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In this Special Episode, we sit down with Maria Farmer, the first Epstein victim to go to the police, and discuss her experiences working as Jeffrey’s doorman and art procurer, her time at Leslie Wexners estate, and her struggle for justice afterwards.

Maria's GoFundMe  

Sign the petition 




👎 These people are FUCKING SCUM! You cannot imagine what Maria has had to deal with. Don't be fooled by this QanonCIA bullshit, this is a conspiracy in practice not in theory.

young k.a.

bad gofundme link


Yup-correct GoFundMe link is https://www.gofundme.com/f/63k6c-help-maria-farmer-beat-cancer-teammariafarmer

Tanner Notch

This is really important


Thank you guys for this. ❤️

Woke Batou


natalie foster

shit this is gonna be a BIG one


She's a hero. Appreciate this one guys.

Ira Lewy

So hard to listen to, but so necessary, this was fantastic, real hero.


trueanon only real journalists of the 21st century

Ryan Zubal

This makes me sick. All of these individuals involved will never be punished to the degree they deserve to be.


goosebumps through the while thing, we dont even really need propaganda rn.. just this and a firm grasp of lenin and the gang

Matthew Wood

Woah, really great interview ... she went to North Carolina to escape ... I’m astounded

Jimothy Realname

Hot damn, I didn't think I could hate the bourgeois pedophiles any more than I already did, but hearing a victim tell her story herself has driven my fury to untold heights. Like, imagine that unemployment graph meme, but replace the y-axis with hatred

Sean Muth

This show makes all of TrueAnon worthwhile (1-66 were already extremely worthwhile) but this is so important


a difficult episode to listen to but necessary. great work trueanon.


For real. Definitely was seeing red during this ep

Jimothy Realname

Also, not to get too conspiratorial sounding (while talking about the pedophile cabal that runs the world), but doesn't it seem awfully convenient that she got two kinds of cancer at such a young age? If I remember right, the East German Stasi would get one of their guys in the clinic while a dissident or whoever was getting a dental x-ray, and they would leave the machine on for way too long at high power, thus giving them cancer to shut them up. You've gotta wonder if this is something similar


Maybe. But I think to entertain that notion you would have to have some corroborating evidence, like if Maria or other victims had experienced a similar incident. So idk, but I like where you heads at.

Michael S. Judge (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-23 01:03:03 I wanted to put my fist thru a window the whole time. Signed the petition to oust that rat bitch Eileen Guggenheim & will donate as soon as I get my next check
2020-05-08 22:23:06 I wanted to put my fist thru a window the whole time. Signed the petition to oust that rat bitch Eileen Guggenheim & will donate as soon as I get my next check

I wanted to put my fist thru a window the whole time. Signed the petition to oust that rat bitch Eileen Guggenheim & will donate as soon as I get my next check


incredible episode


signed and donated, thank you!

Keegan Guinn

Thank you Maria for sharing your story. Never shut up!


This was heartbreaking to listen to. Thank you Maria!

Daniel Epstein

cried twice during this. absolutely beautiful ep

Tyler Kurth

holy fuck the pain in her voice when she's talked about her stolen photographs. Fucking monsters. God damn fucking monsters

Whit Armstrong

Get Whitney Webb on the pod already!!!

Whit Armstrong



A very special TrueAnon. Thank you for giving her a platform.


When she talks about her chance at having a family being stolen... so terribly sad. It's inspiring that some survivors are standing together in solidarity.

Stephen Wells

So moving and inspiring. Thank you all for your courage and love.


I’m pulling for maria with every ounce of my being. Never stop fighting

The Squash

This made me cry.

Lou TheGivingFish

Brace's discomfort with being earnest is relatable

Kelgore Trout

Where is Annie? Can she go on next??


This was so fucking hard to listen to. It brought up a lot of unexpected memories of abuse for me and I feel so heartbroken for everyone affected by this nightmare. It’s gonna be impossible to make even the most ironic jokes about anything epstein related going forward.


Thank you so much for sharing your story with us. Truly. We cannot forget the injustices of these monsters, because they win when we forget. We cannot forget. Your story will live, Maria. Incredibly rare for someone to be so courageous.


The soul in her voice when she said “I couldn’t paint for twenty five years” absolutely pierced my heart. Thank you TrueAnon for helping her story reach the world.

Ed Gardiner

This is without a doubt the most chilling and moving interview I’ve ever heard - thank you.

Malek Douglas

fuck whoever said that this podcast was just people making money off of conspiracy theories— this was more powerful than anything that they’ve ever done, bar none. bless maria.


Honestly thank you so much for this interview. After getting caught up in the da vinci code nonsense of all this it's easy to forget the human tragedy at the heart of it. Easily one of the most powerful interviews I've ever listened to, had me in tears at points, Maria is an absolute fucking hero and an inspiration.

Benjamin Cheney

Maria, the other Survivor Sisters, and the TrueAnon Trinity are all on a mission from God (in all forms/identities). This was a harrowing and tear-inducing but outstanding interview that somehow managed to end on a realistic high-ish note. Solidarity!

Kamal Ortiz

If you listen to this podcast and don't sign that petition, you're a fuckin pedophile.

Kate M

are you guys thinking of doing an episode on the wealthy fucks that enabled or straight up helped epstein and maxwell? i.e. digging deeper into eileen guggenheim, her family, and her associates?

Robby Gross

I'm not crying you're crying.

Petty Bourgeois Individualist

This will go down as one of the most historic podcast episodes in history. I was astonished at how open Maria Farmer was and I thought both Brace and Liz did great jobs at facilitating the converstation.

will h



Absolutely heartbreaking, these rich fucks deserve to rot, along with every other person who facilitated decades of violence against vulnerable people.

Kate Walchuk

cried real tears in public listening to this one 💕


So heartbreaking. Also note: the guy interviewer needs to stop talking over her. Part of interviewing is shutting up. No mhmms or shit like that

Dakota Geimer

Fuck that was a hard listen. Thank you and Maria for sharing this information with everyone.

kelly newman

at the very least someone has to arrange for her to meet with bernie, it being her dream and all


Really and truly words fail me.


This is in no way meant to sound pejorative but the mania in her personality breaks me even more. I have no way of knowing her personality prior but the cadence and mania is so unbearably familiar and heartbreaking. I’m fucked up

Lee Korotash-Gullett

she’s really a ughhh interesting personality but I’m glad she could tell her story and have courage to push back

Harry Fosdick

It's true! It's an important document of part of what happened, and now I am beginning understand what these women were always up against. The courage Maria has to speak out!

Sam Chattin

I'm going back and listening to all y'all episodes and this is 100% one of the most incredible interviews. It made me cry so much and I sent it to my mom. Y'all really make me feel sane. It really helps. Ty so much!