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We welcome twitter.com/housetrotter back to review the timeline of events on September 11th 2001, Liz gets accused of being a ‘no-planer’ and we try to answer one of the most pressing questions: just where was Dick Cheney



Katie Potter Doula

I’m so glad you mentioned the passports. That is the moment that day that really made me question everything. That and WTC7 collapsing. I just thought none of it made any sense after that.

Maxwell Simon

Just wanna say these were not steel framed skyscrapers

Maxwell Simon

With any additional research you’ll know that these buildings we innovative in using a solid steel core and the floors with floors cantilevered off. The external structure was bundles aluminum beams which has a far lower melting point than steel. Not gonna listen cause starts sounding like confirmation bias at this point. Also talk about a conspiracy - who delivered all those explosives who just thought they were just “carrying out administrative ordered” Jesus




Is young Chomsky single?

Creeping Jeff

Amber Frost wants to go on TrueAnon can we make it happen? Edit: Phil my emotional nuts plz


This episode is truly fucking me up


Thank you, Lt. Colonel Brace and Treasury Secretary Liz.

Izak Kennedy

What do you guys think of Daniel Hopsicker, crank or legit? His shit on the Florida flight schools is real interesting

Sean Brailey

Do an ep with Robbie Martin

Doug Cartel

Fun fact, the term for all the flammable material in a given area is called the "fire load".


As much as reality hurts and bums me out, I'd rather be this way. pffthahaha. I feel sorry for my fellow Americans that have been successfully indoctrinated by our dusty-ass government, I really do 😂


A lot of what this guy says is just totally wrong and debunked. The towers did not fall at free fall speed at any point. And the fires didn't cause the collapse themselves, the floors were sagging from the damage and this buckled the perimeter columns inward, at that point total collapse was inevitable because it meant that the whole interior structure of the buildings were basically sheared off from the outer walls. That's why you can see parts of the outer walls still standing after the buildings collapsed.


Didn't thought this guest would be back for another episode. Dude liked a bunch of tweets saying TrueAnon lost all their credibility and shit after Liz appeared at Glenn Greenwald's new interview program.


I’m so fully a pentagon no planer..


Say what you will but this is all in zeitgeist the movie

some guy

I don't buy the controlled demolition shit. Like would the attack have been significantly less effective if the buildings didn't collapse? What's the motive for going through all this extra trouble?

Phil Wynter

I know y’all don’t read these 😂 but your intro was some of the deepest things said in a podcast. sure it was funny but on point. good looks 👍🏿


Relentless Picnic pod did a great ep on their visit to the Flight 93 crash site: https://soundcloud.com/relentless-picnic/ep-22-shanksville


Let’s gooooo


Can we get a link of flight 77 visualization? Cant find any


"The towers did not fall at free fall speed at any point. And the fires didn't cause the collapse themselves, the floors were sagging from the damage and this buckled the perimeter columns inward, at that point total collapse was inevitable because it meant that the whole interior structure of the buildings were basically sheared off from the outer walls. That's why you can see parts of the outer walls still standing after the buildings collapsed. " Can you cite the report claiming all of this in regards to WTC-7? It sounds like you're confusing the explanation for the twin towers with WTC-7.

Simia Canis

Most of the fuel immediately burned outside the towers, on impact. It wasn't fueling the fire from inside. You can also hear explosions and people commenting on them in live news footage.

Michael S. Judge

I think the idea of "a continuation, not an interruption" is absolutely key. These childkillers spent the entire 20th century learning their craft, engineering coups and assassinations (the Kennedys' included), and embedding themselves throughout government, and 9/11 was the instantiation of their de facto practices as the de jure law of the world. It was a coup, and it worked.


Been waiting for this. Obviously not a live show but ARE YOU STILL DOING A RADIO WAR NERD JOINT POD episode?

Simia Canis

I didn't really question the official narrative until I learned more about US foreign policy in the Middle East, and after our brutal response. Even if 9/11 happened just like the neo-cons claimed, the US used it as a cheap excuse for the same kind of imperialism it had been carrying out since about 1947.




Here's a good post w/ visualizations (link split) isgp-studies com/911-pentagon-flight-77-impact-hole-size-calculated

Jimothy Realname

lmao, you think there was something there for a plane to hit? The "twin towers" never existed. They just digitally added them into every m,ovie involving new york

Zachary White

Anyone know the name or artist for that 9/11 song?

