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For the third part in our Spider Network series, we’re joined by Michael Judge from Death is Just Around the Corner for an expansive discussion about the latticework of shadows weaving around our world. We turn our eye on Colonia Dignidad, the pedophile Nazi cult colony in Chile where a one-eyed rapist helped shape the modern world. Part 1.



Nic Bodiford

Michael’s “DUEL YOUR BOYS” interlude lead-in remains my absolute favorite


I’m an idiot and can’t find episode 1-2 unless this is really episode 1?

uya (edited)

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2021-07-23 00:57:45 what were ep 1 & 2??
2020-07-15 09:12:10 what were ep 1 & 2??

what were ep 1 & 2??




What a treat! Michael's podcast is criminally underrated. I'm so glad you all have linked up.

Ethan McInerney

do more on esoteric naziism please!!

Izak Kennedy

Omfg I’ve missed mr judge

Nick Allan

Michael Judge should join permanently


Does anyone have any recommendations for resources that lay all this out a little more sequentially? I think the idea of the Nazis never really going away resonates but it would be helpful to be able to point to something that lays this out concretely and holistically.

Ethan McInerney (edited)

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2021-07-23 00:57:42 I know more about esoteric nazism but these books seem helpful Aarons, Mark & Loftus, John (1998) [1991]. Unholy Trinity: The Vatican, The Nazis, and the Swiss Bankers Goñi, Uki (2003). The Real Odessa: Smuggling the Nazis to Perón's Argentina
2020-07-15 12:19:37 I know more about esoteric nazism but these books seem helpful Aarons, Mark & Loftus, John (1998) [1991]. Unholy Trinity: The Vatican, The Nazis, and the Swiss Bankers Goñi, Uki (2003). The Real Odessa: Smuggling the Nazis to Perón's Argentina

I know more about esoteric nazism but these books seem helpful Aarons, Mark & Loftus, John (1998) [1991]. Unholy Trinity: The Vatican, The Nazis, and the Swiss Bankers Goñi, Uki (2003). The Real Odessa: Smuggling the Nazis to Perón's Argentina


My dads from Chile, as he jokes “The German kids at school would never say what their grandfathers did during the war until after 1973...yikes”

William Thomas

Nazi International by Joseph P. Farrell Dreamer of the Day: Francis Parker Yockey & The Postwar Fascist International by Kevin Coogan The Darkest Sides of Politics, I: Postwar Fascism, Covert Operations, and Terrorism by Jeffrey M. Bale Strange Tales of the Parapolitical by S. William Snider

William Thomas

Now we need an episode with Michael and Recluse at the same time


hell yeaaaaaaa


LOVES the spider network

Benjamin Horvath

Check out the recent documentary Who Killed Hammarskjold, was on Hulu recently. It’s primarily about the circumstances surrounding the mysterious death of a Swedish UN General Secretary who tried to defend Africa from the colonial powers. But it goes sideways as they stumble on an attempt by paramilitaries to spread AIDS among South African blacks. Wild and disturbing stuff.

Bryan Blanc

Can anyone designate which other episodes belong to the loose 'spider network' series (and it would be great if they were tagged :) )? I think I listened to them but want to make sure.

Calum (edited)

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2021-07-23 00:57:41 Episodes 66 & 74 I think
2020-07-15 16:48:29 Episodes 66 & 74 I think

Episodes 66 & 74 I think

Michael S. Judge

I second Stephen Snider's book, and there's always the great 20th century grimoire, GRAVITY'S RAINBOW. You'd also learn a fair amount from David Talbot's biography of Allen Dulles, THE DEVIL'S CHESSBOARD.

Michael S. Judge

I KNEW Chomsky would come thru with the Paul Schaeffer and Xtian Bob Dylan clips


Im loving the trope of YC having a voice in the convo, but by beats and jams only


Kissinger absorbs the souls of all those he genocides. So he will live forever.

Ryan Kane

Excellent crossover choice!

Edwin Daniel

So what are the first two parts?

Dewey Feltz

Episode 66: Blood Crimes of the New Reich and Episode 74: The Bolsonaro method

Salt M. Bank (edited)

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2021-07-23 00:57:32 So much to unpack, great episode. Highly rec people listen to the Antifada as well, their July 15 ep had Christman on, where they discussed the formation of the FBI & CIA. Tied into this ep of True Anon in really interesting ways.
2020-07-16 06:25:54 So much to unpack, great episode. Highly rec people listen to the Antifada as well, their July 15 ep had Christman on, where they discussed the formation of the FBI & CIA. Tied into this ep of True Anon in really interesting ways.

So much to unpack, great episode. Highly rec people listen to the Antifada as well, their July 15 ep had Christman on, where they discussed the formation of the FBI & CIA. Tied into this ep of True Anon in really interesting ways.


@1:00:00 I'm only about 10-15 years older than you guys (I think) and I was probably the last generation to have my growing child brain totally warped by nuke terror. It is so bizarre to me how quickly that disappeared as a psychic force

Jean Audet

Bahaha lmao..!! "One pocket in my dungarees has spiders" #purepoetry


The scars used to be called Heidlberg Scars from duelling at the University of Heidlberg. For a short into to Colonia Dignidad try: The Nazi Pedophile Apocalypse Cult https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iKU6GBDHCGc Its about 10 minutes


Fantastic team-up- great work! Talking about synchronicity, just learned that the 'security contractor' that ran Australia's island refugee prisons also called- Paladin Group. Appeaaaars to be coincidence but..

