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We discuss Bill Gates's intriguingly timed exit, disaster surveillance with Palantir, and Private Equity licking its lips clean of the pandemic




Thank you team TrueAnon. It’s been a privilege to listen to you guys hunt the paedos and incredibly comforting to listen to the past couple of eps and watch the live-streams. Nobody in my life is taking this as seriously as they should and I feel way more prepared thanks to you.




219 CEO's had intriguingly timed exits in January. ????


Every smart person jumped ship so they wouldn’t be stuck having to deal with defaulting companies and a collapsing stock market


To boost paranoia, after Brace and Liz mentioned duolingo, it's being advertised in my play store.

Christopher Ryan

thank you for numbering your file names fucking finally and for your service

Clark Rendall

They DID bring Scaramucci back. He's been on the news!


Oh yeah man they are lying like mother fuckers when they say that they aren’t listening


in love with that NMH interlude

Duffy Doubter

Hey you guys, I don’t know if you read these comments, but I just wanna say thanks for doing all the shows and extra live streams. You’re the best in the biz.


Thanks to TrueAnon, I was more prepared for and aware of C19 than most people around me. Absolutely love your podcast and wish you all good health.


Neutral Milk Hotel!


It was funny, my friend like last week was saying, "This Coronavirus stuff is bullshit". She call's me Saturday evening, "He just checking in about to go get a glock and a couple thousand rounds". Also, still working through this shit even though were under lockdown. Apparently my factory is essential. Fucking sucks cause I don't know if I am going to accidentally kill my older co-workers if I have contracted the virus. last thing i'm going to say is the resentment is going to be at all time high's if/when this ends and the "left" needs to do everything they can to make sure that it is directed at the capitalists and not at each other. Which is what usually happens.

Claire Jenkins

where do we sign up for the astral projection

Seth Aronovich

Despite the lies of Trump and others trying to pretend this is somehow the CCP's fault, China notified USG about the problem on January 3. Everyone knew about it not long after. Now, if anyone jumped ship in December..

Anthony Hoover

I think it would be also cool to cover the martial law during Hurricane Katrina and compare it to what we are seeing now

Vincent Utah

40:20 Not to be a fucking nerd, but the “palantir” these ghouls are likely naming their company after was the stone Saruman used to communicate and coordinate with Sauron in LotR. Don’t know if this is some weird, translucent “fuck you!” like some people assumed with the company named Shadow at the Iowa Caucus fiasco, but I just figured I would throw that out there.

sevrl bats

I mean the really ghoulish part is Sauron could also see out through it they named their data surveillance program after an evil wizard's spy marble


Bob Iger also left Disney which is weird af. Especially when they’re in the middle of a cinematic renaissance.

Justin siegal

Anyone have the link to the Bill Gates article they were talking about?

James Barron

https://www.thenation.com/article/society/bill-gates-foundation-philanthropy/ here you go!


Clement Attlee wrote this in 1920: Charity is a cold grey loveless thing. If a rich man wants to help the poor, he should pay his taxes gladly, not dole out money at a whim.


please, please do an episode on Nathan Myhrvold and his fascination with elephant tits http://nathanmyhrvold.com/index.php/travel/essay/elephants-have-fabulous-tits