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A strange blog post leads us down the ugly hole of labor trafficking and indentured servitude.


MIGRANTE INTERNATIONAL: https://migranteinternational.org



Ursa Minor

Late to the party but this is the episode that finally broke my brain completely. Fantastic discussion of personal politicization in America

Doug Cartel

I remember reading that OK or some other state was hiring Filipino migrants to teach in public schools to cover shortfalls. That was the first I ever heard of it, I wanna say 2017ish


Arca is a musician, lol

Otto Laakso

Excellent episode. Love these single subject deep dives


Holy God in Heaven—wept throughout most of the episode. These poor women. Please, if you can, unlock this one; I want to share it with my mother


Everybody hated the banks episode. She was a drunk asshole


You forgot the links after talking about it for a minute LOL


Azealia was amazing, Fap.

Lorna MacRitchie

This was such an important episode, particularly towards the end. Thank you thank you. Solid gold

John May

This was such an excellent show, highlighting why you work so well together. Brace’s efforts in researching and describing the scam, then Liz’s overview of how the blog post and response reflects the diseased miasma of our public discourse.

Gordon Kingston

This type of labor recruitment is VERY common among agricultural workers on the H2a visas. And here in Florida most of the large farmers and almost all of the orange groves use guest workers. It’s absolutely disgusting. They basically have no independence, work way longer than their contract states and on top of that, these workers are displacing established migrant farm worker communities in the vegetable growing towns in Florida. This type of intermediary/labor recruitment practice is become more common in all industries and is really under reported.

Ray Ciaf

Blue checks will get to use ‘agency.’ It’s one of their favorite words.

Bryan Skinner

Fantastic episode. Cheers!

Steven Miles

I worked in a sushi/hibachi restaurant where my coworkers were being trafficked from China and Indonesia. Trafficking from south easasia is a big part of the tourist economy of new Orleans

The Milkman

wild that you guys don't know who mitski or arca are?

Steven Miles

You guys should do an episode on the charter schools in new Orleans taking control after Katrina. Haven't heard many people cover it...talk about corruption

Tommy York

TrueAnon doing better reporting than the entire blue check brigade.

Allie S-M

How do you not know who mitski is lmao

every man a kong

This ep felt like sack of padlocks to the stomach. I don’t even know what the fuck to do with the rest of my day. Just joined IWW and supposed to meet the local rep in 3 hours. Good timing


You two have committed an act of journalism. An outstanding one and One that lots and lots of our faves should pay attention to. And yeah, the ending ... (wait for it...!)

Jake Staniels

She’s from a family of coyotes

Lumpia Logic

yes, similar oppression is happening with filipino physical therapists brought in by recruitment agencies. thank you for this episode. it shone a light on on my horrible personal experience. sad thing is after overcoming it by getting a green card then citizenship you still face a form of exploitation thru regular employment. it’s a never ending cycle of capital always winning.

Bess Connelly

haven’t listened to the ep yet but i can see in the comments that you’ve never heard of mitski....i’m so sorry

Keith W. London

Hands down, identity politics have become a pyramid scheme. Every community suffers this. If your poor identity politics work to your disadvantage where, if you are wealthy it can be advantageous. In every avenue, the people with the most money abuse a respective group of people to get ahead. It’s as American as apple pie, to abuse those who you perceive to be less than, and therefore not worthy of human rights. The death of identity politics is necessary, but merely a beginning. If pressure causes you to abandon your principles, you never had any. Love The Show. Golden👌🏾

Brent Hoover

Please do an episode on the NPA

Adrian Garcia

This is really good. And it should be noted that a lot of academic writing that these media people base this ideology on tries to “center” the idea of community in their reading, but a person in the US has been so atomized and disconnected from collective action that it defaults into the garbage media class “bodies and spaces” discourse that is so disenfranchising.


Love the bodies and spaces jab, i feel like i've been drowning in bodies and spaces for a decade. All in all a great show.


there is a place, by far, for POC who truly experienced that precariousness of their body....but not a single fucking media pundit should say SHIT about 'body' stuff. the idea that you'll be stuck in a cage, or fucking bruised by some loan shark is actual body precariousness. some stupid rich girl whose family profits massively off exploiting their own is never, ever going to be. just these voices of the children of the ruling landlord class in their home country now are given a 'woke washed' platform to say whatever the fuck they want in the NAME of the poor ppl their family exploits.


