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We return in the New Year with literally hundreds of pedophiles in tow.




been listening to y’all’s whole back catalogue during my 12 hr shifts and i said NOOOO out loud when y’all started playing Maps by Yeah Yeah Yeahs…yung chomsky you wrong for that


Missed you crazy kids


Bappin is king

Donny morrison

Thank god it was getting lonely out here.


2020: pedos on the run

Karen Agena

Concerning pedos on the Internet, is it more expedient to have these MAPS f’ers on them out in the open where ppl can expose them or should they be completely kicked off b/c they are obviously very dangerous + spreading a dangerous message?

GoldenBoy Oe

I think by food limits he meant that toxic waste of animal farms is destroying our water supply and that only 3% of earth are croppable fields taking into consideration that a lot of them are already exhausted while we are doubling our population around every 30 to 50 years.

Carla Amalie Fledelius

The Norwegian crown princess Mette-Marit has admitted to being friends with Epstein btw

Benjamin Murray

was not expecting to hear halcyon on + on but I appreciated it

Karen Agena

Yep. In response to these reports, the Princess said: 'I never would have associated with Mr. Epstein if I had been aware of the seriousness of the crimes he committed. I should have investigated his past more thoroughly, and I am sorry that I didn't.” GTOH!

E.J. Rollins

C'mon, y'all, don't throw anarchists under the bus like that.


'uhm but yeah' 33:41

Danica Radoshevich

love this!!! i think in coopting social justice language the pedos basically reveal a larger issue in contemporary liberal rhetoric (a lot of which pretends to be lefty) - which is that it fundamentally does not understand (or perhaps even deliberately obfuscates) how power works.


LMFAO AS IF, the maps track works way too well


Where is there evidence of the CWI supporting NAMBLA? Tried looking it up and came up with nothing.

Carla Amalie Fledelius

I’m no CWI fan since I’m organized in the IMT lol but I don’t think this sounds like them. I’ll bet ya that the Spartacist League are big NAMBLA supporters. They’ve got some... interesting views on pedophilia

Juliana Cohen

Wasn’t prepared for that song at the end

Carla Amalie Fledelius

I listened to the episode again and I don’t hear them mention CWI. They mention the Sparts, someone who left the SWP, the ICFI. Didn’t pick up on CWI


I, not a pedophile, have functionally chemically castrated myself via long term opioid abuse. It’s actually kinda tight, way more time to study the blade.

Bee Swagtastic

So, I went to the same school as Todd Beamer, the dude who supposedly took the plane back from the highjackers and crashed it into a field. Something I always found interesting is that in the middle of the phone recording, Todd Beamer starts shouting, "We're going down!" and then it kinda cuts to them talking about something else. My guess is that the passengers were planning on taking the plane back before it was shot down. The phone recording was edited around to make it look like the passengers went through with their plan. And basically the only people who could know about it are a few fbi guys, the pilot who shot the thing down, the guy who edited the audio, and the airline guy on the phone with the passengers maybe.


Sorry, did Brace compare believing in the self determination of the Jewish people to being a pedo?


Interesting that you guys brought up the "Programmed to Kill"/"Weird Scenes" thing. I'd love to hear you deep dive on that...those books fucked with my head, and Mcgowan's death was hella sketchy. Not saying I buy his thesis per se, but damn it's a scary thought.


It fucks with your thyroid in a way that lowers your testosterone radically, and probably other hormones too. Depends on the opioid, the dose, and the person it can be anywhere from borderline asexuality to just lasting longer in bed.



Matthew Shelton

listened to this while in the dentist having a tooth extracted...it flew right by, thanks!

Marsha Pimentel

I love your podcast so so much i listen to it constantly at work. but with all of these little "mysterious deaths" how do you guys yourself make sure you stay safe?

Blake Patraw

listened to this on k and whippits... a good time was had