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We discuss the recent UK election’s devastating results, the spooks at the Integrity Initiative and get redpilled on Russian bots

LINKS: https://thegrayzone.com/2019/12/08/us-uk-military-intelligence-apparatus-destroy-jeremy-corbyn/




Matt Jolo

I appreciate that Liz was right in calling the UK election from across the pond but also...We're so washed here in the future. Soooo I hope those goobers who voted for the Tories are happy. Just kidding! I know they're miserable and in denial.

Max Adam

juicing is transhumanist

David Powers (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-23 01:13:10 Big shoutout to Yung Chomsky's background music & FX game, it's been very strong since he returned from his break...
2019-12-21 13:57:58 Big shoutout to Yung Chomsky's background music & FX game, it's been very strong since he returned from his break...

Big shoutout to Yung Chomsky's background music & FX game, it's been very strong since he returned from his break...

Jason Matthews

How spooky is the average social science university department, in your opinion? I attend a school with a *very* comfy relationship with Irving Oil, a state adjacent corporate rat-king, and I have a hard time shaking the suspicion that this has some bearing on academics.

Bee Swagtastic

Left Market Anarchism comes from libertarian dudes who re-read Adam Smith and realized he never actually liked capitalism that much, but thought the free market was preferable to colonial domination. So they get this idea of trying to create a "truly free" market through stuff like co-ops and unions. They see this as something that should outcompete traditional capitalist structures. They find footing in leftist circles through very selective readings of Bookchin. I sometimes use the ideology to convince my right libertarian co-workers that worker co-ops are preferable to normal business structures. Although funnily enough, they seem more susceptible to Mao than Bookchin. Not surprised the ideology is filled with spooks, it's a good way to strip leftists of revolutionary action in favor of "outcompeting" capitalism.


i went to a state university with a relatively "radical" sociology department that actively pushes horizontalist strategy and none of its faculty thinks even for a second "if i'm actually doing something meaningful for the left, why do i still have a job at a college whose largest endowment contributor is lockheed martin"


they all make the assumption that the admin "underestimated their radical potential" and meanwhile the only "leftist" orgs on campus post "radically inspirational" ads from anarchist-themed etsy shops and they call it "raising consciousness" but idk that im any better considering im a NEET with a sociology degree

Jason Matthews

Obviously campus activism has always and everywhere served as a controlled opposition, foreclosing on radical ideas by reducing them to paperwork, or worse, wallpaper for a simulacra of the university experience. What I was thinking about was a bit more conspiratorial: Irving isn't *just* a corporate partner, and the political activism I've encountered on campus isn't *just* toothless.

Jason Matthews

A slight digression: a dad in the neighbourhood works cyber security for the Canadian armed forces, and once bragged about intercepting an intrusion coming from the network of an Irving owned newspaper, which connected directly to high level state nodes. He speculated that it was either Russian or Chinese, but I'm 100% certain that it was the company itself. A few months later, our MP stepped down over a totally stifled tender rigging scandal, involving Irving's shipbuilding division. This is more nomenklatura shit.

Jason Matthews

With regard to the school...it's chronically in debt,and ripe for co-option. Although it made national news when it canned a Jordan Peterson anti-PC wannabe prof this summer, let's just say that the faculty skews red tory at best. I know that "tenured radicals" are a right wing delusion pretty much everywhere, but I get the strong sense that everyone is instructed, explicitly or otherwise, to project the line that the school is very open for business. If this is so, then I'd expect other sub-Ivy institutions have made similar concessions.


ah i gotcha now, i don't have v much to offer honestly but then again u weren't asking me in the first place so im gonna lean back and see what the trueanon troika thinks bc im v interested in their answer


Silence your phone : )


Would anyone in the TrueAnon community sign a letter to Sanders asking him to address human trafficking? Full disclosure, I have been a huge Sanders supporter for years, I give him money every month and every time the press tries to take the piss out of him, etc. Having said that, should we write him a letter asking him to address large-scale sexual exploitation, and to consider establishing not only an investigative committee on this, but a federal program to rehabilitate victims? Random thoughts.


No one talks about this in US politics. Someone should.


Agreed. It would resonate with his anti-corruption, anti-establishment message to go after what most people see as the physical manifestation of the rot in the sytem. I think, like, over half of Americans don't think Epstein killed himself. There's a reason for that, and I am absolutely 1000 percent certain Bernie was never invited to the Eyes Wide Shut party. That's really why they hate him, IMO. He's not corruptable in that way at ALL.


I definitely get your point about people targeting sex workers. I was referring to targeted child trafficking, and investigating that (which involves investigating the investigators). I am 100% in favor of legalizing sex work.


I didn't realize he voted for SESTA/FOSTA. That sucks, but I'm glad he regrets it.


Like, for example, this epidemic of children taken at the border disappearing into sketchy foster home k-holes. It's terrifying, and it needs to be addressed. Children literally getting lost in the system. Think of Virginia Roberts and her comments regarding how many of Epstein's victims didn't speak English. Just saying.


Hilarious episode title

Anastasia Cimino

I really love the intro about the Gold's Gym locker room, Brace should record every podcast on 3 hours of sleep.


thank you for talking about alexander reid ross and c4ss- had no idea that the dude who started it was a pedophile. read a bunch of that shit as a teenager before getting into marxism. i follow a few of them on twitter and they’re basic libs. also some anarchists i know parrot ross’s bullshit and have tried to smear my local dsa chapter as fascist-adjacent for having an event with blumenthal— i’m not his biggest fan but utterly ridiculous


P.S. Yung Chomsky gives me Cylob vibes in the best way. He's insanely talented. (And I fuckin LOVE Cylob)

Sam GL .

Always knew Russiagate would be turned back on the left smh

Benjamin Cheney

Max Blumenthal is generally pretty good but I wonder how many times he met his dad’s close friend’s close friend Jeff 🤔

Sean Brailey

If it’s Bernie vs trump, he has got to mention trumps friendship with Epstein in the debate.


Re listening to this after Truss has just been appointed PM and looking back the True Anon analysis was the sanest and most far sighted on offer - all there is to add is the now revealed influence that Starmer and his circle had on directing Labour’s Brexit policy - but of course this knowledge wasn’t shared outside of the Labour shadow cabinet of the time.