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Brace and Liz enter Phase II of corona-reality, react to Donald’s COVID presser and talk through what it means to step up, resist selfishness and embrace love

war nerd episode is free here https://www.patreon.com/radiowarnerd



Ars Vulgata

You never miss


Just finished listening to Moronavirus II again, and here we are. Synchronicity is a beautiful thing.



Anastasia Cimino

I'm self-quarantining cause I have to get chemo for an autoimmune disease in 2 weeks - so if I get anything (even the cold or a normal flu), they have to postpone it. I'm so bored. Please provide extra content until March 25th, please pleaaaaase.

Eric Sheehan

Got a link to that Italian interview?


Brace should read My Struggle and do a pod about it


That’s felixs turf. I’m too busy trying to read about the Blackshirts holiday camps in northern England

Melinda S

Thanks for the pod, really appreciate you guys!


Thank you True Anon! I love your show


gweilo is Chinese pejorative slang for westerners w/ a long history - not specific to Trump or meant to insinuate he looks sick necessarily also💋 I’m in love with brace

Chachi uday

Very nice poem/music. I hope that after this social distancing and sorrow people emerge realizing that we are all connected.

Professor Jokes

DSA tier cringe. Do an episode about when you realized you were actually working for the feds ya gosh darn schizophrenia merchant.

Michael Barbarich

Brace I'm 42 and I promise I've opened for bands you love. Shit on us X'ers all you want, but we ain't all empire records dickheads.




Maybe I'm alone in this but the "anti-spite" message missed me by a mile. I am filled with spite. The anti-war movement was a marginal success and the same people who participated in it turned around and fucked our species over the course of a couple decades.


They're getting no sympathy or help from me, I hope they die and I don't care about anybody's dad. They killed a lot of people's dads, a lot of us dont have parents. Fuck them.

Torgeir Tannenwald

nothing but pure love and solidarity from Norway.


hmm low-key enjoying this legitimate excuse to be a shut in and just text everyone. hehe. Still bummed you 3 have to postpone NYC but hopefully by June everything will be back to the normal shit show so we can get back to investigating paedo guy uuuu ya


investigating pedo's* lol..

Rene Saller

Thanks for this. I upped my membership tier because I found this episode so (unexpectedly) moving. (I'm Gen X, but I have never seen Empire Records, so the generational slur missed me--at any rate, I'm also a vulgar Marxist, like Liz, who prefers class analysis to generational politics.)

Suzi Anderson



Really appreciating the level headed advice 🙏

Michael Barbarich

So, serious question here. Judging by the federal response and most of what we've seen in the private sector (oh boy! Unpaid time off! ), it's become perfectly obvious that these fucking assholes don't have a problem with what will likely be tens of thousands of preventable deaths while cutting hundreds of thousands off of any semblance of financial security. They have shown in the most flagrant ways their open disdain for us; Epstein's impossible suicide. The grossly inaccurate exit polls and open machinations of the party choosing it's candidate. Now this.... When do things get so bad that we need to just take it from them? It seems they don't give a shit if we die coughing and hungry in the street.


What is the mustard bath Liz recommends?

Thomas v evans

You guys get it though this is a revolutionary window, the failure of the federal government and the placing of this crisis on the individual has created a rare opportunity. Are police willing to risk their lives to protect property, if people take over and liberate food frim whole foods wearing signs detailing their symptoms? This is war retailers are profiting and the working poor are being left to starve. China did understand the potential of 75 million people being left to die, they clamped down on speech and instated food distribution. People are going ti have to take the neans of survival if we ever want to see a government response. Collective action gets the goods. There are not enough safe suits for the police or security guards, for the first time in nearly a hundred years people have the power

Thomas v evans

The feds will not strp in unless people take property. This is a revolutionary moment, if we are waiting for biden or the dnc we are all going to die

Thomas v evans

This is a collective problem being dumped on individuals to survive. Guess what, people are being fed fear and misinformation. Collective direct action is the only way to keep communities fed and stimulate government action food distribution. Democratic socialism is too scary for americans and social Darwinism is the private public model democratic anarchism is what we need on the streets.


Okay but seriously we NEED AND DESERVE the yung Chomsky home workout vid

Alexander Lawrie

You guys are giving us life with your podcast output recently. Keep it up and solidarity from Scotland ✊🏻

Gabo Goff

Would love some book recs?

Thomas v evans

Darwin was wrong evolution happens through mutual aid see kropotkin

James Barron

I live in Seoul, South Korea, in general people and the authorities have been taken the virus very seriously since day one. Fortunately the government have been providing lots of advice and support and there is a strong culture of rule following here. I think most people are engaging in some form of self-quarantine by avoiding unnecessary trips out. The government is rationing masks, they have made a system where you are entitled to two masks a week which you can buy from a pharmacy on a certain day of the week depending on your birthday. So when people are going out they have masks which is stopping the spread. Disinfectant spray is being sprayed from vehicles and hand sanitizer is available in most public places. Schools are closed, I'm a teacher and have been doing work from home for 3 weeks. The measures look to be working as there has been a drop in the number of new cases over the last few days. Like many people I did not take the Corona threat seriously at first so I think it's good that this podcast is encouraging people to take it seriously. My hope now is that people in Korea don't get complacent and we see a resurgence in new cases.


