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Part two of our explosive investigation into the events surrounding 9/11/2001. Joined by truther king @housetrotter, we goad the pony of truth through the murky swamp of corruption.




Insanely relevant and wild to hear from a post covid pov


Please please please do a "Continuation of Government" episode [or Alphalfa Dinners?] 🫠

Wes Landis

first u fucking tw*ts!

Wes Landis

ew that's my actual name

Wes Landis

damn i just doxxed myself dont swat plz


Hell yes, all aboard the truth pony 🐎



Himbo Slice

When you short a stock you borrow the stock from someone sell it immediately and then buy the stock back at the lower price to give back to the person you originally borrowed the stock from


John Yoo is a professor at UC Berkeley, not Stanford


Loved it


It looks like he is either currently at both or left one for the other; hes listed as a visiting professor at the Hoover Institution at Stanford


When are you guys getting to the anthrax attacks. That shit is crazy


It’s like the point where the bush people flew too close to the sun

Frederick Von Drasek

...the Dulles brothers worked for the big NY banks that helped Germany get around the most potentially damaging effects of the reparations required by the Treaty of Versailles. The CIA and the establishment of the American security state are absolutely and completely entwined with fascism, and not just figurative, I'm a pissed off lefty calling you a fucking fascist fascism, but the true, OG shit...

kris knudson

9-11 has been a personal Rubicon I've been looking to avoid. Thank you for pushing me into an uncomfortable truth. Love you guys.


When I was in high school my presentations to the class often revolved around the 9/11 conspiracy. I was laughed at and given bad grades. Now nearly a decade and a half later, I am feeling a bit of vindication. To be fair to the teachers my presentations were lacking in depth and I never really cared to learn PowerPoint.

William Akins

“The dead motherfucker... John McCain!” 😂💀

William Akins

Thinking of MAGA culture as descendant of post 9-11 culture is accurate af

features creatures

Can anyone recommend some credible follow up reading? Or a list of sources mentioned...

Kyle Conway

was looking for this comment. an even greater simplification i was once told is: anticipating a drop in the price of a stock you sell your holdings and then rebuy it at a lower price so you've gained money while your actual holdings have remained the same

Cornelius Preston

Firstly, thanks for the pod. This whole bush did 9/11 series should be out in the open for everyone else who might come across this podcast now or in the future. OR perhaps you have plans to release them after the podcast has run it's course? Really I just think it speaks to something (9/11 truth) in a legit engaging way could counter the widespread normie belief that *anything* to do with denying the company line on 9/11 is beyond the pale kooky shit.


I had no idea about the anthrax taping up your window stuff but it led me to this dead blog about surviving the apocalypse with stuff like drinking red wine. http://preparedcitizenwsg.blogspot.com/2011/03/


I wrote an rfk assassination column for a conspiracy 'zine in the 90's - 9/11 killed our zine...

Himbo Slice

Usually a company's share price is determined by things like profit or roi or whatever but when you have a company like Amazon or Tesla that report no profit their share price operates independent of these metrics meaning the companies themselves can manipulate the share price a lot easier and thus move large amounts of money around surreptitiously


Same tbh, I started realising a few years ago that not all was what it seemed, but didn't want to think to much about it. Really the jet fuel/steel beams crowd muddied the waters so effectively you got to wonder

Jacques Robespierre

One of my favorite parts of the 9/11 commission report was the insider trading stuff. They concluded it was all anodyne and coincidental and as evidence they provided a WHOLE SHITLOAD INCREDIBLY SUSPICIOUS ACTIVITY, and then just hoped no one would notice.


What was the Book you recommended besides crossing the rubicon

Doug Cartel

This only just occurred to me so maybe you talk about this in part 3, but at the time any time the media paid any attention to 9/11 conspiracy theories the ones they spent the most time debunking were all related to assertions that the WTC was rigged to explode. Easy to disprove since, you know, the wtc was never designed to take a contemporary jet going at combat speed, but absolutely ***zero*** attention paid to the insider trading or the relationships between tenet and al Qaeda etc. They cherry picked 9/11 theories that were overwrought to shape the narrative of who the skeptics were.

Brendan Mahoney

John Yoo is uc Berkeley, not Stanford. Still getting public $$$ for being a professor of war crimes.

Peter T.

I follow sports and I don't know anything about bar stool


TrueAnon taking the Robert Caro approach to history where you keep announcing that there will be more and more segments than originally planned and I am here for it Also talk about Michael Hastings, prob murdered by CIA imo


Disconnecting The Dots by Kevin Fenton?


