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Hello everyone!, wanted to do this update to give you a head up about Patreon’s new tax requirements starting July 1st 

If you want more in depth info: https://support.patreon.com/hc/en-us/articles/360043055071-New-Sales-Tax-Requirements-on-Patreon

But basically Patreon will add sales tax to the pledges starting with July’s payment, like 4% to 11% in most US, but theres a list to see other countries as well.

 I went and moved some settings so the added tax should be either nothing at all to bare minimum. but I do advise you to go the link above for specifics.

Do ask me anything and I’ll try to answer if I can :) 

Also, completely reasonable to remove pledge if they do add more than expected, but do leave a note so I know I should mess with the settings more to save you guys money.


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