Here's hoping!..I also live in Seoul, but in my area, already, lots of people are starting to get their masks off, the cafes are largely full and while the national numbers are plateauing somewhat, Seoul is starting to bump up. Asset-stripped shell operation UK Ltd's behavioural modelling thing might be total bullshit quackery, but if this is for the long haul, I do think kinda speculative ideas like fatigue rates are going to have to be measured in somehow, even if - hopefully - they dont become like the bedrock of crisis management.


ugh my dad sent me a CNN article about royals in europe and how they are somehow not even very wealthy and powerful, except in Lichtenstein where the royal family receives no public funding but they are massive capitalists.

Torgeir Tannenwald

having studied ecology I would say there's a partial truth to this. I mean, Darwin definitely wasn't wrong on his main thesis, because it doesn't exclude cooperation and mutual aid as factors.


Brace, call me

Jordan J

we don't deserve liz

Thomas v evans

All any of us who care can do, is just pray for salvation. Salvation is beta testing right now, public private partnership has yet again proven that the capitalist model kicks socialist state controlled ass. the google app has harnessed the life saving tech from silicon valleys’ greatest gift to humanity the revolutionary Theranos method. When you download the app all you need to do is bleed a few drops into the power port on your iPhone or the headphone jack on androids and through the power of google and theranos or googleranos. You can know within weeks if you are exposed or have cancer, organ failure, are a lotto winner or have mentsl illness. Your blood and dna will be added to the NSA database and referenced against open police case files. You may be contacted in the future about unclaimed inheritance or free mental health opportunities. Googleranos is trust it is what we can count on when big government is busy servicing the billionaires proper care, capitalism or as both biden and trump call it socialism for the elite. Without the elite, society would crumble and the stupid blind masses would live longer and forget who they serve. Googleranos is part of the solution to everything that hurts us as people as a planet through greater systems of organization and cataloging we can fix the broken people and thus ensure a public private peace and security.

Ben Hosen

❤️ Here’s how I introduced you to my idiot normie friends on FB: “Glad to see they unlocked this one. NSFW due to occasional gross humor from Brace about eh, never mind and you shouldn't be at work anyway, but Liz is a literal angel, it says so right there in her Twitter bio. Anyway. Strangely touching. I signed up for the Epstein Brain insanity, and oh boy do they deliver on that front, but this is something different and I think valuable. I'm not some schmuck who figures every podcaster I follow is my bestie but on the other hand parasocial relationships are real in some sense. I think we'll be finding that out more and more over the next few months. I've grown to like these three people I've never met, and I found this episode at once very scary and sad but also inspiring. It's where we're at.” Thank you and take care of yourselves.

Roger Kamben

WOW.. even TrueAnon buys into the narrative, when less than 1% of deaths in Italy was healthy people. They took down the left with "Earth will catch on fire!" and now the CoronaFearTM is conquering most of alternative media too. The Ministry of Truth must be proud

Roger Kamben

Brace: "According to the latest data of the Italian National Health Institute ISS, the average age of the positively-tested deceased in Italy is currently about 81 years. 15% of the deceased are over 90 years old. 90% of the deceased are over 70 years old. 80% of the deceased had suffered from two or more chronic diseases. 50% of the deceased had suffered from three or more chronic diseases. The chronic diseases include in particular cardiovascular problems, diabetes, respiratory problems and cancer. Less than 1% of the deceased were healthy persons, i.e. persons without pre-existing chronic diseases." https://swprs.org/a-swiss-doctor-on-covid-19/

Daniel Petrovic

You are good people. Here's $5/month.


https://www.designing-history.world/theory/why-corona-matters/?fbclid=IwAR1IHpf3H_m6msQB34iRy5CwjNgpR0zjbV1jC061Nyav8sFEiFZI6bIlA60 heres some central european leftist perspective on the crisis. Luv ur pod <3

Anastasia Cimino

Where are you guys, I’m so bored ☹️


I appreciated this episode a lot, thanks team ❤️


Brace and Liz - I am a disability support worker with an elderly client


I have Facebook messaged Brace as I suck at Twitter


Would love some advice bc the government in my country (Australia) is doing jack shit


My community college equivalence tis still open


It’s got thousands of student


Would like to hear from Liz as well


I’m Charlie Kurtsman on Facebook messenger btw


no i don’t want his cringe thrust pump fitness workout


this would make this experience worse 😠😫

Andrew M

"haven't done fucking shit but sit on your ass" huh? whatever asshole.

Matt Norman

Thanks for shouting out the gaffers and other union guys in Hollywood! We aren't all Pesos!!

JJ Moffett V

I tried really hard not to cry throughout this podcast and I'm listening in January of 2022 but that last bit definitely made a tear roll down my face.