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  • Diving_front_ctrls.mp4
  • Diving_front.mp4
  • Diving_back.mp4



Whew, so yeah, October was crummy for me. Had a car accident, had to take in a relative for a while. But I did make some progress in November! Same diving board scene, this time with movement in space and interaction with the board. Getting everything looking right with the bouncing and movements (some things still don't) is harder than it looks and is a little slow going but I think I've got it looking... almost passable? It's still a work in progress. Going back and correcting mistakes is tough but necessary. Animation is hard yo. XD

I rendered out two different angles and one with the controls visible, just in case someone wanted to see. Enjoy! Thanks so much for sticking with me! Mailed rewards are going out this week.





Always happy to hear from you! Wishing best of luck on these next few weeks~

Eric Kimber

Always happy to see any progress, your health comes first though! Always happy to support you as well ^^