Labarthe's "Musica Ficta: figures of Wagner". I think there's an English translation out through Stanford U Press

every man a kong

I was a shitbird in the 75th ranger regiment and once me and a few guys did an inventory of the arms room and I’m remembering now the briefcase they said was for testicle electrocution. Really makes you think. About your testicles.

Michael S. Judge

he said that later, but after the Franco-Prussian War, he was promising no more war in Europe

Michael S. Judge

I wouldn't say "inherently" – I'm kind of my own freak breed of pagan – but you sure are gonna run into a lot of Nazis

N.L. Ington

Finally something for us Pynchon-heads


inherent vice was my introduction to pynchon, then bleeding edge and gravity's rainbow ill probably start pretty soon, he's pretty easily my favorite author

Tommy York

Stellar episode + Yung Chomsky on fire once again 🔥.

ultraviolet sasquatch

Just an observation: surely the fascination with south Asian spiritualities held by many fascist occultists is directly related to ideas of obliteration of the self making susceptible to absorption into a fash stole hierarchy and/or state

Pete Seeger

This was an amazing series and you should welcome Mike Judge as a permanent co host. Truly great work, y’all.


https://twitter.com/kooleksiy/status/1289994301087178753 just saw this thread on twitter after hearing the pod earlier in the day. just looks like the nazis in ukraine are repeating the exact same shit 90 years later. the past hasnt passed at all


I think what drove Nietzsche mad was the neurosyphilis

Zachary Headings

The Nietzsche stuff just confuses me, to Big Brained.


A splendid series.


And Y.C.’s editing is sophisticated and fully engaged in the content. He doesn’t just phone it in.


Mike should just be on this show


Mention of Thule Seminar here which was started in early 80s. https://www.nytimes.com/2020/08/01/world/europe/germany-nazi-infiltration.html?referringSource=articleShare


m.j. is a great third mic!


I think Dietrich Eckart is a central person you wanna look into regarding thule/nsdap-connections and a central ideologue for the specific German metaphysical antisemitism. Big friend of Rosenberg and Hitler too. One sidenote though on war related diasabilities in interwar Germany: the 20s are also the time of great progressive disability-activism in Germany, with a lot of resonances with the communist party too. Thinking about the german progressive left i always get the impression that the first death strike was the socialdemocratic attack you mentioned, then the destruction of the working class during ns and the third the downfall of the gdr.

Doug Cartel

i like how this series is doing the Metal Gear Solid story structure where the first two episodes are revealing some giant machine of history and the third is a prequel going back to the WW1 era. not that that's intentional but it's a good plot arc imo

Doug Cartel

oh and when I was a teen the last days of the Reich were usually referred to as Die Gotterdammerung and now that makes a lot more sense. I mean sure the Wagner connection was obvious but with Hitler as Wotan it adds substance.


Not to be pedantic, but Hegel actually said "God is dead" in the Phenomenology of Spirit, Nietzsche only borrowed it. It's funny often it is exclusively attributed to Nietzsche, when he really only appropriated it.

Christopher Green

Hoooooly crap. The Shaman was identified as the artist, in Kafka's "The Hunger Artist"... a tale about performative starvation as a common circus act, falling out of style.

Angus Cairnie

Really good episode guys

James Keegan

damn this ruined my day.


One of your best episodes. I believe it was 200 years of nihilism that Nietzsche predicted? Indeed, we are still deeply entangled in it. Notably in Beyond Good and Evil he invokes a similar allegory where it is not just a death or a murder but specifically a sacrificial-murder: “To Sacrifice God for Nothingness - this paradoxical mystery of the ultimate act of cruelty was reserved for the generation which is even now arising.”


This is series is some of the best podcasting ever but also as changed the way I look at our world

Peter T.

You guys seem to be formulating a definition of fascism which trump republicans would fall under..

Nick Cole

Man I loved this mini-series


Fantastic trailer work Yung Chomsky!

Rene Saller

Loved the series, especially this episode (and Yung Chomsky's interstitial musics).


Would like to hear your take on Anthroposophy and it’s ties with race science, occultism and nazism.


Fantastic episode, where is the music at 1:10:10 from?

David Demmel

Great Episode as always! FYI, Eliade was a fascist as well. (Also the idea of the the Profane and the Sacred is older (see e.g. Emile Dürkheims "The Elementary Forms of Religious Life"), but especially the Sacred was popularized by Rudolf Otto, a german Theologian who died in '37)


I didn’t realize “sublime” had that esoteric denotation! Thank you Liz


ʕ◉ᴥ◉ʔ ?! tfw GW Bush’s paternal grandfather was helping the Freikorps buy submachine guns in the lead-up to WW2


Jesus, some real tankie apologetics in this episode, I hope it doesn't become a trend.

Michael S. Judge

G.W/ Bush's paternal grandfather also made his real bones helping Nazis stash their money in the United States when he worked for Brown Brothers Harriman, one of the two major proto-CIA law firms (the other was Sullivan Cromwell, where the Dulles bros. worked). If you ever wondered how Thyssen and Krupp managed to escape the fall of the Third Reich, wonder no more. And the "Harriman" in BBH is Averell Harriman, who, in his diplomatic capacity in Vietnam, helped start the Vietnam War as we know it by ignoring all of JFK's directives, escalating domestic Vietnamese tensions wherever possible, & giving the go-ahead for the generals' assassination of the Ngo family. Anybody from Brown Bros. or Sullivan Cromwell is a ratfuck of world-historical proportions.

Michael S. Judge

Yep, big supporter of the Iron Guard, though in a very idiosyncratic, mystic sort of way. I should've said he literally wrote the book THE SACRED & THE PROFANE.

