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After months of anti-Palestinian repression, raids, arrests, and pictures of crusty antifa types with Israeli flags, we attempt to figure out the roots and solutions to the philosemitic fever gripping Germany’s media and political class.

In part two we take a closer look at Angela Merkel’s stated staatsräson, memory culture, anti-deutsche, and the rise of AfD.



Burger king man

Yung chomsky you polk too hard they’ll kill you

Kurt Brendel

Germany commits the holocaust, gives only lip service to denazification afterward, becomes Israel's arms supplier, somehow how positions itself as a moral authority on the basis of its committing historic crimes, then gives unconditional support to a state whose actions have quite obviously veered into genocide, criminalizing free thought. Wrong on all counts. One disgrace after another


So Antideutsch are like… German Paul Mason, right?


LOVE THIS SERIES. My wife and I have been living in Berlin for the past 9 years, and the anti-Deutsch stuff is always breaking my brain. My "sane" german punk/hardcore friends say in the past few years there has been a "takeover" by the anti-Deutsch contingent to be the "voice" of the left, while the majority of people in the scene are not supportive. But the dialogue has gotten so divisive, that a lot of people on the left are scared of even talking about Palestine for fear of being label anti-semitic. Having a "discussion" about Israel is in itself anti-semitic among certain circles. The mind gymnastics of the anti-Deutsch is so crazy that a friend's band got "banned" from a squat venue in Halle in the mid-2000s because they had anti George W. Bush lyrics during the Iraq war?!?!? As a german friend said the Anti-Deutsch are so anti Germany they have come all the way around to being the most stereotypically German in their arrogance and belief they are the only ones who can differentiate right from wrong. Also, my wife is Jewish, so while the official government position is pro-Israel, the day-to-day ignorance and dismissiveness of the actual Jewish people in Germany by Germans is crazy. Germans are NIMBYs for Jews. Love the podcast, keep up the good work.

Alec Gutteridge

Liz, the defining quality of the german is a lack of self awareness, not just their politicians