Himbo Slice

Pancaking is the equivalent of Kennedy being shot by someone in front of him


lol I grew up and went to K thru 8 with the oldest son of that flight 93 "let's roll" guy


ehh i dont buy any of the controlled demolition shit, however i think the REAL conspiracy here is that saudi arabia was culpable, everyone knew it, and not only did the US protect them from consequences, but actually greatly enriched them. it's why there was a bipartisan bill passed to protect saudi from being sued for doing 9/11, because they did it.

Vincent Utah

I was originally skeptical about conspiracies around 9/11, but the passport and black box thing was the straw that broke the camel’s back. Jesus fucking Christ.


What do brace and liz listen to?? Please link a playlist


Yep, "back and to the left" and controlled demolition theory both stem from people not actually understanding physics


Nice shout-out to Robbie


Y’all didn’t talk about my favorite theory which is ENERGY WEAPONS

Jacob Ford

I'm keeping my third eye open and my preconceptions narrowed, but I am really having a tough time with this series. I can't tell the jokes about who "did it" from the actual facts/theories being presented. Calling out how shocked/disorganized peoples' responses were while also accusing the same of sinister careful planning. What's the actual argument? I'm genuinely curious, but confused. If you would consider a primer/summary that's more a 9/11 101 than a list of everyone's favorite incongruous facts, that'd be helpful. If that's not the TA thing, whatever. No prob. Or maybe I just need a YC song about it.


I believe they mentioned this movie when it comes to covering the events in a more organized fashion: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f81Va-GTVCo . I haven't seen this, I just remember them mentioning it at some point.

Chaz Cancleford

This is the best episode you’ve ever done please have housetrotter on at least once a week


Do you need to commit sex crimes to children to access a certain level of wealth?

Tyler Kurth

Just want to say how psychically freeing this series, and honestly this entire podcast has been for me.


Anyone else listening to Blowback (podcast about the Iraq war)? Phenomenal pairing with the TA Bush Did 9/11 series.


Lol I've also been doing that and have been thinking the same thing.


My favorite part is how much this guy sounds like Snowden


only thing you guys missed out on was the dancing israelis


Was really with you guys until this episode. There are so many holes in the way you are talking about building collapse. I have a degree in architecture. Other building fires are not at all comparable. Fire suppression systems have never gone totally out in a steel building. Steel melts much easier than anyone thinks, heavy timber performs better in fires than steel.


that is the exact way the state reacted to covid too. And imagine if the US citizens suddenly could relate to every country that the US was doing terrorism in because they had now also been on the receiving end of that exact same type of foreign state “diplomacy”? The result would be an immediate popular demand for the dismantling of the empire. Therefore new narratives and, distracting conspiracies, had to be made.


well the US greatly benefits from most things that happen to it because of their incredible skill at over time creating narratives and controlled counter narratives that distract from the actual economic and political nature of the empire.


what is the song??


There was a website they used for research on these eps that I'm trying to find. It had the word history in it. Anyone remember what it was?


click the 9/11 timeline link. its historycommons.org but it regularly goes down. as im typing this its down

James Keegan

crazy that you got David Foster Wallace on


I just don't understand how anyone could fail to remember the title of the seminal text on goat ownership: My Pet Goat.


I can't believe you didn't talk about indira singhd and ptech😭😭😭😭 that's directly right up your ally 1000%, please respond lol. This has to be addressed in another 9/11 episode. If it already is than nvm, I've been binge watching and trying to catch up with the many episodes I haven't seen and am going through as quickly as I can


One of the big propaganda operations when the truther movement happened was that the truther movement had the argument "jet fuel can't melt steel beams" the opposition to this was people saying it can WEAKEN the steel. The problem is that there is video footage of molten steel pouring out of the building for quite a while before the collapse, and many firefighters testified in interview that the heat from the rubble was so hot they could barely remove beams and that there was molten steel pouring off the I beams like a foundry. Please cite ANY source that heavy timber performs better than structural steel. Lmao what? Ok spook. You should talk to the architects and engineers for 9/11 truth, you have literally thousands of architects who disagree with you although I wish you could tell me more.


morons in this comment section who somehow think there weren't documented explosions in the towers not accounted for by airliners crashing into their upper floors

Jaron Lenz

I doubt you’ll see this but couldn’t MKUltra explain the one shitty pilots ability to suddenly fly perfectly, like in a Cessna you couldn’t have a handler activating you via phrase but in close quarters like a cockpit you could theoretically?

Jason Zysk

Brace's juul rips are soooooooo loud this ep lmaooo