Michael S. Judge

I don't know if Liz was thinking about this, but I'm pretty sure that notion of the sublime comes from Kant, one of his many Critiques of Something or Other. Big influence on Rilke: you'll get the idea from the first of the DUINO ELEGIES, "Beauty is only the beginning of terror, an awe at the very limits of our endurance which serenely disdains to destroy us," something like that.

Erinrose Sullivan

Hey Brace, switzerland isn't just neutral, its aggressively neutral.

Phil Christman

a) this quality of podcasting is why I keep subscribing despite rage-quitting a hundred times b) make michael judge a permanent third mic or amber-style "when you're in the mood for it" cohost, it's called "supporting the art of the american novel" c) not to be pedantic! but if anyone's interested! I'm p sure the idea of "vril" came from this novel by Edward Bulwer-Lytton, the "It was a dark and stormy night" Victorian novelist guy, who says it was a metaphor for electricity. *at least that's what he says.* https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vril

Phil Christman

(I learned that from a Gary Lachman book. Lachman is indispensable)

Late Capitalist Filth

You guys this was so fun, smart, necessary and deep. Can’t thank you enough for tackling all this and doing it so well. Michael worked so well with Brace and Liz. More of the three of you tackling topics like these please.


The books suggested by Liz and Brace, V and crime of law 49, I can’t find them. Who are the authors?


Not that you guys have endless time, but could you guys (or a listener) put together reading list for this series? This is so new to me and id love to read more about literally any aspect. Yung Chomsky's production on this ep was so good, too. Really enhanced the listening experience. Glad I subbed to the patreon.

(Noah J)

Pretty outstanding mini series. But you guys need to start citing sources for your work to be taken more seriously. I’d love to research the your work more

(Noah J)

in depth


Incredible episode guys- my magic & Pynchon obsessed self was loving it. I can't stop thinking about human smoke, the hollow earth, our weird past century of synchronicity, and the quote from Rathenau's ghost. Michael is an excellent third mic! Would love to see him come back some time


Forgery LoL


Art as the re-enchantment of life see: Masks of Conquest by Gauri Viswanathan. There are also really good texts on traditional witchcraft and its intersection with contemporary politics (Witchcraft, Violence, and Democracy in South Africa by Adam Ashforth). I fully recommend Stefania Pandolfo's The Knot of the Soul (islam, modern psychiatry, and traditional practices of healing + refugee and other political contexts). I wonder what Brace thinks about Wilhelm Reich and the "small man" of fascism? Thoughts?

Mark Owen

Rathenau did what Speer tried to do in WW2, but much better. Speer's 3rd book is about how he wasn't able to do as well, because of the Fuehrerprinzip (state, party, and then SS all trying to control the same things).

Fhjklmn bo

I'm seeing the death subterranean stuff but this seems so intense as you say because in fascism it's so highly aestheticized. But at least this gives people the opportunity to see the bodies, consider if in communism (i mean the real countries you may say are not real communism) the problem is bodies don't go into the spooky tomb, they just disappear? Is a left wing society one that's totally de-aestheticized and flat, continuous space? How would you even know if you killed somebody?

Ethan Hunt

Your reading of Nietzsche is the standard one, but it's fundamentally wrong. A great takedown of Nietzsche's ideas is the following post by Ron Maimon (the quote after "Answer #1"): https://philosophy.meta.stackexchange.com/questions/342/my-neitzsche-answers-whats-wrong-with-them-part-1/ That answer only cites opinions Nietzsche expressed in works published before his mental breakdown and therefore before his proto-Nazi sister started editing his writings. The answer makes it clear that Nietzsche was absolutely a proto-fascist, just not of the same sort as his sister or Wagner. For instance, it is often said that Nietzsche could not have been an antisemite because of his strong opposition to antisemitism in the writings of Wagner and others. The answer points out that Nietzsche's writings are in fact antisemitic, but that it's a different type of antisemitism than was common in Europe in his era. There is a distinction between "vulgar antisemitism", as the answer terms it, the belief that Jews have a barbaric, inferior religion to Christians, as you find in blood libel myths and other antisemitic canards, and "uppity antisemitism", the idea that Abrahamic religions were a terrible mistake because they ushered in a world order in which the strong could not rule over the weak, a "slave morality" in Nietzsche's turn of phrase. Nietzsche's antisemitism is the latter. The Nazis used elements of both, with more of the latter. Nietzsche was almost a Nazi, except that his philosophy was very individualistic and contained less social Darwinism than that of the Nazis, although he held other 19th century pseudoscientific racist views. It's fair to call him a proto-fascist. If you understand this, suddenly all of Nietzsche makes sense. For example, why is there that infamously misogynistic passage of Thus Spoke Zarathustra (published 1885, before his 1889 hospitalization) that ends, "You go to women? Do not forget the whip!" (You can find it in this PDF: http://users.clas.ufl.edu/burt/LoserLit/zarathustra.pdf ) It's for the same reason that, as Wilhelm Reich pointed out in his 1933 work, The Mass Psychology of Fascism, the rise of fascism is in part an escape from sexual repression. Fascism, while it enforces rigid adherence to traditional gender roles, encourages sexual abundance within those roles. To borrow a phrase from Jordan Peterson and use it in a different context, it's "enforced monogamy". For Nietzsche, this is associated with the perceived sexual libertinism of the pre-Christian pagan order as contrasted with the libidinal repression of Christianity. Nietzsche's philosophy is cruel and depraved. It's not even particularly original, as the Marquis de Sade was writing down similar ideas, without the seriousness of Nietzsche, a century earlier. The closest American equivalent is Ayn Rand, although her prose is worse.

Jessie Cherbak

FYI y’all forgot to label this one “spider network,” would definitely help newer patrons find it


Amazing series! Holy shit, one of my favorites