Rob Keery

Doc Joe Farrell goes mainstream

Alexander Fuchs

I'm honestly a big fan of Leibniz' monadology and I don't appreciate you ppl shitting on it - there is way more to it than you think. it's basically a abstract, not-substantial way of describing a non specific and implicit cosmological order. Leibniz also basically describes a grass-roots democratic order that is dependent on reducing alienation and justifies revolution in his text (§86, §88). lots of subtlety there


They're not shitting on him, they're shitting on how liberals conceive of history and use windowless monad as a way to characterize nationstates

Kennedy Connor

dave enory covered this 30 yrs ago mae brussell 40 yrs


On the bizarre (or perhaps not) connections between fascists/nazis and "Hindu" "spirituality": https://scroll.in/article/823142/writings-of-french-hindu-who-worshipped-hitler-as-an-avatar-of-vishnu-are-inspiring-the-us-alt-right

Kennedy Connor

btw if you haven't read Bolano you're missing out.

Dr. Lumpenjoker

Great episode! And Michael nailed the Swabian pronunciation of "Gestapo".


is this an in person episode?


Yung Chomsky- was your inspiration for this episode’s beat F the Pain Away by Peaches? That’s all I could think of when the music came on lolllll. Great episode, love you guys!

Rene Saller

This was a great episode. Thanks!


This episode was amazing. What are the first two spider network episodes?

Michael Coutts

Excellent work! I love this stuff so much. Do more on esoteric Nazism! And occult and US founding fathers!


What number are the previous parts?

Lena M

Re what Liz was talking about around an hour and fifteen mins in, any suggested reading/resources on the way the academy was "scientized" as she describes to move things away from dissidence and more critical scholarship? Very interested to learn more about this!

Michael S. Judge

You'd have to ask her to be sure, but I believe she was referring to the way classical (i.e., free-market liberal) economics pretends to be a completely "scientific" discipline, where you always get the right results as long as you punch in the right numbers. Anybody who spends even 15 minutes looking into it will very quickly see that it's a complete mangled mess of ideology, psychology, geopolitics, the behavior of the very rich, financialization of "real assets," and a million other things, and that the idea of economics as an "exact science" (and those don't exist anyway) is not just laughable, it's evil.

proletarian slabs

Which one is the episode about the Italian P2?

Moe Tkacik

i once wasted like a year of myself digging into all the evil perpetrated by george mason university. then my baffler editor randomly killed the story i think bc he got a PhD there? (he got fired for #metoo shit and also being a sociopath a few years later) anyway thank you for acknowledging their importance in the neoliberal coup Liz, somewhere I have a crawl space worth of index cards on this topic. IT'S BIGGER THAN ANYONE UNDERSTANDS...l

Michael S. Judge

Didn't you do an article called something like "The Omniscient Gentlemen of The Atlantic" circa 2012 or ’13? That was a masterpiece.


Great stuff--I love to see this crossover.

Swrds Rvrsd

Would love to hear more about Australian connections to all this if anyone knows.


I have come across some stuff. Around 'ratline' type stuff , Mark Aarons is an investigative journalist that has done a lot of work around it it looks like: https://www.smh.com.au/national/ardent-nazi-took-liberal-to-extremes-20060304-gdn313.html https://www.labourhistory.org.au/hummer/no-29/nazi-refugees/ Around security state stuff, I have been reading Brian Toohey's 'Secret' and John Pilger's 'A Secret Country'. Guy Rundle has also written great articles in Crikey that link the Whitlam Dismissal with the international anticommunist network/CIA (behind paywall but can do 21 day free subscription if you haven't signed up before).


Great EP. You guys should check out "The Invisible Visor": a 70ies spy series the GDR produced. the first few episodes deal with the rat lines and the nazi diaspora in southern america

Swrds Rvrsd

Just read that article. Incredible, feels like it was written right now.

Frederick Von Drasek

...reading Simpson's _Blowback_ gives you the inkling that fascism is essential to the postwar American project. SS men intimately involved with the Final Solution were signed up as early as '44 and became the backbone of our security and espionage establishment in Europe; fascism was at the soul of NATO. Thanks for giving us a lot more background...

Frederick Von Drasek

Simpson's Blowback from '88 still seems important. It details the recruitment of Nazis in both intelligence and tech., and how the Nazi German intelligence structure essentially became the intelligence structure of the US and NATO...

natalie foster (edited)

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2021-07-23 00:57:18 This episode is so good and you guys have such good guest choices - it’s great to hear new information through such casual conversation. i think it’d be great to do a spider network q&a episode some point during this series too since it’s so expanding and there’s so many nooks and crannies (cranny’s?)
2020-07-31 14:02:57 This episode is so good and you guys have such good guest choices - it’s great to hear new information through such casual conversation. i think it’d be great to do a spider network q&a episode some point during this series too since it’s so expanding and there’s so many nooks and crannies (cranny’s?)

This episode is so good and you guys have such good guest choices - it’s great to hear new information through such casual conversation. i think it’d be great to do a spider network q&a episode some point during this series too since it’s so expanding and there’s so many nooks and crannies (cranny’s?)

Doug Welch

Another frequent visitor to Colonia Dignidad: Nazi fugitive and Stuka pilot

Doug Welch

Hans Ulrich Rudel

Ubarlin Gizbar

fuck, everything here is true


Does anyone know how to spell the group that they talk about a few times? The one pronounced 'vecercle'?

Mike Goulis

im pretty sure ive listened to every episode of this podcast and dont get how this is part 3.

Ethan Hunt

"Scarface" was Al Capone's nickname before it was Skorzeny's

Sam M

can someone tell me what the name of that fiction nazi occultism book was?


Does anyone know what the music is used in the background from 30:18-31:06?


I'm guessing it's the theme song to Brazil, a film by Terry Gilliam, you are required to see this film

Juliette DeMaso

Also intertwined with the foundation of our schools and postwar sciences. Eugenics: genomics