They don't even have to disprove anything. Just by turning it into an academic technical debate they eliminate most people without a science or engineering background from participating. When you talk about the money, it's more interesting and anyone can follow along.

N Bey

Please please do the Tesla episode

Simia Canis

David Ray Griffin wrote several books. His lectures are also available online.


You ever hear about Designated Survivor? its some weird lib show where theres some attack and the continuity of government thing is put into place. Speaking of manufactured consent ....

Alberto De Leon

does anyone have the websites that they mention in this ep?


also, the stories about how the WTC were built to sustain a plane crashing into it because a (if I remember right) B25 flew into the empire state building and the tower stood.. Idk, but before coming around to the correct conspiracy of the events I thought it was disproved by the jet fuel cant melt steel beams meme..


You’ll should get Peter Dale Scott on the Pod he may still live in the Bay Area.


What's your opinion on the David Ferrie JFK assassination connection? He sounds like he's in the TrueAnon wheelhouse as he's a paedophile that suffered from alopecia

Doug Cartel

For the sake of finding the limits of this info though i want to say: - the media didn't really need to try hard to lie about iraq since we already spent 10 years bombing him -if illegal transactions dont happened on the stock market every day then I would be surprised That's to say we should compare the events of 9/2001 to see if what happened was unusual behavior, as opposed to shit that happens all the time. For example the superpowers are constantly doing hack attacks on each other,so without more info I could not tell you if that hack attack they mentioned was a bush proxy or just a badly timed invasion by the PLA.

Phil Wynter (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-23 01:08:56 like Liz & Brave says, dirty bombs are still kind of a thing even though dirty bombs 💣 were never really a threat: https://www.timesofisrael.com/israeli-tests-find-dirty-bombs-pose-no-substantial-danger/
2020-02-28 21:38:28 like Liz & Brave says, dirty bombs are still kind of a thing even though dirty bombs 💣 were never really a threat: https://www.timesofisrael.com/israeli-tests-find-dirty-bombs-pose-no-substantial-danger/

like Liz & Brave says, dirty bombs are still kind of a thing even though dirty bombs 💣 were never really a threat: https://www.timesofisrael.com/israeli-tests-find-dirty-bombs-pose-no-substantial-danger/

Phil Wynter (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-23 01:08:54 my bad. spellcheck & me have eternal beef.
2020-02-28 21:39:05 my bad. spellcheck & me have eternal beef.

my bad. spellcheck & me have eternal beef.


Here's the historycommons timeline on 9/11 http://www.historycommons.org/project.jsp?project=911_project


Kevin Fenton's book Disconnecting the Dots can be tough to find, but here's a link to an interview he gave about his book: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cErMYgfBJ60

Marsha Pimentel

I live in Utah and you're absolute right but tack on a Cult to the Mormon church. This shit is WILD living here.

Elizabeth Bejarano

Would you guys ever do an MJ episode? I know it's well covered territory but the saga is crazy and I'd love to know if you guys think he's a scapegoat or a perp.

Clark Rendall

Which books are they referring to in these episodes?

natalie foster

Subscribed for this thank u for ur service

Vikki and Paul

Just wanted to let you guys know B*rst**l is actually fucking awful. https://archive.thinkprogress.org/barstool-sports-sexism-30cee73eccc4/

Michael S. Judge

Definitely, definitely, definitely. Oswald's primary contact/handler in the New Orleans nexus (because Ferrie knew LHO when the latter was a kid, which is ... not great), along with Guy Banister. Helped shepherd the connection of the Oswald line (and LHO was CIA and had been for years) and the Cuban exile line, which is good evidence for Cuban paramilitary involvement in the actual shooting.


u know in hindsight it seems like 9/11 was the modern america's reichstag fire


Many times when listening to episodes like these, and by that I mean those which I have very little background knowledge of, I often think it would be nice if the show notes included some links to books or articles or anything else to learn more about it.


Here is the Rick Perlstein article on the collapse of the left after 911 if anyone is interested - https://observer.com/2001/10/left-falls-apart-as-center-holds/


“From the Wilderness” the site Brace mentioned that’s down now was actually Michael Ruppert’s site, the guy who wrote Crossing the Rubicon! I’ve read a lot of his and about him, his best friend Jenna Orkin wrote a beautiful biography of him after his death called “Scout”