'my family was run out of our home country b/c we were running a blood diamond mine and there was a worker's rebellion, but I'm not white, bow to me liberals who don't understand race/class complexity'


'my columnist career now gives surface level identity politics cred to justifications for the US to overthrow a foreign gov't'

Samuel Hibbs

top notch. I had to go back and re-read Rachel aviv's "the cost of caring" (exploitation of filipino nannies for bourgeois New York families) printed in the lame-stream media's darling New Yorker magazine April 2016. turns out a year later it pops up on jia's twitter feed. if my parents did what her parents did i don't think I'd be that keen on drawing attention to the plight of "OFW"s. American kids are awful, I know I was. I can't imagine leaving my family behind to come here to teach and live like a prisoner. Y'all killed it.


Thanks for this. Absolutely fantastic episode.

Jared Flood

Really great episode

The Squash

I think this might be the best one yet.

Benjamin Cheney


We Can't Let Neal Win

Holy crap, one of the best episodes ever. Unbelievable reaction by the Media-Blue-Checks, and so infuriating. Reading the replies to her original tweet about the blog, the blue checks end up defending the human traffickers on woke left-wing grounds: “Clearly this was a racist prosecution by the GW Bush admin..” and shite like that. 😡😡😡😡😡


im a sad gen z hipster girl and i like mitski but ive never heard of arca before that "scandal" dropped. there are literally too many famous people to keep track of these days, i don't blame em for not knowing


Really, really good ep ❤️

Ted Litchfield

I felt insane when I read that blog post. I really appreciate how this episode focused on the actual victims of trafficking. Still mad as hell but I dont have that nauseous dissonance anymore. Even when the episode circled back to narcissistic digital media discourse you guys offered such cogent criticism.

Adam G

Great episode. You draw out a key contradiction of the 'left' in the West -- as long as it is dominated by wealthy sections of the working class whose position is sustained by economic exploitation of underdeveloped nations, then the movement will continue to defend imperialism. It's the situation here in the UK with the Labour Party too.

Ali Zuhairy

I.F. Stone award for podcasting?

Jason Fugate

Understand why but I wish this could be unlocked. I found this episode to be one of the best and emotionally moving, especially the quote at the end... just wow.


Have listened a couple of times and still thinking about this episode. You manage to be fair to JT without modulating your criticism of her choice to post about this (and how she went about it). It would be too easy to just dunk on her but you took the high road.

Greg (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-23 01:01:00 Brace and Liz & yung chomsk, Thank u
2020-05-27 03:59:44 Brace and Liz & yung chomsk, Thank u

Brace and Liz & yung chomsk, Thank u

Benjamin Murray

I really did not expect all the comments to be freaking out about you guys not knowing who mitski is, when I not only do not know who that is, but do not even remember that part of the episode

Pierre Delecto

TA engaging in Operation Mitski- unbelievable


That ending was killer

Rene Saller

Really outstanding episode. Thank you.


Amazing ep, you guys are in fighting form!!!

Emily tatham harrington

I’m sure you’ve thought abt this but I’d love to hear a deep dive of the assassinations of BLM leaders in the years following the initial Ferguson uprisings. In light of George Floyyd’s death and the MN protests etc

Eric Brower

Something I thought of in the last bit of this episode is that the people most effective in politics are usually the least self-reflective people. Trump is the gold standard of this - as always.


In what universe is it wild that they haven’t heard of two hardly-famous musicians?


Thank you so much for addressing immigration. I am a lay leader at a sanctuary church currently with a mother of six in sanctuary. All of our families are mixed status and face the threat of separation or have already had a loved one deported. I believe it’s one of the biggest labor issues of our time but it rarely is addressed by “the left.” So thanks so much love your guys pod cast !!


Just coming back to listen to this episode since I somehow missed it. I remember when this blog post blew up and it was wild to read. Anyway, just looking into the "Mitski's dad is CIA" and came across this article about Mitski written by Jia Tolentino. I thought it was a funny coincidence... if you believe in coincidences. https://web.archive.org/web/20191012100920/https://www.newyorker.com/culture/culture-desk/the-misreading-of-mitski