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We chat with Marcus Barnett from Young Labour about the explosive leaked internal report claiming officials within the Labour Party actively attempted to undermine Jeremy Corbyn’s shot at 10 Downing





Bryce's English/Aussie accent is flawless.


Who is this guy n can he read me to bed

Kelgore Trout

This guy is Jerry Jackson you can not convince me otherwise

Nick Henderson

This is an excellent interview! Please talk to him again

Simia Canis

Is it literally impossible to criticize Israel without being accused of anti-Semitism?


fucked up in’nt

db (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-23 01:04:42 Chomsky please serialize episode names <3
2020-04-22 19:34:37 Chomsky please serialize episode names <3

Chomsky please serialize episode names <3

Dylan DeMarko

jesus the parallels to here are insane

Grassy Gnoll

Great interview but I disagree about Proportional Representation being a worse option to FPTP. I live on a Tory majority stronghold on the south coast and my vote simply doesn't count for shit. I still vote because I'm told it should matter, it doesn't and it won't as long as it's FPTP. So no more labour votes from me till they back PR.