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Hello beautiful patrons! I wanted to give an update on the progress of A Walk Down The Street. The main render is done! While I was thinking about it I decided to make an alternate angle to include, so I animated that and will be starting the render tonight. That should take a few days and then all I need to do is cut it all together and add sound effects! Exciting times.




how much ram do you have for rendering? or is it a cpu that's needed for it?


CPU is the limiting factor but I think this shot will render faster because there is a lot less geometry to process (less calculations to do.)


Oh! So we'll get to see the pure bliss and pleasure on her face from her paws stepping down on humanity? That would definitely be great. :3 AND we get sounds effects of her crushing paws too?! :D This is all so fantastic. <3


You hurt me greatly with that expression on her face. Oh man, just not fair, dude.


I hope for a app make my own person


I guess we have a *slight* bottleneck for rendering there... Does Maya work better with Intel or AMD?


Maaaan, glad to see her again! It's been ages since we saw that animation and now, seeing it in all it's glory is just fantastic! And Nariko is her name? Lovely! And I am more than happy to know now that your upcoming animation will feature her. Damn, I can't wait! :D