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Poll #3

  • Yeeee Go for it 41
  • Nahh dont :( 29
  • I will actually leave if you start drawing guys (Serious answer) 4
  • 2024-05-18
  • —2024-05-19
  • 74 votes
{'title': 'Poll #3', 'choices': [{'text': 'Yeeee Go for it', 'votes': 41}, {'text': 'Nahh dont :(', 'votes': 29}, {'text': 'I will actually leave if you start drawing guys (Serious answer)', 'votes': 4}], 'closes_at': datetime.datetime(2024, 5, 19, 3, 0, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2024, 5, 18, 1, 4, 17, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': True, 'total_votes': 74}


How are guys feeling about male werewolf TFs?

I might want to start branching out, but maybe some people are strongly against it? I will still mainly be a female werewolf artist, but if requested or comm to do so, I wouldnt mind trying new things :o


Isaiah Fernandez

Not my thing but I’m sure others would enjoy it

Chad Hundley

Not why most of your subscribers are here, maybe go with skin rip types of transformations. Or start a comic series.


Skin rip could be interesting to think about :o Like I said, Im stil going to be a main female werewolf artist, I asked so if I draw a male here and there, people wouldnt be surprised. More so to "expand" my audience. And about a comic series, well I have comic comms I need to work on, but a full on comic series, that might take me a while (Im not a fast nor good writer xD)