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TrueAnon is joined by Mark Ames of the War Nerd and Exiled to talk social collapse, Russiagate, Shock Therapy and Comrade Putin




Confirmed: Things are weirder and worse.


Please get Gary Brecher on soon!

Stephen Wells

Joe Beagent had a great essay on the American psycho strain around the Scots Irish.


Fucking awesome episode, holy shit.


This episode encapsulates exactly my disillusionment with russiagate and our current politics.

Tiburon Feliz

Can anyone point me towards some good books about the fall of soviet union/shock therapy? I'd really like to learn more about it,

Kevin Hickey

Naomi Klein’s “The Shock Doctrine” is a good place to start. I’ve also heard “confessions of an economic hit man” by John Perkins is good.

Mark Rainey

Worth the price of admission for the "Adam SkrewDriver" joke alone.....


Man... its heartening to see mark ames on trueanon. Mr Ames and co. have shaped my world view for a decade or so.

Andrey Smirnov

Great episode! Sad https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Russian_apartment_bombings and its relation to Putin's rise to power wasn't mentioned (or maybe I missed it). Seems like a perfect topic for the podcast.

Ed Mac

That was great, but too short, you know Mark is good for at least a 2 hour session based on the average War Nerd episode length.

Ed Gardiner

Great ep, loved hearing about the Yeltsin / Putin years. Would welcome another ep looking at post Soviet Russia!


Heartwarming when two faves stan each other (sorry)

Sergei Kuzmichev

Think mark hinted at it when he said "yeltsin pulled some machinations to rally support for war in chechnya"


not a patreon anymore, don't enable rapists

Charli Swyden

Croup is awful. Pediatric hospitals were full of kids with RSV in January-February in a strange coincidence.

Michael Barbarich

Jesus Christ, blippi. His music guy, nicky notes? I celebrate his entire catalog.

Charles Campbell

The 'door nerd' bit was such a loving tribute to Ames!

Isac Petruzzi

Loved this episode - more RWN synergy plz!

George Honig

Thanks for this great episode! One of the best you have done.


neat podcast :)

Jessie Cherbak

Whew boy, gonna have to listen to this one at least twice. A veritable tranche of post-Soviet history