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Liz and Brace talk with @mcrumps from the frontlines of the Groyper war about BAP and new developments on the dissident right



used to be steve

I'm not 100% if it's because I slept about 4 hours last night, but I can't tell what the fuck Mr.Crumps is saying... except the "likes"

Tanner Notch

I had a hard time as well. What was the name of the playwright who’s biography he’d read, from near the end of the ep?


"Groyper, barely knew her" Kind of hard to understand the guest although i know Young Chomsky is incredible on the 1's and 2's


Very hard to follow Crump, but I’m more confused on the random episode to cover frog politics. Seems like a long podcast and a lot of work to cover a trendy thing that won’t be relevant for long. Interview could’ve been done in 20 minutes or less. If you’re here for Epstein related material skip this one.

David Powers

This is the book mentioned: https://www.amazon.com/Life-Lies-Bertolt-Brecht/dp/0002553864

Peter T.

would have to agree with you Brady Wade

Samuel Ferguson

Honest feedback, you all put out great content but this episode sucked.

Bong Bong

I'd never heard of Nicholas Fuentes before. There is some pod somewhere that produces these pinch-faced little rightwing weasels with regularity-- they all look like David Spade in PCU but much meaner.

Astro Thirst

oops just spent 30 (40?) mins scrolling @bronzeagemantis's feed.

Kit Lamb

Huh, I honestly do not understand what the fuss is about, while it was a little muffled I could hear and follow crumps fine. I was looking forward to it after seeing Mike's tweet and I think if you don't see how developments in alt right and neoreaction are related to developments in conspiracy culture and disillusionment then you're not doing your citizen research

Dan Davis

I almost only comment on stuff that I like. This is s rare exception. This episode is not your best, gang. It's better than any content I've put out lately - which for the last 6 months amounts to zero. You get points for cranking out another episode. But, here goes: Sound quality? Everything's better w/ earbuds. Any other way, I totally believe everyone who sez the guest was unintelligible. Content? The topic was regarding an idea that resides in such a narrow niche that I was convinced that it was a Joe Frank style put-on.

Brad Snow

What kick started the far right in America was an extremely sketchy and factually-challenged youtube docu that went crazy viral in the conspiracy circles around 2013 or so. So many people you'd never expect jumped on board the Hitler apologia train, and it just festered from there. It was a MASSIVE boost to explicit fascism, the alt-right wouldn't be what it is now otherwise.

Kit Lamb

Hm, I don't really think there was one recent, kickstarting cause that spawned the recent louder and explicitly fascist new right/alt right. Seems to me more like a long strange brewing that you can track throughout developments on the intellectual right.. What doc are you referring to, though? I'd guess it was a factor


Hadn’t heard of Groypers, but glad for the episode because when they elect a president at least I’ll have heard of them.


Attention People: this is a good episode. Ongoing mutations of online reaction have proven influential and even decisive politically and culturally. Eat your vegetables and keep up with what’s happening.


Anybody catch the name of the podcast mccrump mentions at the end, jouissance something...?


my friends...you are making 20 Gs per month off a hobby. *pleez* pay someone like 20 bucks to turn off your mics while your guest is talking, or at least edit out all the lipsmack/breathing sounds that are front and center/louder than the guest. nagl in general but for the misophones out there it makes this very good and interesting (patron-only) content unlistenable ;_;

Mike Penix

We went to middle and high school together. There's something sus about that town between my old ass dentist who's a spitting image of the towns slaveholding founder and with the same name with a g replacing the c to boot. Beyond that it's literally named the farm in french