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We survey the damage wrought on the COVID economy and take a look at what comes next

Houellebecq letter https://newmodels.io/proprietary/a-bit-worse-houellebecq-transl-kelsey



phil m.

We should all rot in hell!!

J.G. Michael

I'm being hit by the 'rona depression blues myself.

Crash Test Orphan

Brace and Liz: we absolutely do not want you to sink into nihilistic despair Also Brace and Liz: Here's why there's no hope in your lifetime Honestly good episode tho

Michael S. Judge

"deeply paranoid, nihilistic, and extremely mentally ill": I knew TrueAnon + Death/Corner was the right move

Jane Feehan

Brace you are quite the historian. Who knew you'd be an expert on Vietnam ?? Love it. Thank you. Love to Liz too

Tyler Kurth

Well I'm absolutely fucking depressed now. Jesus Christ.

Andrew K

someone has to clip that brace 14th century rant/monologue. sensational

Michael S. Judge

well, at least we know the American economy does fine when people can't pay their mortgages

patrick nolan

Were the cereal references to the Obama podcast??

Joss Boss

Came for the Epstein content, stayed for the Utah/Mormon analysis.

Ren Khodzhayev

Can you actually post the Houelebecq link?


That peasant rant backed by medieval music is one of the funniest things I've heard in a while. Great ep guys

Ehren Burton

I hear "WWII got us out of the Great Depression." I also hear "It was actually after WWII when we started to get out of the Great Depression." Before, during, or after, the common denominator was Word War. The rising tensions with China worry me that the powers that be are thinking the same thing and are willing to throw us as logs onto the fire until we're out of this mess.

Peter Miller

damn, this was good

Jonney Weab

Please do an episode about what is presently happening to the USPS

Drew Waldo

Work at caviar bike delivery in the pandemic has been so busy i feel almost scabby


Agree that the work from home style can be bad, but I still prefer it... I gave so many hours of my life to long bus rides into the city

Brian Long

Great episode.


Brace played Virtual Boy lmao

Olivia Chigas

Brace’s medieval rant by far the best part


I needed the serf roast after all that bad fucking news. Great episode.

Michael S. Judge

I understand the worry, believe me, but I have a hard time seeing that as realistic, because our economies are so massively interdependent. US consumption and Chinese production are symbiotic to such a degree that both our economies would collapse if we went to war: we'd run out of everything, and China would have no one to sell it to, and no American corporations running production there. I'm not sure a war would even be logistically possible. Now, Iran ...


Maybe, but what really needs to happen is just a massive jobs program on the scale of WWII. We could address climate change and it would have the same effect. But I guess the way they're thinking about climate change is probably more ecofascist than anything. In any case, if they chose war that pretty much ensures that human civilization will collapse as it won't actually solve climate change and that will continue to be a huge depression-like drain on society. We can't get ourselves out of this that way.

Cole Brossus

All time great rant in this one Brace.


5 star episode


I live up in rural Sonoma county and ppl are moving up here by the boatloads from the city and Silicon Valley. I know a coupe real estate agents who say their business is booming like crazy... which means they are actually buying homes up here. Crazy

Erik M

if there was ever an episode to unlock for the public, its this one

Sam GL .

Lmao child soldiers in the dukes army

Sam GL .

And that louise mensch reference on the end!! Looool she said orrin hatch was going to be president!!


I could listen to a whole pod of Liz talking Econ. NPR should fire Kai Ryssdal’s washed up ass and get Liz to host Marketplace

William Akins

Our “leaders” in nebraska stopped reporting any positive Covid numbers at the meat packing plants here in like April. Think about that next time you get ready to grill up that next steak! 😬


What makes the Cuomo nursing home scandal so much more insane is that as I recall from RWN's Annibale chats people knew that the same thing was behind the Lombardy death toll months ago. New Zealand has done well preventing community transmission but nearly 100% of deaths were in dementia care homes. Why would Cuomo do that unless he actually wanted lots of old people to die


Braces best monologue yet. Liz is just constantly pummeling us with some harsh realities. Chomsky on those sick sound effects. Love y’all so much.

Melinda S

Thanks for another great episode! It was a ride, first some tears from the thought of where things are headed, but ended with tears of laughter from Brace's rant. You guys had lots of good points this episode, but I especially liked Liz's comment about austerity not breeding agency. Even though the current moment (amplified by corona) is severe, and surely even more so over there in the US, I really like that you guys steer away from nihilism. Even though you cover stuff that make many things feel out of the control of any regular person, the overall vibe I get from most of your episodes is still, if not hope, then at least the feeling of some kind of increased agency, if that makes any sense. So I really appreciate that!


You need to eat a BODY.

Rob B

Get Chris Ketcham on the pod if you wanna talk Utah. Wrote the book This Land about Mormon creeps ruining the west and before that made his mark with Israel - 9/11 research


“You live in the oubliette” lol


You guys should do a pod on the franklin credit union scandal

Vincent Utah

Wish I could DM Liz and Brace my thoughts on Utah, but—and I shit you not—I had to delete my twitter after I started getting doxxed by some DezNat freaks out of Provo who literally want to reignite the old Mormon doctrine of “Blood Atonement” on apostates like myself.

Vincent Utah

Kind of like how people go to Utah for the outdoors and stay for the DUI’s.

Dr. Lumpenjoker

I figured it out – Liz's accent is actually Finnish!

Dan Z

Brigham Young Chomsky

Zack Burke

I am home alone, prepping, trying to radicalize my neighbors and setting up a bartering network. I'm trying.

Peter T.

We love you guys just chatting btw. Please feel free to do an episode just like this every week :-)


The organization is The International Marxist Tendency

Brian Stodola

I think Brace's monologue gave me scrofula


Brace getting all the way through the rant without mentioning prima nocta is like Jordan sinking his FTs with his eyes closed. Respect

