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We are joined by Robbie Martin from Media Roots Radio to discuss the strange confluence of personalities surrounding the Qanon phenomenon and why the head of Blackwater was so tight with those pushing Pizzagate. 

Check out Robbie’s podcast here: https://t.co/wVj0VWxAbO?amp=1

Check out the excellent documentary “A Very Heavy Agenda”, about the Project For the New American Century: https://averyheavyagenda.com




Top 10 Anime Crossovers

Alexander Fuchs



YC never fails w/ the satanic panic in the attic


I actually subbed to true anon after michael brooks shouted you out months back when he was talking about how pizza gate is a psyopp on majority report

The Milkman

@trueanon Can we have the link to the qanon doc

Peter T.

Probably don't need the Trueanon music at the beginning AND end.. would've liked to hear the rest of the banana phone song :-)


Damn I wish this one was unlocked. I need to show a lot of people this episode lol

Simia Canis

9/11 is still one of the few alleged conspiracies where there were real actions carried out in response. There is no mark of the Beast, no Satanism in public schools, no mass gun confiscation, no Sharia laws being passed by Congress. We did get the Patriot Act, the War on Terror, the invasion of Iraq, torture and rendition, and repression of anti-war groups as a result of 9/11. Even if it happened just the way the gov't claims, our response to it was a historical disgrace.

Peter Miller

MK Ultra never ended. QAnon is MK Ultra.

Doug Cartel

getting militias to beg the government for martial law is some Sun Tzu Machiavelli shit. Literally Sun Tzu, at least.

Robert Granniss

The neo nazi Posobeic link are by Michael Edison Hayden (no not the NSA director). Here's the series - another big one on him is dropping tomorrow. (he was also the journalist who did the Stephen Miller Breitbert emails) https://www.splcenter.org/news/2020/07/08/splc-investigation-far-right-oann-anchor-jack-posobiecs-rise-tied-white-supremacist

Ace of Wands

Get Matt Taibbi on the pod! Robbie going after him on Twitter feels vicious and gross


the echo is strong in this episode and giving me longmont potion castle vibes

Seligmann (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-23 00:56:51 lol this reminded me of the b9 board s&m controversy around fairbanks way back in the mid to late 2000s
2020-07-23 12:06:06 lol this reminded me of the b9 board s&m controversy around fairbanks way back in the mid to late 2000s

lol this reminded me of the b9 board s&m controversy around fairbanks way back in the mid to late 2000s


My ex gf knew him and I’m almost positive I’m the reason he had Eddie Money’s phone number

Gabo Goff

Anyway to stream this?


This is an amazing episode! Please consider unlocking it because the Tik Tok stuff has gotten a lot of normies hooked on Pizzagate and it needs to be shared widely. VERY minor nitpick since the possibility of a "color revolution" in Iran was briefly mentioned, the current protest movement in Iran is actually mostly working-class and has involved slogans criticizing the west and MEK. (Great article here: https://malekafzali.substack.com/p/twin-hypocrisies-america-iran-and)

Sean Brailey

Are you talking about Robbie’s doc? It’s here, and I highly recommend it https://vimeo.com/ondemand/averyheavyagendatrilogy


lol brace and liz love matt and they should have him on

Joey Renner

Yung Chomsky absolutely crushing it with a 1/2 second long Satanic Panic in the Attic sample


This episode reminded me of something Taibbi once said about the biggest 9/11 conspiracy being the rise of the 9/11 truthers


Oh shit. My two favorite things coming together, it goes deep

Andrew Cheramie

They co-opted the left before during the Cold War by using leftist language as well as via the Congress for Cultural Freedom to attack the USSR, Marxism Leninism, and any related anti colonial/national liberation struggle. Modem versions of this include calling people class reductionist or tankie